Are Italians more sexy because of their higher genetic diversity ?


I think that generalizations are always just that, generalizations. They are not always true. People are individuals, and their preferences, like everything else about them, may be influenced by multiple factors.

Perhaps some people are only attracted to the visually familiar. Others may be more attracted to their opposites. Some may be very influenced by the media in their particular country. Others may be attracted to the general "persona" of individuals in certain parts of Europe, or their reputation romantically, and that may translate into a preference for a certain "look".

Then there's also the case that early personal experiences can sort of "imprint" you in one way or another. If someone associates "availability" with a certain group or look, that's also a factor. Perhaps still others have been raised with a racist point of view, and can only see beauty in members of their own race or "ethnic" group.

Personally, I have dark brown hair and brown eyes and the only men that have ever really attracted me were Mediterranean looking. But that is just me, and is probably more a function of "persona" than strictly looks.(although my father was fair haired when young, and green-eyed)

BTW, what I think of as sex tourism is a whole different thing. That is exploitation of people who are economically disadvantaged more than anything else.e.g. Thailand, or the exploitation of eastern European women in the west.
I've seen good looking italian girls and I've seen bad. I don't like the italian people who think they're hot just because they're italian when relly they're not very good looking.

A great example is the television show that is popular in North America, Jersey Shore.... if any of you have seen just one episode you would want to smack your head against a brick wall over and over again. Appearently next season will be done in Italy, god help the real italians.


I think that generalizations are always just that, generalizations. They are not always true. People are individuals, and their preferences, like everything else about them, may be influenced by multiple factors.

Perhaps some people are only attracted to the visually familiar. Others may be more attracted to their opposites. Some may be very influenced by the media in their particular country. Others may be attracted to the general "persona" of individuals in certain parts of Europe, or their reputation romantically, and that may translate into a preference for a certain "look".

Then there's also the case that early personal experiences can sort of "imprint" you in one way or another. If someone associates "availability" with a certain group or look, that's also a factor. Perhaps still others have been raised with a racist point of view, and can only see beauty in members of their own race or "ethnic" group.

Personally, I have dark brown hair and brown eyes and the only men that have ever really attracted me were Mediterranean looking. But that is just me, and is probably more a function of "persona" than strictly looks.(although my father was fair haired when young, and green-eyed)

BTW, what I think of as sex tourism is a whole different thing. That is exploitation of people who are economically disadvantaged more than anything else.e.g. Thailand, or the exploitation of eastern European women in the west.

me, too, i prefer dark haired men.
but indeed italian men think eastern european women are all models
I've seen good looking italian girls and I've seen bad. I don't like the italian people who think they're hot just because they're italian when relly they're not very good looking.

A great example is the television show that is popular in North America, Jersey Shore.... if any of you have seen just one episode you would want to smack your head against a brick wall over and over again. Appearently next season will be done in Italy, god help the real italians.


unfortunately, the italian mtv transmit it also hear, i've seen two episodes of it, and i don't like it in particular.
we have a local italian world to name people Guidos: Truzzi, Tamarri=exxagerated, bighead.

Guidos seems to be an only usa species of men.
me, too, i prefer dark haired men.
but indeed italian men think eastern european women are all models

Then I think they need to travel more.:rolleyes: Seriously, there are attractive people in every country, and everybody's taste is different, but I've traveled there quite a bit on business, and they are hardly all model material.

That's just as silly as someone from Britain or Germany watching Italian television and thinking that every young Italian woman looks like the Italian showgirls or one of the vilene like Giorgia Palmas :LOL: (I would post google links, but I'm afraid I might get banned!)
unfortunately, the italian mtv transmit it also hear, i've seen two episodes of it, and i don't like it in particular.
we have a local italian world to name people Guidos: Truzzi, Tamarri=exxagerated, bighead.

Guidos seem to be an only usa species of men.

How right you are! They're definitely a particular species of "American", not Italian. For one thing, they're not all southern Italian in heritage(two at least are half something else, and "Snooki" is adopted and is Chilean in genetic ancestry). They're not even all from New Jersey. I'm afraid that New York has to admit that some of them are from there.

The method of selection, from my personal knowledge(they had a "casting" call near where I currently live, which was reported on) has more to do with incipient alcoholism, hardly an Italian trait, and, shall I say, how "available" they are.:shocked:

The "men", and I use that term loosely, obviously get their confidence from a lot of "romantic" success, but I don't understand it. Or perhaps their confidence gets them their success!:unsure:The only thing I can see that they have going for them is their abs!

Now, as for Raoul Bova, that's Italian! I think the movie Under the Tuscan Sun probably increased tourism to Italy by 50%:LOL:
Hollywood has set the trend, showing himself a great ignorance of the world besides being the fault that everyone wants to be Viking. It's amazing that Hollywood propaganda has done to Italy and France, the English also an excellent treatment, the Vikings their favorites, I do not know if Americans would be satisfied if any country would make a movie where Bin Laden and his men were heroes. Anyway, Italy and France can be satisfied with the treatment that has always Hollywood.
Who wants to be a viking?
Vikings were the scum of the people. Bandits that you could define best as outlaws.
Most Scandinavian people were and still are very friendly.

