Politics "WOKE" America


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Before I give the two examples which incensed me yesterday:

I'm a liberal in the sense that I'm a classical liberal; I'm a firm believer in the republican form of democracy which is the bedrock of this country. I am for equal rights before the law for all people, regardless of religion, or race, or ethnicity. What I am not for is a guarantee of equal outcomes. What I am also not for is the Maoist inspired, profoundly anti-Democratic, anti-due process, violence based, "woke", "successor" revolutionary ethos which started sweeping college campuses years ago and has now burst out, as I always predicted it would if funding for universities which tolerated it wasn't pulled and if private donors didn't close their wallets.

For Americans who think they can co-exist with it, I think they're being incredibly naïve. Eventually they'll have to be re-educated too. I recommend they all pick up a good history of the Chinese Cultural Revolution or the Leninist period in Russia and the show trials of the 30s which followed it. History has a nasty habit of repeating itself.

Why am I so sure it's coming? I was watching Anderson Cooper the other night. I have always thought he's a well meaning, reasonably balanced newscaster. He was interviewing a black activist of the disband the police type when, to me, an extraordinary thing happened. He asked her whether instead of disbanding the police, policing the police, more prosecutions of bad behavior wouldn't suffice. Without batting an eye she said that see, there's a problem because the police have all these due process rights! He said not a word in response. Apparently, investigations of the accused, trials, due process rights for defendants, things for which the left has vociferously fought for decades, are now to be tossed out, and mob rule and vigilante justice is to be instituted. When that can be said, unchallenged, on an American news program, it's time to prepare for the worst.

My recent examples:

Piers Morgan quit/was fired from Good Morning Britain because he said he didn't believe most of the things Meghan Markle said in her interview with Oprah Winfrey about her experiences with the Royal Family. If his view was colored by anything it was probably the fact that they were supposedly good friends, and he gave her lots of help with publicity etc. and then as soon as the Prince became interested in him she dropped him like a hot potato and never took another call from him.

Sharon Osborne, a friend of Morgan, had her American Show "The Talk" canceled because she said she's known him for years and he's not a racist.

For the record, I did follow some of the Meghan stuff; as far as I'm concerned "Prince Harry" is as mentally unbalanced as was his mother and he found a woman even more narcissistic and mentally unbalanced. As you can see I was never really a Diana fan; Prince Philip was a cad to marry a young girl he didn't love while being in love with someone else, but vomiting up all the food she ate and smelling like it every time he saw her, or throwing herself down the stairs in front of him, and having screaming hysterics non-stop was no balanced reaction. If you can't make him love you, at least make him respect you. Give him his heirs and find your own love, as it seems she tried to do.

My point is that bad behavior is bad behavior. If a lot of Brits didn't like Meghan Markle as they got to know her it was because she was demanding, didn't show respect to the elder members of the family (Heavens, she had to curtsy to the Queen even in private), didn't like doing all the boring ceremonial stuff they do, was a tyrannical, demanding diva as a boss (You didn't get to be a Hollywood diva to poorly paid staff working for the Royal Family), and worst of all started lecturing Brits about climate change etc. while flying around on private jets and having a 500,000 baby shower in New York. If people don't like you for all of that it needn't have anything to do with racism. You can't pull out the race card every time you're called out for bad behavior.

Then, yesterday I went to the market and asked for 1/4 lb. sliced "American white" cheese. The deli employee told me the people who own Stop and Shop sent out a directive that you can't call it American white or White American. For those who don't know there's a cheese called American cheese, and it's available in either white or yellow. I was ready to blow a gasket, but poor young man, it wasn't his fault, so I said ok give me 1/4 pound sliced American cheese that isn't YELLOW.

Same day, at night, I tried to watch the Grammy Awards, where two women, basically practically naked from the waist down performed simulated lesbian sex on stage. I learned subsequently from my daughter, who at first was embarrassed to tell me, that it's a "THING" on tik toc, a dance etc. called WAP. Twelve year old girls who like Taylor Swift, the serial whiner about her broken heart, watch the Grammy's and I guess this is a OK with the producers of the Awards Show.

Dr. Seuss books won't be sold on Amazon, but this is a ok.

I feel so sorry that my children will have to raise children in this world.

If you have young chidden, you better find out what they will be teaching elementary school children. I swear to God I would homeschool.

Macron says he won't let this WOKE garbage infect France. Well, good luck to him; it's already taken over both the U.S. and Britain.


