Could have Goths been of Scandinavian R1a

The etymology of Visigoth, at least the Vesi part has been suggested (by Mallory & Adams) to trace back to Proto-Germanic *wesuz from Proto-IE *h₁wésus, which would be cognate of Proto-Celtic *wesus, Italic goddess Vesuna and Sanskrit vasu, all having some rough meaning of "good" or "excellent". The Visigoths most certainly were not one of the Sea People, the Sea People in all likelihood are an Eastern Mediterranean people (Philistines show Aegean ancestry), at this time the Visigoths, or any Goths were not known.

The etymology for "Germanic" is not totally agreed upon, however it is likely it comes from a Gaulish term, which considering the context of Julius Caesar's writings that would make far more sense than the etymological route you have given.
*wesuz is a pseudo word, without any real base and created only to build a *pseudo history. You just try to ignore the real Gothic word Vesi to replace it with some *pseudo. This is very typical pseudo science and pseudo linguist Finnish N1c -Mongoloids like Jaakko Häkkinen are doing when they try to "prove" them (N1c) as original Finnish and Goths etc. as original "IE-speaking". However, N1c- types are genetic isolates in Finland and in Europe and they just don´t fit in to the picture in anyway.

You don´t seem to understand that Goths, or originally Katti, Chatti, Gatha(some clan or trait)Vesi etc. was a very ancient tribe, which developed in Khemi aka Ancient Egypt as did all the Aryan tribes Vanais, Rus etc. They just didn´t pop up on Rome or Viking boats from nowhere, but had already history of c. 2700 before Visigoths become known in Central and South Europe. Visi is just a Latin form of Vesi. :useless:

And yes, one group of the Sea People originated from Greece, being subdued by Danai (Vanai, Vanir). But most of the Sea People Lukka, Teres, Ruka, Wesh (Vesi), Danai etc. were Finno- Aryan people. Is it that hard? :useless:

There was a clear difference between IE-speaking hunter-gatherers (R1b and I) and R1a- farmers/ metal cultural, developers of sciences Aryans in antiquity. They just didn´t mix with IE-hunter-gatherers, or very seldom, hardly ever in Europe. Every anthropologist can tell you this. Nowadays there is a real problem because these R1b, I and lately also N1c present themselves as "especialists" with Aryans´history and culture. Please, they´re just ignorant crap. Really.
I don't follow anything you're saying, do you have any citations for your claims?
Visigoths called themselves Vesi, which is a very ancient word. Their ancestors or some of them formed a group Wesh, which was one group of the coalition of the Sea People. There were also Ruka, Teresh and other clearly Finno-Ugric names. These people, of course, were different genetically and culturally than Modern "Eastern" Finns.
What it comes to "interpretations" or generally accepted views and opinions, they are all wrong.
Even the root word for "Germanic" was kerma, used by some Finnic speaking Aryans/Proto-Germanic group. Julius Caesar was the first person ever used the word Germanic and he referred solely to this relatively small group. Later on, "Germanic" was used about all the people in that area, including the IE-speaking people of R1b and I. Anyway, kerma is an ancient Finno-Ugric word meaning cream. Aryans were "cream" of the nations...?
The only thing we are unsure of about the goths is their homeland....south sweden or coastal poland......the visigoths are the more "pure" goths mixing with suebi ......the ostrogoths mixed with baltic peoples initially, that is the venedi and aestii people and then marched to the black sea and stayed there for a few hundreds years, absorbing/mixing with bastanae and sarmatians.
Over time , the visi and ostro goths split further apart from each other in all facits of society and genetics
The only thing we are unsure of about the goths is their homeland....south sweden or coastal poland......the visigoths are the more "pure" goths mixing with suebi ......the ostrogoths mixed with baltic peoples initially, that is the venedi and aestii people and then marched to the black sea and stayed there for a few hundreds years, absorbing/mixing with bastanae and sarmatians.
Over time , the visi and ostro goths split further apart from each other in all facits of society and genetics
If the Gothic mtDNA study is anything to go by, males in the Wielbark complex with Gothic-like burials had shared ancestry with Jutland Iron Age samples (not to mention a sample of Y-Hg I-Z63 found in Wielbark), so this could indicate, in part, an origin in Southern Scandinavia (Jutland or Southern Sweden). The females in the study were of local Neolithic origin. It is fairly well attested that the Goths were Germanic and that their language was also Germanic, however they (at least the Ostrogoths) picked up a degree of Steppe/Asian ancestry from their proximity and relationship with Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, etc. The same can be said for the Gepids (who were probably a branch of the Goths in some respect), their stay in SE Europe and their relationship with Huns and Avars shows a degree of mixing.
If the Gothic mtDNA study is anything to go by, males in the Wielbark complex with Gothic-like burials had shared ancestry with Jutland Iron Age samples (not to mention a sample of Y-Hg I-Z63 found in Wielbark), so this could indicate, in part, an origin in Southern Scandinavia (Jutland or Southern Sweden). The females in the study were of local Neolithic origin. It is fairly well attested that the Goths were Germanic and that their language was also Germanic, however they (at least the Ostrogoths) picked up a degree of Steppe/Asian ancestry from their proximity and relationship with Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, etc. The same can be said for the Gepids (who were probably a branch of the Goths in some respect), their stay in SE Europe and their relationship with Huns and Avars shows a degree of mixing.

