"My language difficult." What does it mean?- OFFTopic about nice asses


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learning chinese is diffucult in pronouncation mostly as im finding out for myself from my chinese friends, but up to now i have managed to learn sm basic phrases ranging from you are cute to you have a nice derriere :p
Duo said:
learning chinese is diffucult in pronouncation mostly as im finding out for myself from my chinese friends, but up to now i have managed to learn sm basic phrases ranging from you are cute to you have a nice derriere :p
Now that's really something to be proud of: "I can say 'Nice ass!' in ten languages!" :D
Oh-la-la ! Do I sound 'ridicule' to you?

I gotta go now, but can someone tell me how to say 'Nice ass' in French?

Can French speakers tell I am not a Francophone if I say,
"Oh-la-la! Vous avez les belles fesses !"

Note: When Anglophone-Canadians try to imitate French, they always start with "Oh-la-la this... or Oh-la-la that..."

How did a fine question come to this: fine ass??? :(
Sally_Hawn said:
Can French speakers tell I am not a Francophone if I say,
"Oh-la-la! Vous avez les belles fesses !"

There is almost no chance for a non-native speaker to pass for a native French speaker because of quite unique sonority and intonation of French. English is also hard to pronounce for non-native but because there are so many accents and most English-speaking countries are immigrant countries, there is a margin of tolerance (which doesn't exist at all in French). Only Parisian French is standard and any other accent is dismissed as "provincial" (read "dialectical" or just "wrong"). That is partly why French people make so much fun of Quebecois, which sounds like a very strong foreign accent (maybe stronger than a typical English accent in French).

French people are not tolerant when it comes to speaking their language, and that is partly why French has been replaced by English as a world language. French is and will remain and elitist language (also because it is more difficult and irregular than about any other languages).

Back to your sentence, you should say "Vous avez de belles fesses" ("des" instead of "de" is also possible grammatically, but unnatural), although between young people it will be "tu as de belles fesses", or going more informal "t'as un beau cul !" (and don't even try "oulala" with this last one :sorry: ).
Oui oui. T'as un beau cul !

Merci beaucoup, Maciamo.

Et oulala!!! Je pense que le Francais est la langue la plus belle du monde. :cool:
Thanks for the guidance Maciamo !

I agree with you - forget the "Oulala" ...... but, if I recall ... a long low whistle could do wonders for you ...... !

Ah ! Memories ! :) :blush:

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