I do not know if I am on the same 'brain waves', of the thread.
but I think the high rapidly increase of science and production, has driven west to 'behavour sink'.
the incresing percentage of, 'homosexuality', psychic disorders like depressure etc, more people living alone (divorces, no children etc), more people prefer living public aid, and more people enjoy drugs(or use a 'cart' of medicines)
I think, rather I am sure, considering how my daughters think andhow new generation,
that Calhoun expirement-theory has also similar effects to human societies.

the Calhun expirement in a video

Some new infuriating examples...

Mr. Potato Head, an old child's toy, can no longer be called "Mr. Potato Head"; he is only to be called "Potato Head". My daughter told me about this. I guess I'm not sufficiently in the loop. Is this really what some people spend their time thinking about? I was quite happy there was no Mrs. Potato Head, but just saying "Potato Head" is confusing when it's obviously going to remain a "human" head.

Another doozy is about some cook on you tube who added curry to some dish she was creating. The "Woke" Warriors are after her head and want her blocked for "cultural appropriation". This may be among the dumbest things I've ever heard. Italy should henceforth demand that every you tube or "book" or television chef should be banned because they use tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, parmigiano, and on and on in their recipes. Let's go all the way: every company which sells frozen pizza, and all the chains which deliver pizza owe royalties to Italy! Or doesn't cultural appropriation apply to Europeans? We're not entitled to claim it?

Public discourse is becoming absolutely insane.

Update: There apparently "was" a Mrs. Potato Head, and after an outcry from parents, Hasbro Toys, which makes it, has announced they will not change the names. Mr. Potato head is safe as a means of teaching children where the facial parts go.


There's a lesson here: when you hear about this kind of stupidity, rebel, start petitions, make yourself heard. If it hits them in the wallet, they'll back down, and if they try to "cancel" people you think should be heard, refuse to let them be cancelled.
the woke is a con!

They have run out of justice causes to fight, ... you can tell by the fights they pick.

The most important social battles have been won, ... over and done.

These organizations became big businesses, and instead of being dismantled after reaching their goals, they reinvented themselves, and to financially survive, they are in constant need of fresh supply of “social causes” to advertise.

Anything with a hint of wrong is exaggerated, and then moved under the Civil Right / Social Justice umbrella, as an excuse to raise money and fill their crates.

... many of their fights seem senseless, and they know it, ... it’s their way of testing their power, to find out their limits and what they can get away with... that data is important to exercise their power of intimidation against future adversaries.

An imaginary lack of tolerance is their weapon, ...
and they create battles where there are none.

They abuse people and businesses that speak out by trying to muzzle them (cancel culture), ... because common sense dissent is bad for their business.

They mobilize and use the naive youth, convincing them that they are fighting for “real” Social Justice Causes.

... These Social Justice organizations are an Industry with tons of employees, they are political, they use Social Media to hold power over our Politicians, and now they made and are creating their own Politicians.

... their “real” goals have been achieved... we must dismantle them.

Instead of solving social problems, they're now creating them out of nothing, they speak about diversity and then they preach segregation, ... it seems that they even want to cancel the same civil right gains they fought for it

(they’re now creating payback racism against all that is deemed originating from the West).

Their business plan is a circle, eventually they’re going to have to come back around and fight for my Civil Rights, and after that they’ll “woke” again, and so on.

... They thrive on division.

They’re annoying and useless, ... I’ve already Canceled them :)
What an issue... At the end everything is under the test and dictation of
father "Time". For me shortly is
"The repercussion of the post modern meta-truth" in a title.
Up on the high peaks of our evolution... Up on the triumph of rationalism
and the values of the common sense. We wonder in silent:
-What is "common"?
-What is "sense"?

The epitome of the individualism and neo-"idiotism", reflects up on the
glossy touchscreens. Selfie pictures and pretending kisses, toxic comments
and mass media platforms. Smart phones for smart people... Flat screens for a flat world.
What an issue... At the end everything is under the test and dictation of
father "Time". For me shortly is
"The repercussion of the post modern meta-truth" in a title.
Up on the high peaks of our evolution... Up on the triumph of rationalism
and the values of the common sense. We wonder in silent:
-What is "common"?
-What is "sense"?

The epitome of the individualism and neo-"idiotism", reflects up on the
glossy touchscreens. Selfie pictures and pretending kisses, toxic comments
and mass media platforms. Smart phones for smart people... Flat screens for a flat world.

a lot of idiotisms exist on social media, but the 'woke' movement goes beyond that
with tv and traditional media and celebrities and 'scientists' and 'experts' involved
It just goes on and on...