This goes back to the unresolved .....are Jutes of jutland the same as Gutes in South Sweden and the Gutish language also associated with Gotland
The only thing we are unsure of about the goths is their homeland....south sweden or coastal poland......the visigoths are the more "pure" goths mixing with suebi ......the ostrogoths mixed with baltic peoples initially, that is the venedi and aestii people and then marched to the black sea and stayed there for a few hundreds years, absorbing/mixing with bastanae and sarmatians.
Over time , the visi and ostro goths split further apart from each other in all facits of society and genetics
I think you don´t know Aryans´like Goths´history. Anyway yes, there were Goths living also in South Sweden and Poland, Vistula for example. But Goths were very old tribe and they lived in many places. Wesh, Chatti, Avestan Gatha (The Gathas are 17 Avestan hymns believed to have been composed by Zarathusthra), Vedic Gatha, Gutani, Vesi, Birka-Pirkka etc. were all Goths. Even the Biblical Gad was Gothic. Venedi, in turn, may refer to Vanai/Vanir/Danai or whatever Aryan people. Vene (Finn.) means a boat and maybe also a ship in antiquity.

Goths wrote Vedic and Avestan Gathas, Vanai wrote Vedic Hari Vamsa and Hari Vamsa Purana. Members of these ancient Aryan tribes established many colonies and settlements all around, not only in Europe, but also in India and even in China and Mongolia. Asia is named after one Aryan tribe Pasiani-Asiani/Epra. The Bible knows this tribe as "Efraim", but Biblical names are often false forms of the original Hapiru/ Habiru names due to consonant writing. Hebrew was originally Habiru/Piru and these ancient "Hebrews" were Aryans. They were nearly everywhere.

And they were seafarers controlling sea routes and trade. Southern Indo- Europeans or Romans didn´t even have a word for "sea". It was mar or mare which come from Mari. Aryan tribes formed a nation Mari. There was also a city state called Mari in the Middle East, established by them. They lived and ruled in Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Canaan, Urartia, Ural, Europe including Scandinavia etc. And you say "The only thing we are unsure of about the goths is their homeland". :disappointed:
If the Gothic mtDNA study is anything to go by, males in the Wielbark complex with Gothic-like burials had shared ancestry with Jutland Iron Age samples (not to mention a sample of Y-Hg I-Z63 found in Wielbark), so this could indicate, in part, an origin in Southern Scandinavia (Jutland or Southern Sweden). The females in the study were of local Neolithic origin. It is fairly well attested that the Goths were Germanic and that their language was also Germanic, however they (at least the Ostrogoths) picked up a degree of Steppe/Asian ancestry from their proximity and relationship with Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, etc. The same can be said for the Gepids (who were probably a branch of the Goths in some respect), their stay in SE Europe and their relationship with Huns and Avars shows a degree of mixing.

Juts of Jutland were a "brother tribe" of the Goths, Scythians and other Aryans. They had the same ancestry, but this ancestry goes far back to in Khemi (Ancient Egypt)c. 2400BC. Juths/Jätti/ Jatuli are also known as a "Biblical tribe"- Judah! I`m not joking with this. One branch of that tribe was a famous "Judah" and interestingly, Finnish Kalevala is named after the Biblical Patriarch Kaleb, whose name was originally written as Kalevi. Any serious researcher can´t ignore Finno-Aryan language and character of the ancient Aryans. There is nothing else as assumptions, believing and censoring regarding to their supposed IE-Germanic origin. Initially there were not any IE-Germanic, but only after the language shift.

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