Life on other planets?


... nevEr mind, ....

It does matter and a lot I have seen too many things in the sky during these months.

You can feel the calm and silence that this pandemic has left, that is momentary and will be nothing to come with.
Life on the other planet Earth (parallel universe)

Life on the other planet Earth (parallel universe)

Really another world. So who likes it already knows what to do ...
Really another world. So who likes it already knows what to do ...

Teleportation ? but where and when?

to coronavirus planet Earth?
or to Lybia & Syrria planet Earth?
Teleportation ? but where and when?

to coronavirus planet Earth?
or to Lybia & Syrria planet Earth?

I wouldn’t mind a replicator too,

Captain Jean-Luc Picard said that it shares its basic technology with the Transporter.

“mamma’s Lasagna, Hot” :grin:
Teleportation ? but where and when?

to coronavirus planet Earth?
or to Lybia & Syrria planet Earth?

I don't know if there can be somewhere right now
Yes. Anything is possible. If life happened here then why not somewhere else.
... on Sunday, Feb. 21:

American Airlines confirms FBI involvement after potential​ UFO sighting

American Airlines confirmed on Tuesday that the FBI is aware of a potential UFO sighting reported by one of its pilots.

"I hate to say this but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing moving really fast. It went right over the top of us," the pilot added ...
Sometimes they appear out of nowhere, you don't see where that thing that crosses the sky came from.

They camouflage themselves as if they were stars, but anyone who has removed ticks or fleas from their dog or has had crabs knows how to identify them in the sky immediately.

I don't know what to think about their intentions or I prefer not to know.
Sometimes they appear out of nowhere, you don't see where that thing that crosses the sky came from.

They camouflage themselves as if they were stars, but anyone who has removed ticks or fleas from their dog or has had crabs knows how to identify them in the sky immediately.

I don't know what to think about their intentions or I prefer not to know.

Are your past lives regression memories limited to Planet Earth?
Thanks to then-President Trump stealth ninja action ;) in 4 - 5 months we'll know a lot mores about UFO,

“Advanced Aerial Threats"

CIA begins declassifying UFO documents as stipulated by $2.3 trillion COVID bill!

... On Dec. 27, then-President Donald Trump signed a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, .... included a rarely-discussed section that gives the Central Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon, the FBI, and other spy agencies 180 days to provide documents regarding unidentified flying objects (UFOs) ...
... on Sunday, Feb. 21: American Airlines confirmed on Tuesday that the FBI is aware of a potential UFO sighting reported by one of its pilots. "I hate to say this but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing moving really fast. It went right over the top of us," the pilot added ...
It's like Trump said he was coming back ...!?
Life on other planets has been spoken of for centuries, but it has never been proven.
Life on other planets has been spoken of for centuries, but it has never been proven.

The contrary has not been proven either.

... I hope I'm not responding to a bot, ... or else I'm not an intelligent life form :unsure:
The point is that up there is an alien nation in ships waiting to settle on our planet, what can we do my God, the encounter can happen at any time, by then we are already trained to confine ourselves, this is going to happen.
Diagram illustrating the UFOs that have been circling US Navy Ships.

Drawn and signed by Bob Lazar, famous for working at Area 51.(it ain’t cheap) :grin:

Propulsion is achieved through a “gravity engine”.

Electrical Engineers knock yourself out. Fueled by disks of stable Element 115 .


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