Bill Burr, a comedian known for his irreverence, was PICKED by the producers of the Grammy's to deliver the opening comedic monologue. During it he said something to the effect that he just knew all the feminists were going to complain because this white male was going to be introducing these Hispanic acts (and butchering their names).

That's it; that's all it took for the WOKISTS to demand he be cancelled, no one go to his shows, and on and on. It got so bad that there was a trending remark that his having a black wife didn't mean he wasn't a racist; she was just his minority sex slave!

"Clayburn Griffin




[FONT=&quot]While I'm not suggesting Bill Burr is a racist, a white man having a non-white wife can sometimes be a sign of racism. So you shouldn't assume someone isn't racist just because they own a minority sex servant. They may very well have one because they're racist."

He's calling this man's WIFE of numerous years and the mother of his child a "sex servant". If this doesn't prove we are entering an insane period of our history, I don't know what does.

Meanwhile, the only time I've ever seen this perpetually depressed man smile naturally is when he's with his wife.


Before I give the two examples which incensed me yesterday:

I'm a liberal in the sense that I'm a classical liberal; I'm a firm believer in the republican form of democracy which is the bedrock of this country. I am for equal rights before the law for all people, regardless of religion, or race, or ethnicity. What I am not for is a guarantee of equal outcomes. What I am also not for is the Maoist inspired, profoundly anti-Democratic, anti-due process, violence based, "woke", "successor" revolutionary ethos which started sweeping college campuses years ago and has now burst out, as I always predicted it would if funding for universities which tolerated it wasn't pulled and if private donors didn't close their wallets.

For Americans who think they can co-exist with it, I think they're being incredibly naïve. Eventually they'll have to be re-educated too. I recommend they all pick up a good history of the Chinese Cultural Revolution or the Leninist period in Russia and the show trials of the 30s which followed it. History has a nasty habit of repeating itself.

Why am I so sure it's coming? I was watching Anderson Cooper the other night. I have always thought he's a well meaning, reasonably balanced newscaster. He was interviewing a black activist of the disband the police type when, to me, an extraordinary thing happened. He asked her whether instead of disbanding the police, policing the police, more prosecutions of bad behavior wouldn't suffice. Without batting an eye she said that see, there's a problem because the police have all these due process rights! He said not a word in response. Apparently, investigations of the accused, trials, due process rights for defendants, things for which the left has vociferously fought for decades, are now to be tossed out, and mob rule and vigilante justice is to be instituted. When that can be said, unchallenged, on an American news program, it's time to prepare for the worst.

My recent examples:

Piers Morgan quit/was fired from Good Morning Britain because he said he didn't believe most of the things Meghan Markle said in her interview with Oprah Winfrey about her experiences with the Royal Family. If his view was colored by anything it was probably the fact that they were supposedly good friends, and he gave her lots of help with publicity etc. and then as soon as the Prince became interested in him she dropped him like a hot potato and never took another call from him.

Sharon Osborne, a friend of Morgan, had her American Show "The Talk" canceled because she said she's known him for years and he's not a racist.

For the record, I did follow some of the Meghan stuff; as far as I'm concerned "Prince Harry" is as mentally unbalanced as was his mother and he found a woman even more narcissistic and mentally unbalanced. As you can see I was never really a Diana fan; Prince Philip was a cad to marry a young girl he didn't love while being in love with someone else, but vomiting up all the food she ate and smelling like it every time he saw her, or throwing herself down the stairs in front of him, and having screaming hysterics non-stop was no balanced reaction. If you can't make him love you, at least make him respect you. Give him his heirs and find your own love, as it seems she tried to do.

My point is that bad behavior is bad behavior. If a lot of Brits didn't like Meghan Markle as they got to know her it was because she was demanding, didn't show respect to the elder members of the family (Heavens, she had to curtsy to the Queen even in private), didn't like doing all the boring ceremonial stuff they do, was a tyrannical, demanding diva as a boss (You didn't get to be a Hollywood diva to poorly paid staff working for the Royal Family), and worst of all started lecturing Brits about climate change etc. while flying around on private jets and having a 500,000 baby shower in New York. If people don't like you for all of that it needn't have anything to do with racism. You can't pull out the race card every time you're called out for bad behavior.

