How do you feel about Euthanasia?

I'm against euthanasia. Euthanasia is immoral and against the Hippocratic Oath.
monrepo said:
I'm against euthanasia. Euthanasia is immoral and against the Hippocratic Oath.

Yes, but how much relevance does the Hippocratic Oath have in modern times? Over the years it's been changed. I believe in situations where the doctor knows that the patient's condition will never improve. Even if the doctor has done all she/he could to keep them healthy and alive.

Do you believe there exceptions to the rule where euthanasia may the only option?
monrepo said:
I'm against euthanasia. Euthanasia is immoral and against the Hippocratic Oath.

Could you explain in detail why you think it is immoral. Is suicide also immoral for you ?

There is nothing in the Hippocratic Oath that prevents doctors from easing the death of patients who request it.

The Hippocratic Oath is against abortion, but abortion is legal and commonly practised in almost all Western countries (except Ireland and a few others) and most of East Asia (including, Japan, Korea and China).

My favourite part of the Hippocratic Oath is this one, showing how irrelevant it is in todays' world :

In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves.
Ma Cherie said:
Do you believe there exceptions to the rule where euthanasia may the only option?
No. Euthanasia is not and should never be an option.
Maciamo said:
Could you explain in detail why you think it is immoral.:
Euthanasia is a "refined" method applied by doctors in order to kill patients in the name of "free will".
Is suicide also immoral for you ?:
Suicide is the worst thing a person could do to him/herself.
There is nothing in the Hippocratic Oath that prevents doctors from easing the death of patients who request it.:
Hippocratic Oath said:
I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art..:
monrepo said:
Euthanasia is a "refined" method applied by doctors in order to kill patients in the name of "free will".

Would you mind actually reading what has been posted before in the thread before posting irrelevant messages.

Suicide is the worst thing a person could do to him/herself.

Who are you to judge that. Maybe it is what you think personally about your life, but not everybody agrees. You might change your mind once you get some disease that gives you excruciating pain all day long for years on end, with no chance of ever getting better.

You must not have the original version of the Hippocratic Oath.

Anyway, Hippocrate lived a long time ago, didn't know anything about modern medicine, didn't know many medical conditions existing today, and was a doctor, not a universal lawmaker, nor a particularily enlightened philosopher...
The translation of the Hippocratic Oath you've posted has mistakes.

I care none for the rest of your comments.
I believe that euthanasia is perfectly fine if permission is granted from the suffering man or woman.

I think Duo had a great comment "If one has a right to life, then one has a right to death"

Well said.

As for animals. I believe that the owners should look at the quality of life their pet is living. If they are ill or injured (a potential for full recovery) but can eat on it's own, and seems to enjoy itself at times, then I feel that it should be up to you. If you don't want to take care of a sick or injured dog, first look and see if someone else will. If not, then it's in your hands. But if the dog can't move, won't eat, and seems to be suffering. Then I think it's justified and that you should euthanize the animal.

Pretty soon I will put my dog to sleep. Other than being blind, she is getting alzheimers disease and gets stuck in corners. She urinates all over the place, and just doesn't seem to know what's going on at all. She can't enjoy herself. It's really sad. So I think euthaniasia is the best thing for her.
Oh, I'm sorry about that Ota. :(

Yeah, sometimes I wonder if it's worth having a pet, then go through their death. But I think that pets make life bearable. So I think it's worth it.

Nice to talk to you again Ma Cherie.

See you around!
Before discussing such serious topics, I would like people to set their moral prejudices aside. For me, God is not the best adviser on such matters.

Phrases like 'It is immoral and wrong. Consequently it must not exist.' seem to me absurd. It is just one of the views on life. Why does the person who say so think that his/her standpoint has more rights to exist than someone else's standpoint? I reject all moral imperatives and all gods who dare moralise.

Maciamo is the only man in this thread I totally agree with. He seems to me to be a free spirit without moral prejudices.

'If we have the right to life then we should also have the right to death.'

Sounds well. I also believe that if human beings have a right to give birth to children, they also have a right to slay (anyone). That is, if they have a right to create life, they also have a right to snuff out it. Here I stand.
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