Any J1c4's out there?


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I found I was from haplogroup J1c4. I know my maternal line is from Lithuania but J1c is not a common haplotype there. I am also wondering why the researchers only talk about migrations through the Balkans. What if our ancestors traveled by boats on the coastlines. The distribution maps suggest this. Any thoughts?
J1c is relatively diverse, geographically speaking. It is interesting that we seem so focused on land routes, as many--if not most--of these migrations occurred by boat. Why bother cutting through prehistoric forests and scaling formidable mountain ranges when you could travel the path of least resistance? Waterways were the highways of the ancients. But whether J's diffusion is due to the use of watercraft or slow movements across land over time--that is an interesting question.
I am J1c4. It is a rare haplogroup, most often seen in southern Sweden and in Denmark as far as I can see.
My most distant maternal ancestor was living on the island of Taasinge, Denmark in the second half of the 18th century.

Здравствуйте! Мой дед имел гаплогруппу J1c4d. (Образец YF100945 на Yfull ).
Прямая материнская линия определена на начало 19 века. Линия происходит из Белёвского уезда Тульской губернии. По данным FTDNA точных совпадений с моим образцом не обнаружено, но есть несколько образцов с дистанцией 1, происходящих из разных стран: Бразилия, Италия, Польша, Литва, Финляндия, Россия. Обяснимо сходство образцов из Литвы, Польши и России. Территория Белёвского уезда до VIII-IX была заселена балтийскими племенами. Об этом говорят научные данные (археология, названия рек и т.п.). Примерно с VIII на эту территорию прибывают с запада славянские племена (вятичи или родственные им). Думаю, что в результате произошла ассимиляция аборигенного населения. Возможно, что контакты населения Белёва с жителями Прибалтики происходили и в более позднее время. Например в 15 веке Белёвское княжество входило в состав Великого княжества Литовского и возможно, внутри этого государственного образования происходили какие-то миграции населения.


Hello! My grandfather had haplogroup J1c4d. (Kit number YF100945 on Yfull ). The direct maternal line was determined at the beginning of the 19th century. The line comes from the Belevsky district of the Tula province. According to the FTDNA data, no exact matches were found with my sample, but there are several samples with a distance of 1 originating from different countries: Brazil, Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Finland, Russia. The similarity between samples from Lithuania, Poland, and Russia can be explained. The territory of the Belevsky district before VIII-IX was inhabited by Baltic tribes. This is evidenced by scientific data (archeology, river names, etc.). Around VIII, Slavic tribes (Vyatichi or related to them) arrive in this territory from the west. I think that as a result there was an assimilation of the aboriginal population. It is possible that the contacts of the population of Belev with the inhabitants of the Baltic took place at a later time. For example, in the 15th century, the Belevsky principality was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and perhaps some kind of population migration took place within this state formation.
The study "The Anglo-Saxon migration and the formation of the early English gene pool" by Joscha Gretzinger, Duncan Sayer, et al. in Nature (September 21, 2022) includes two pre-modern mtDNA haplogroup J1c4 carriers from the RAF Lakenheath site in Suffolk, England. Sample codes LAK010 and LAK015, dating to the years 522 and 500 of the common era respectively.

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