As I see it, Americans always had a passion for outlaws. :)
Who wants to be a viking?
Vikings were the scum of the people. Bandits that you could define best as outlaws.
Most Scandinavian people were and still are very friendly.

As I see it, Americans always had a passion for outlaws. :)

Ha, you are not wrong!

Hollywood has promoted a romanticised version of the Vikings that has nothing to do with the reality of what they were but people would prefer to live in fantasyland than read a history book.

The same happened when the woeful Braveheart was released, one of the most historically inaccurate films ever released but suddenly everyone wanted to be a Scottish rebel!

The myth of Italian men is also a Hollywood promotion, in reality there are good, bad and ugly Italians and no different to everyone else.
When Hollywood released Braveheart in many Spanish carnivals painted their faces blue, how fast and soon to be adopted in any remote region that gives Hollywood views the world, however wrong they are.
Italian-Americans who were angry about The Sopranos should go on hunger strikes over Jersey Shore; though as Angela pointed out they are not really even Italian-American. The depiction of these “Guidos” is really insulting to those who do not fit into a simple stereotype.
i belive that the most beutifull italians are those who described sybilla.

dark haired and slender brunets. it's true those who are really beautifull they are exceptional, and those who are ugly are really ugly.
Italian-Americans who were angry about The Sopranos should go on hunger strikes over Jersey Shore; though as Angela pointed out they are not really even Italian-American. The depiction of these “Guidos” is really insulting to those who do not fit into a simple stereotype.

I agree. It's quite insulting to all Italian-Americans and reinforces a very exaggerated stereotype. Then again, we are dealing with a rather twisted media machine.
Italian-Americans who were angry about The Sopranos should go on hunger strikes over Jersey Shore; though as Angela pointed out they are not really even Italian-American. The depiction of these “Guidos” is really insulting to those who do not fit into a simple stereotype.

You do bring up good points.
I myself am of half-Italian descent and can't stand to watch the show.

From what I have witnessed, not all or most, but all-too-many Italian-Americans actually like the image(s) portrayed on the show. Here in the Northeast there is a sizeable subset that tries to maintain the appearance of that lifestyle.
I agree. It's quite insulting to all Italian-Americans and reinforces a very exaggerated stereotype. Then again, we are dealing with a rather twisted media machine.

That is well said.
You do bring up good points.
I myself am of half-Italian descent and can't stand to watch the show.

From what I have witnessed, not all or most, but all-too-many Italian-Americans actually like the image(s) portrayed on the show. Here in the Northeast there is a sizeable subset that tries to maintain the appearance of that lifestyle.

I don't get it. Perhaps because I had to assimilate into American society I did not need to express my Italian heritage as much; though I have in my own way (studying the language, literature, supporting the Azzurri, etc).
I don't get it. Perhaps because I had to assimilate into American society I did not need to express my Italian heritage as much; though I have in my own way (studying the language, literature, supporting the Azzurri, etc).

Very good point.

You know what being Italian is, they don't but pretend that they do.

First generation Italians never act like the fake, probably third generation ones.
Well, Italian they're not, although I'm not as strict about that definition as real Italy Italians living in Italy today. (go on, say that fast!:grin:)

In my experience, according to them, if you weren't born there, don't hold Italian citizenship, weren't totally raised and educated there, and don't have a stake in current Italian society, you're not Italian. (Some would add that you must also have Italian parentage.)

Therefore, since I was educated primarily in the U.S., and since from childhood on, I have only spent a year or two and summers there, I am l'americana to all but the people of my own village. (But then campanilismo reigns everywhere, and the woman from Massa down the coast is la Tosca)

Meanwhile, although I don't think I'm particularly assimilated at all, the "Jersey Shore" types, and indeed even some perfectly lovely Italian Americans, don't see me as "really" Italian at all.

I can't win for losing.:)

They're a particular subgroup of an Italian-American group that is a subgroup(southern Italian and Sicilian) of Italians. Whether they demonstrate more "Italian" cultural characteristics when at home I don't know, but while at the "Shore", the only "notes" of Italian-ness I can see is the emphasis on personal appearance, and the confidence with girls the young men display.

And yes, it's strangely popular. One of the local hot-spots for young people regularly schedules a "Jersey Shore" night, and these kids, of all ethnic groups and combinations I assure you, dress for the part, and throng the place. :confused:
And yes, it's strangely popular. One of the local hot-spots for young people regularly schedules a "Jersey Shore" night, and these kids, of all ethnic groups and combinations I assure you, dress for the part, and throng the place. :confused:'s dangerous because this people might associate italy and real italians with jerseyshorians:shocked:







surprisingly similar, example of teenager subculture movements
there, I am l'americana to all but the people of my own village. :)


My father, although born in NY, was more than conversant in his father's dialect, I believe that of the Bari region and his mother's who was a "Syragusa". He was older and grew up in a part of Brooklyn in the 20s to early 30s where it was not unusual for some to live their whole lives not knowing any appreciable amount of English.

His pronunciation of the word American, when he intended to employ it as some sort of put-down, was 'Amerigaan':LOL:

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