Then, yesterday I went to the market and asked for 1/4 lb. sliced "American white" cheese. The deli employee told me the people who own Stop and Shop sent out a directive that you can't call it American white or White American. For those who don't know there's a cheese called American cheese, and it's available in either white or yellow. I was ready to blow a gasket, but poor young man, it wasn't his fault, so I said ok give me 1/4 pound sliced American cheese that isn't YELLOW.

Same day, at night, I tried to watch the Grammy Awards, where two women, basically practically naked from the waist down performed simulated lesbian sex on stage. I learned subsequently from my daughter, who at first was embarrassed to tell me, that it's a "THING" on tik toc, a dance etc. called WAP. Twelve year old girls who like Taylor Swift, the serial whiner about her broken heart, watch the Grammy's and I guess this is a OK with the producers of the Awards Show.

Dr. Seuss books won't be sold on Amazon, but this is a ok.

I feel so sorry that my children will have to raise children in this world.

If you have young chidden, you better find out what they will be teaching elementary school children. I swear to God I would homeschool.

Macron says he won't let this WOKE garbage infect France. Well, good luck to him; it's already taken over both the U.S. and Britain.

Woke on the one side, q-anon on the other. I wish that in the EU we could contain them to the US....unfortunately they spread like memes.....even effected the Dutch elections of wednesday (more q-anon adepts won the elections than woke....).

No offence but keep the crap on the other side of the Ocean ;)
a lot of idiotisms exist on social media, but the 'woke' movement goes beyond that
with tv and traditional media and celebrities and 'scientists' and 'experts' involved

A painfull ascertainment, guarantee the token (mark) of its true... :rolleyes2:

I have the feeling that your mention is about the "elite" or the "supposed elite". I would like to comment it. but there is always the danger
for me to slide and fall in anti-social and political incorrect generalizations. Allthough I would notice the interaction between the "plubus"
and every -local or international- enlightened "aristocrats". Actually is the evolution story of the productive intrapersonal social relations
from "slaves" to "labours" to "partners", manipulated from the primordial instict respond of mimetism; immitation; mime;
So, back in deep time perspective the plebs -almost always- immitate the elites and the elites -almost always- "begging" for the plebs
acceptance, recognition, etc.

An (amphidromous) bidirectional epi-phaenomena (the ones promotes and establish the others which at the later stages
lead to entropia and at the end of the every theoritical ,biological, as well all the political, economical, social "systems".

It is the tragic aspect of our evolutive history.

A painfull ascertainment, guarantee the token (mark) of its true... :rolleyes2:

I have the feeling that your mention is about the "elite" or the "supposed elite". I would like to comment it. but there is always the danger
for me to slide and fall in anti-social and political incorrect generalizations. Allthough I would notice the interaction between the "plubus"
and every -local or international- enlightened "aristocrats". Actually is the evolution story of the productive intrapersonal social relations
from "slaves" to "labours" to "partners", manipulated from the primordial instict respond of mimetism; immitation; mime;
So, back in deep time perspective the plebs -almost always- immitate the elites and the elites -almost always- "begging" for the plebs
acceptance, recognition, etc.

An (amphidromous) bidirectional epi-phaenomena (the ones promotes and establish the others which at the later stages
lead to entropia and at the end of the every theoritical ,biological, as well all the political, economical, social "systems".

It is the tragic aspect of our evolutive history.

The classes of slaves, labours, partners were present more or less in all timeline history, what might
be the difference is that supossedly -now, and only now for first time- we all participate to that party of "progress".
The leaders who handle the mob they domain the "game". Those who don't they face
incidents like "here it comes the proletariat"... What follows shortworded is a nasty compromise.

An example:
Jesus and Barrabas. <<-Which one of them to free?>> the pilatus asked and the
mob answered. At that point, the legal and official authority justify the every possible supperstition
of the subject (people), against the supposed object role of law; state; authority.
Quite contradictive isn;t it?

It is the tragic aspect of our evolutive history.

We replace ethos with "political correct".
Knowledge with "information and data".
our money with digital "crypto-currency"
Our freedom with "consumption".

(ha-ha mode)
The "partners" is the meta-post industrial narration of the real Truth.... I mean the real, real truth.
Among others and vacations to Mars for all -who have the money to do it- of course. (real true!)

<<And now a special offer only for our customers. For every order of a couple of real truths you
get another one in the price of three!!! >> -Astonishing...

A great welcome to the new brave -in discounts- offered World.
Woke on the one side, q-anon on the other. I wish that in the EU we could contain them to the US....unfortunately they spread like memes.....even effected the Dutch elections of wednesday (more q-anon adepts won the elections than woke....).

