Ethics Notions about Good and Evil

I think some people born with some tendencies to be good and bad. It's about how empathic are they
Good and Evil are nothing more than labels we created to symbolize energetic states so we could better connect this information to our conscious mind. Think of it as an abstraction from more complex information. Similar to an App. An app is nothing more than an abstracted user interface to control the flow of electricity. Your brain operates in the same manner.
I reject the philosophical notion, that there is no objective standard of "good" and "evil", thus that it is all subjective. Relativistic views of morality are quite fashionable these days. If there is not such thing as objective "good" or "evil" that means the moral judgment that oppression, slavery, racism, or genocide are wrong, is only relatively true or false to some particular standpoint. There were people and cultures who saw nothing wrong with slavery or oppressing and exploiting an entire population that was weaker than oneself. So in these cultures, slavery or oppressing people was not morally wrong or evil. When going by moral relativism then what goes on within a society should only be judged by the prevailing norms of that society. This is very problematic.
I think a lot of earlier religions had many mischievous gods or spirits that weren't necessarily viewed as pure Evil, but it seems like Evil is a later concept. Take Set he was a God we may consider Evil by today's standards for killing Osiris, but he was still believed to have served a purpose in the Ancient world, he represented the destruction that is sometimes necessary for new life or ideas to take root.

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