Are you vegetarian ?

Are you vegetarian (and why) ?

  • No

    Votes: 136 79.1%
  • Yes,but not always

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • Yes, I don't like meat

    Votes: 7 4.1%
  • Yes, I don't want to kill animals

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Yes, because of my religion

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Yes, I am vegan (no animal product at all, including eggs and milk)

    Votes: 9 5.2%

  • Total voters
Duo said:
Im not a vegetarian, but lately I have decreased my meat intake just because I feel it's healthier to eat more vegetables and less meat. Also, I think that fish is a better protein source than lets say beef, or watever. However, I wont say no to some juicy pork ribs or a Pita.

No offense to anyone, but I also think that some people became vegetarians just because it might be trendy at sometime.

A balanced meal is the best but to each their own :p
CC1 said:
I can respect that...But I was raised in the South. Even if there was no way to cook it...I would probably try to eat meat raw! :? nah....j/k :)

Actually grilling the meat is one of the healthiest was to eat it.

This is the second time I've heard you mention being from the South. Which part? I grew up in NC.

Oh, and I love my grill too! I can make some delicious vegetables on the grill. Yummm... :cool:

Duo said:
No offense to anyone, but I also think that some people became vegetarians just because it might be trendy at sometime.

I agree with you there, Duo.
Sometimes I am, sometimes I not. I prefer soy milk to regular milk, though. :gulp:
kirei_na_me said:
This is the second time I've heard you mention being from the South. Which part? I grew up in NC.

Oh, and I love my grill too! I can make some delicious vegetables on the grill. Yummm... :cool:

I agree with you there, Duo.

Lots of people love to jump on the band wagon...especially for diets and eating.
I get annoyed at people who claim they're vegetarians because it's cruel to kill animals, but they have no problems wearing leather shoes, belt, or other leather products.
doggone hypocrites!!!! no meat no fish no leather!!
Same as here: no meat, no fish, no lether and no furs. No animal skin of any kind. :wave:
I'm made to be an omnivore, from my teeth down to my lower digestive system. I'm trying out a high protein diet which means oats for breakfast, tuna, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, all that kinda thing in between and whatever is going for dinner. I hate people who link diet - eating less.

Out in the wild animals eat other animals, i dont get the big deal. Go protest to a lion about the zebra's right to live.
Ewok has a point. I don't get the vegetarian credo. It's cruel to kill animals in order to eat them ? What about plants then? It may sound silly, but plants are just as living as animals. Just because animals move around and give off sounds and make cute faces doesn't mean that their life is worth more than that of a plant. Each living thing has its own purpose in nature, including humans. Some living things have to eat others in order to survive-that's just how it is. I don't agree, however, on killing animals for their fur, now that we have other fabrics, or for their body parts so that we can make decorative comodeties for ouselves.
I need my daily dose of red meat, 'else my life doesn't feel complete.
And anyways, It's hard to be vegeterian living in a Chinese household.

kirei_na_me said:
This is the second time I've heard you mention being from the South. Which part? I grew up in NC.

Oh, and I love my grill too! I can make some delicious vegetables on the grill. Yummm... :cool:

I grew up in Alabama. After I graduated high school, I joined the National Guard and went to college at U.S.A. in Mobile. When I turned 20 though I joined the Marines and well the rest is history! :p (still kicking myself for that decision!) :D But I wised up (after 13 years) and went back to the civilian life! :relief:
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"If it has 4 legs and it's not a table, eat it!"


There are even people who call themsleves "Fruitarians" because they only eat fruit, nuts, and seeds, which does not kill the whole plant.

They probably end up killing themselves due to starvation.

CC1 said:
kirei_na_me said:
This is the second time I've heard you mention being from the South. Which part? I grew up in NC.

Oh, and I love my grill too! I can make some delicious vegetables on the grill. Yummm... :cool:

I grew up in Alabama. After I graduated high school, I joined the National Guard and went to college at U.S.A. in Mobile. When I turned 20 though I joined the Marines and well the rest is history! :p (still kicking myself for that decision!) :D But I wised up (after 13 years) and went back to the civilian life! :relief:

semper fi!

But thank you for the work you did in uniform.
Golgo_13 said:

There are even people who call themsleves "Fruitarians" because they only eat fruit, nuts, and seeds, which does not kill the whole plant.

They probably end up killing themselves due to starvation.

It's just so ridicilous. Sometimes thinking really is a gift and a curse.
IM 100% NON VEGITARIAN meat is the best food around i love to get a big slab of steak and eat it with my hands i guess it fufills the non-devloped urge lol
I've heard of "something-ism" that only eat fallen fruit. they dont even eat fruit from stores. it must have been fallen naturally. Strange :o_O

Duo said:
Im not a vegetarian, but lately I have decreased my meat intake just because I feel it's healthier to eat more vegetables and less meat. Also, I think that fish is a better protein source than lets say beef, or watever. However, I wont say no to some juicy pork ribs or a Pita.

No offense to anyone, but I also think that some people became vegetarians just because it might be trendy at sometime.

Im with you here. Im also not a vegetarian but as U said, i also watch over my intake. More vegetables makes me feel healthier but i still need/want the meat.

As someone said before, the best thing is balance, nothing can beat that :)
No, some times i ahve wanted to stop eating meat. But i dont have it in me, still when i eat some meat it goes through my mind how it may have been killed.
So I just got done watching "Meet Your Meat", and while what it showed is obviously cruel, it hasn't changed my mind about eating meat. I think something needs to be done about the cruelty to the animals, but I will still eat meat, because I think it is healthy in moderation, and meat is part of the life cycle (IMO). I wonder if there a way to find out if certain meats have been killed humanely or not? Isn't Kosher meat supposed to be like that?
Knives said:
IM 100% NON VEGITARIAN meat is the best food around i love to get a big slab of steak and eat it with my hands i guess it fufills the non-devloped urge lol

Steak and A-1 Sauce!

You can't beat that combo.
I am a vegetarian sympathizer, however, there are three caveats to my support for people who make this choice:

* No cosmetics! At the worst, perfume from a floral source.
* I don't want them bitching at me when I eat meat, because I can go months without, but I don't, because I eat what I can in front of me. And for those saying it's cruel to kill animals...
* I eat meat as rarely as possible because I cannot go out to the countryside with a katana and cut myself up some dinner. If you kill an animal, eat it, unless it's natural vermine (rats, flies, pigeons/seagulls)

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