Favourite Words


The Hairy Wookie
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Okay, I started a thread on annoying phrases. This one is a more positive one. Are there any words that you like. Make you smile when you hear them, or sound like joyful words? They can be from any language and can be everyday words or slang words (nothing to rude). You can give reasons if you want to.
Just to start the ball, I like the word 'Squiffy' meaning to be drunk. Can be used as, 'Too much wine makes me a bit squiffy'. I think it is a lovely word that seems to conjure up 1920s England 'Jeeves and Wooster' type. :wave:
Discombobulated... it's fun to say. :p
I love 'Jeeves and Wooster'! ^-^ And that makes me think of the old guy in 'The Fast Show' who speaks with an incomprehendable upper class accent and ends his speech with '..and of course i was very, very drunk..' :hihi:

I cna't think of any favourite words form English but in Finnish my favourite word is 'solina ' which means the sound of water in a fountain or a small stream, for example.
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I remember, a few years ago, David Letterman's "Top Ten" list - of words we would all love to hear spoken by (actor) James Earl Jones....

I adored "Mellifluous"


this is my fav word:


this is dutch for "Being in LOVE" .
the word makes me happy, and sometimes i do fall in love again at my girl ( aaaah... **** Fall from my chair...)

Verliefd zijn, op de liefde van je leven
(being in love, at the love of your life) :)
Ok, these are not funny but i think they look and sound nice, and they give nice associations.

Vintergatan (milky-way or whatever it's called in english, space stuff)

Sommar (Summer)
i prefer word parodies, my favourite being:
Testiculation = Waving your arms around talking a load of b0110cks.
sgt. Pepper said:
Ok, these are not funny but i think they look and sound nice, and they give nice associations.

Vintergatan (milky-way or whatever it's called in english, space stuff)

Sommar (Summer)

will du knulle is funy :blush:
oh... i have some...

noob - it means a novice to a certain game

le ciel - the sky

jologs - this is what we call people with no fashion sense...
In French: ciel, aveugle, incendie, and... maybe it's cheating coz it's a whole phrase, but 'crible de balles' (haven't figured out special characters for accent aigu, duh...).

In English, I really like the words razzle, keg, spiky, decimation, hence, and drive.

In Japanese, I like, erm... ringo, tango, kaerimasu, kizu and itai (which is excellent for shouting and for song choruses!).
dutch baka said:
will du knulle is funy :blush:

Or not. ;) You'd get slapped if you said that to a girl. :cool:

Btw, the correct spelling is "Vill du knulla".
i just said it one time to a swedish girl, and i DIDNT get slapped gna gna
dutch baka said:
i just said it one time to a swedish girl, and i DIDNT get slapped gna gna

Well, there are different kinds of girls...did she ask for money after? :p
I prefer to laugh at words in another country that when spoken sound like funny things in english... e.g my tour guide in Cambodia has a business on Kok Sak Road... or the precious 'engrish' on packaging and more often cake boxes. Mass produced typo's such as 'Loasted Seaweed' Also I once received an email with signs... one restaurant in (I think) Vietnam was called 'Phat Phuk' See they are so sweet you just have to smile :)
I love cussing in foreign languages :p

Spanish: punyeta!!! santa mierda!!! estas ya muerto

French: Merde!!!

German: Ermordung, Schweib

Japanese: Kisama!!! shine bakero!!!

And my personal favorites: PUTANG INA MO!! BWISIT KA!! JOLOGS!! ULUL!! :)

sorry bout that guys, but I really needed to release this pressure...

by the way, Phuket sounds a lot like f*ck it. And wasn't "Liefde" the 1st Dutch ship to land in Japan?



Lingua Latina



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