Greatest German contributions to the world ?

What is/are Germany's greatest contribution(s) to the world ?

  • Beer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sauerkraut & sausages

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Philosophy (Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger...)

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Classical music (Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann, Wagner, Strauss...)

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • World's first pocket watch

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • World's first petrol/gasoline engine, diesel engine, motorcycle and Jet engine

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Cars (BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Porsche, VW...)

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • World's first light bulb, TV, LCD screen

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Electric appliances & electronic goods (Siemens, Bosch...)

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • Aspirin & other pharmaceutical products

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dogs (dachshund, german shepherd, doberman, rotweiler...)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Strike three!!!! :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:

Being you Canadian, you probably be interested in knowing that Bombardier is doing some good things here.

Strike four!!!! Sirius. Not that you were to know but I am not Canadian - I just live and pay taxes here. The Eupedia questionnaire asks where one lives and does not elicit further clarification so that's where the deficiency lies.
However, not all is lost because I did used to work for Bombardier as it happens - and for de Havilland some time before that. Glad to hear Bombardier is creating jobs in Mexico anyway.
Just for curiosity crudshoveller, what nationality do you identify yourself?
nationalistic stuff

Just for curiosity crudshoveller, what nationality do you identify yourself?

Ah, I am Englander. I have Britisher EU passport for when I visit to the foreigners and distant parts of our oblate living-shere.

Thank you for your kind interest LeBrok.

I live between Alliston and Barrie in Ontario - retired now but formerly worked here in aerospace in Montreal and Toronto. Good news for Canadian aerospace with than big aircraft order yesterday, eh?

Lots of easy-come-by informations here eh? One has to take care though, as much of it must be taken with a pinch of salt (as we Englanders say when confronted with shady fact).
Crudshoveller, are you deliberately writing in a non-standard form of English? Do you speak in this fashion?
I like this thread... but I think that the issue about the German economic system has not been developed.

In particular, it would be interesting to discuss why some countries in the West could manage to keep their industrial base when contronted with Asian competition and others simply don't.

I think that it has to do with the presence or absense of social considerations and the understanding that Reality is complex and the "simplicity" of neoliberalim and specially Monetarism, are only a facade of the Financial Capital to appropiate the resources of the countries in a destructive an negative way in the long term.

In front of that, the simple XVII Century-style Mecantilism of Chinese works fantastic... no to mention the "Japan Inc." and South Korean models of development.

Germany is doing OK in industrial and export competitiveness for a number of reasons. Mostly because it didn't allow (as of today) its state-social structures to be dismantled in the same manner, as, say, the USA.

John Logie Baird invented the TV didn't he? He was British
And I'm sure the first light bulb was invented by British chemist Humphry Davy
The modern light bulb has over 22 people claiming to have invented it.

PS German cars are f*****g awesome!!
For me the biggest german contributions are following:

Nikolaus Otto – inventor of internal- combustion engine. All cars to date are powered by this type of engine, except of a few failed electric ones. This invention allowed Mercedes to manufacture the first automobile in the world.

Albert Einstein

Messerschmitt Me 262 – the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. All jet-aircrafts today use the same principles of this plane.

Wernher von Braun – inventor of ballistic missiles. His developed system was used in rocket Saturn ˅ which took a man to the moon. All American, Russian, Chinese spacecraft launchers today use the same principles

Hans Bethe: Nuclear physicist and Nobel laureate in physics 1967. During World War II, he was head of the Theoretical Division at the secret Los Alamos laboratory which developed the first atomic bombs.

Sigmund Freud: Neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis.

Levi Strauss: The German American father of blue jeans and many more.

Also things like: aspirin, paraffin, Frankfurter Würstchen, X-ray, musical instrument accordion, temperature scale Fahrenheit, modern motorways (Autobahn), helicopter, radar and many more.

Maciamo what made you to put Marx in pool among philosophers, the creator of basis of the worst plague in history of mankind - communism?
Maciamo what made you to put Marx in pool among philosophers, the creator of basis of the worst plague in history of mankind - communism?

I don't know if communism was as bad a plague as Christianity or Islam, but I agree that it wasn't a good societal model. But you are right, I will delete him from the list, even though he can be considered a philosopher.
1. Other - Carl von Clausewitz. "Theory of War"

Also, I don't know that the emotional response describing Christianity as a plague makes much sense, especially given the fact that within the top 20,000 German achievements, 90% were made by men nominally Christian.
1. Other - Carl von Clausewitz. "Theory of War"

Also, I don't know that the emotional response describing Christianity as a plague makes much sense, especially given the fact that within the top 20,000 German achievements, 90% were made by men nominally Christian.

Christians can't be scientists. Science goes against the most fundamental beliefs of the Bible. Anybody who claims to be a Christian and a scientist at the same time is a hypocrite.

For example a recent survey found that one third of Americans didn't believe in evolution (hence also in genetics, hence also in biology, hence also in biochemistry, hence also in chemistry, etc.). Among White Protestants, 64% were convinced that humans never evolved, that all "races" or regional variations were created by God just as they are today. Of the 27% of White Protestants who believed in evolution, the majority said that evolution was not natural by guided by god. In contrast the three quarters of non-affiliated Americans (not necessarily Atheists though) believed in evolution, and most of them in natural, genetic evolution.

Religions are a bunch of superstitions. But some religions are worse than others. The dogmatic, all-knowing and proselytising ones like Christianity and Islam, in particular, have played a direct role in doing all they could to thwart scientific reasoning and progress. Humanity has lost centuries in scientific development because of the hindrance caused by religious brainwashing and religious persecutions. In contrast communism has had mostly a negative impact on the economic and democratic development of a few countries (Soviet bloc, China, North Korea, Cuba) for merely a few decades, not centuries. This is why Christianity and Islam have definitely plagued the world far more than communism.
Religious people tend to have lower I.Q.'s. Or they're just smart people pretending to be dumb 24/7. Hope makes us dream up a lot of strange fantasies XD
Other - Realpolitik. Thank Bismarck and Konrad Adenauer for that.
Best contribution from Germany is... drum role please... her people. What else could it be?

Regarding German music I've got: Bach, Pachelbel, and Orff. And to the commenter who spooks from listening to O'Fortuna too loudly-- I've got the cure-- Nena's 99 Luftballons! (German version of course).

P.S. Nena is now in her fifties and looks fantastic.
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From my distant observer point of view, I see them as a culture focused on order, quality and efficiency. They also have considerable amounts of productive land, people, and resources. So it is the right combination for being competitive in anything they choose to be. Also, whoever has messed with them, has seen things get really messy...
European population control. At the midcentury as result of medicine advancment population of Europe exploded out of control. Germans did somthing about it. Killed 60 milion directly or indirectly, and cleaned a lot of undesirables. There are all over Europe cemetaries that carry German signature. No mater what Germans will do or have done they will remember for ever for the above contribution.
I see we have a nazi sympathizer over here, "killed a lot of the undesirables". They killed 60 million, a good thing from Albanopolis's point of view.
I see we have a nazi sympathizer over here, "killed a lot of the undesirables". They killed 60 million, a good thing from Albanopolis's point of view.
Adamo! I don't think you are serious! How can one with right mind, and my age, sympathise with killings! But that's the bitter truth, Adamo! When Germany is mentioned the first thing comes to mind is not Bethoven, Laibnitz or Werner von Brown!

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