What language best fits your personality ?

and I want to learn (...) and Romanian

Now, why in the world would you want that ? Too much time to spare ?

ON TOPIC: If I was to choose any other language than my own, that would be English (although I speak also very well French, and I have a great respect for German). In Romania we're not used to dubbing movies, documentaries or any other foreign speaking TV programme (the're all subtitled) and 90% to pretty all of them are in English, and that since well before communism fell.

English has proven to be a very concise, upfront and useful language, so that learning any other one if you strictly don't have to (you don't live, or you don't work with that language) seems like a big waste of time to me. In my view of a global world, if all the peoples on this planet learned just this other language, we would be able to understand each other and still preserve national languages and cultures.

Because this is the big „fear”, of instituting a second official language in single language countries: losing their culture and identity, like these are depending only on the language. Actually, they're not. Any cultural feature is preserved if the bearers of that feature deem it is worth preserving. If Vietnam natives will think that hamburgers are better than whatever traditional meat dishes they're having, then they will switch to that no matter what language they speak.
Any cultural feature is preserved if the bearers of that feature deem it is worth preserving.
I think it should be framed as one of cultural principles.
The best thing for me would be telepathy, but as part of time impossible, for my personality the best language is one that does not require much involvement and accent, I almost do not need to move the tongue or lips. I like languages derived from Latin that are of major European nations, the other languages derived from Latin regions is appalling ear.
According to description I am German, but without aversion to new ways or methods. I am actually one of the first to suggest new more efficient way to doing something and am not afraid to Risk test it out

- with carefully limiting exposure at Risk first :D

But I am not a fan of German language, too much of h sound. Latvian and Estonian are languages for my ears, also Italian.
I like languages that are spoken with a light tongue as opposed to those that are what I call heavy. In English, as an example, the consonants l and r are spoken with a heavy tongue. Those who speak Spanish likely know what I mean. European French is also melodic but some sounds in the east European, as well as Portuguese and Romanian are quite difficult to enjoy hearing. Arabic is an interesting language as it has preserved so many of the ancient phonetics or phonology - I'm unsure of which term is correct. Today's Hebrew seems to have lost a great deal of the ancient Aramaic so I tend to think of it as being what it is - an invented language with a degree of Germanic influence. It's a shame that so much of modern Hebrew has lost the wide ranges and variations of all the consonants and vowels.
British English!
Arabic: brief and regular
number 7 for sure

like Trump
1. Russian, 2. Gypsy.

"Roudiy, Ratya" - dark red
"Kalyony" - moonlighted
"Volya" - field, valley...
Oh my 2....makes sense for so many reasons that I cannot simply articulate... hehe

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