The Gay Marriage Controversy

How do you feel about gay marriage?

  • I feel it is wrong and should be banned.

    Votes: 62 26.1%
  • I feel homosexual couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

    Votes: 152 63.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 24 10.1%

  • Total voters
mdchachi said:
Some of you are confusing the legal definition of marriage with that of religious marriage. Gays have been getting married in religious ceremonies for years. Whether or not a religious organization allows gays to marry is an issue for that organization alone.

I didn't know that. So why are religious leaders or extremist so agitated about now in the States ? Civil marriage shouldn't be a problem for them, as it is not connected to religion (oh, damn it, I forgot that the US does not separate church and state :angryfire: )

For example, why limit "marriage" or "civil unions" to gay & heterosexual couples? Why couldn't a brother and sister enter into a committed "civil union"? Why couldn't a man or a woman form a "civil union" with multiple partners (ie polygamy)?

Excellent point ! The future of our society lies in such reasoning. Marriage is an anticated institution. People should be able to live (that doesn't mean have sex or children - still another debate) with whoever they want and enjoy the same legal protection as "regular couples". I mean, some people can be sterile, castrated (still lots of them in India) or just don't like sex or don't want to have children. Wht couldn't they live with a friend or family member and share the benefits social and medical care, like a gay civil union ?

But very religious or conservative people will never understand such logic of their lifetime.


BTW, great post Rachel, I completely agree ! :cool:
Rachel said:
... Why the HELL did you elect this guy as leader of your country ? I mean? WHY ?
I just don?t get it !
we didnt, bush lost the popular vote by 500,000. but because of the stupid system thats in place he got the presidency. anyway nice rant.
> This man is a modern day Hitler ! And I'm sorry if that offends anyone but, lets look at the facts.

> The ONLY real difference is bush?s PR is slicker and better developed than Hitler?s was.

I realize you are just ranting but the comparison is not apt in my opinion and I wouldn't worry about things getting out of control. Bush doesn't have the cult of personality that Hitler had. He doesn't have the support (remember only about 24% of people of voting age voted for him in the first place). On top of that he's not likely to gain much more support. Unlike Hitler he hasn't solved the nations problems. (Under Hitler the Germany's unemployment rates went down as production soared.) Unlike Hitler he doesn't have a grand appealing vision. (Afterall, Hitler foresaw the European Union -- unification of Europe -- he just happened to believe it would be best if Europe was unified as a single Germany.) Unlike Hitler he doesn't have enough support to change the nation's Constitution or subvert the courts. And I personally believe he doesn't have the ambition.

Even if Bush gets reelected, it won't be the end of the world. Certainly nothing even close to Hitler's regime.
I'm sure the hitler comparison was just a metaphor to symbolize Bush's apparent strive for tyranny, and oppression.

Guys, please, dont worry too much. Everything will change when I gain power. People think I'm joking when I say that; I'm really not.
Gays should be culled.
Set replies for any comments:
a) No offence.
b) I don't care.

NB, those two aren't the obvious contradictions they appear to be.
howabe said:
Gays should be culled.
Set replies for any comments:
a) No offence.
b) I don't care.

NB, those two aren't the obvious contradictions they appear to be.

!PERDON! :wave: I don't care if you care or not, but exactly what do you mean by that? (This goes to Toliet Roll too!) Please tell me, I wish to know what makes bigots tick.
You know what my husband said when asked if gays should be allowed to marry? He said it would be good in that maybe the 'defect' would eventually cease to exist.
Ya, A Marriage That Lasts Long Enough Is...

bound to kill a love, no matter how strong!


:D :p :cool: :blush:
I've Always Liked The Concept Of Gay Men....

all the more women left for me !!


Yeah, we know Frank. You're licking your eyebrows...we know... :p
Cough, Hack, Koff, Yeck, Retch....

kirei_na_me said:
Yeah, we know Frank. You're licking your eyebrows...we know... :p

Excuse me, hairball !!


Time for your local intermission.
Forget the negative campaign ads this year during the US Election time. Why settle for a lesser evil? Vote for Cutethulhu and VP Cute Kitthulhu!
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming... :D

it's election time...what more is there to say? :D
"Maybe the 'defect' would eventually cease to exist."

The sole purpose in a human's life is the procreate. Homosexuals don't have children. Therefore they are a pointless defect that in no way leads to the furtherment of the human species.
Kuro_Tsubasa69 said:
I wish to know what makes bigots tick.
Usually the knowledge that what they say is right.
Also, before ascertaining that it isn't because of my religion, or personal experience (ie. having been violently raped by a man etc) that I hold these beliefs, don't label me.
howabe said:
"Maybe the 'defect' would eventually cease to exist."

The sole purpose in a human's life is the procreate. Homosexuals don't have children. Therefore they are a pointless defect that in no way leads to the furtherment of the human species.

As also many heterosexual couples. And what do you want to do with this? Kill them, for this?

Definetely! Gay marriages should be allowed. I'd like to have a marriage with a person I love wether it's boy or a girl. I don't care about religious ceremony, as I am not religious, at last in the sense of being religious Catholic.

I think that "marriage" can be viewed also as a sybol of equality. I am the same as you, why my love should be evil and siniful, juzt because I love the person of the same sex? Love doesn't bother with partner's sex... It's just descending onto you. Being in love and wanting to be in a relationship with this person... Is it bad? I don't want a world like this.

I know! I should become politician!! :D
howabe said:
"Maybe the 'defect' would eventually cease to exist."

The sole purpose in a human's life is the procreate. Homosexuals don't have children. Therefore they are a pointless defect that in no way leads to the furtherment of the human species.

I knew that was what he was trying to say, but there are homosexuals who have children via artificial insemination, right? Like a gay man might use his sperm with the egg of a surrogate mother or a lesbian might use her egg and then sperm from a donor, as a lot of them do.

Then there's all those who aren't 'out' and are in heterosexual marriages for whatever reason. There will still be children produced from those relationships.
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howabe said:
The sole purpose in a human's life is the procreate. Homosexuals don't have children. Therefore they are a pointless defect that in no way leads to the furtherment of the human species.
Nope! Biologically/evolutionary invalid points.
BTW, which furtherment?

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