No offence but keep the crap on the other side of the Ocean ;)

Actually the sickness came from our side and call them Kant and Marx and Engels...
Actually the sickness came from our side and call them Kant and Marx and Engels...

That's actually quite true in one sense. Post Modernists in academia proposed that there were multiple ways of looking at history, and one was not better than any other. Then, paradoxically, they chose to look at all of history and all social reactions in terms of Marxism, which is looking at everything from an identarian, "tribal" perspective. It's just that in addition to industrialists vs workers, the tribes expanded: women vs. men, homosexuals vs straights, "people of color" vs. whites, now trans people come into the mix. Eventually, the workers were totally forgotten in the debates and in the ideology, which is again paradoxical.

As for where this started,
there are no more "WOKE" countries than the Scandinavian ones. So, I'm afraid Macron doesn't know his history. Britain was also far more "WOKE" earlier than the U.S.

Here is Jordan Peterson debating a bunch of "WOKE" Scandinavians. You can just see the wall of denial of fact rolling down, particularly in the woman. It doesn't matter what science says. Ideology trumps all.

This whole movement is so dangerous, but particularly in the field of the sciences. It is, indeed, anti-scientific.

The media, peopled by graduates of "WOKE" indoctrination, attempt to "take out" scientists whose work might present doubts about the dogma. They tried to do it to Peterson; he almost lost his job even though he is a tenured professor. The conflict at his university, however, is probably what drove him onto the road with his lectures, etc. The paradoxical effect is that his ideas spread more widely.

They even did a hit piece on David Reich; we'll have to see how that turns out.

Here he is at the Oxford Union with people who actually have the intellect and educational background to conduct a debate with him.

Off topic but I love his Albertan accent: a mix of regular Canadian, Scots, it seems to me, and what almost sounds like Upper Midwest American which owes a lot to Scandinavian people.
That's actually quite true in one sense. Post Modernists in academia proposed that there were multiple ways of looking at history, and one was not better than any other. Then, paradoxically, they chose to look at all of history and all social reactions in terms of Marxism, which is looking at everything from an identarian, "tribal" perspective. It's just that in addition to industrialists vs workers, the tribes expanded: women vs. men, homosexuals vs straights, "people of color" vs. whites, now trans people come into the mix. Eventually, the workers were totally forgotten in the debates and in the ideology, which is again paradoxical.

As for where this started,
there are no more "WOKE" countries than the Scandinavian ones. So, I'm afraid Macron doesn't know his history. Britain was also far more "WOKE" earlier than the U.S.

Here is Jordan Peterson debating a bunch of "WOKE" Scandinavians. You can just see the wall of denial of fact rolling down, particularly in the woman. It doesn't matter what science says. Ideology trumps all.

This whole movement is so dangerous, but particularly in the field of the sciences. It is, indeed, anti-scientific.

The media, peopled by graduates of "WOKE" indoctrination, attempt to "take out" scientists whose work might present doubts about the dogma. They tried to do it to Peterson; he almost lost his job even though he is a tenured professor. The conflict at his university, however, is probably what drove him onto the road with his lectures, etc. The paradoxical effect is that his ideas spread more widely.

They even did a hit piece on David Reich; we'll have to see how that turns out.

Here he is at the Oxford Union with people who actually have the intellect and educational background to conduct a debate with him.

Off topic but I love his Albertan accent: a mix of regular Canadian, Scots, it seems to me, and what almost sounds like Upper Midwest American which owes a lot to Scandinavian people.

If than it's Marxism upside down, to put in simple: in Marxist thought culture is derived from economy. Woke is all about the identity thing....more Gramsci.....
That's actually quite true in one sense. Post Modernists in academia proposed that there were multiple ways of looking at history, and one was not better than any other. Then, paradoxically, they chose to look at all of history and all social reactions in terms of Marxism, which is looking at everything from an identarian, "tribal" perspective. It's just that in addition to industrialists vs workers, the tribes expanded: women vs. men, homosexuals vs straights, "people of color" vs. whites, now trans people come into the mix. Eventually, the workers were totally forgotten in the debates and in the ideology, which is again paradoxical.

As for where this started,
there are no more "WOKE" countries than the Scandinavian ones. So, I'm afraid Macron doesn't know his history. Britain was also far more "WOKE" earlier than the U.S.

Here is Jordan Peterson debating a bunch of "WOKE" Scandinavians. You can just see the wall of denial of fact rolling down, particularly in the woman. It doesn't matter what science says. Ideology trumps all.

This whole movement is so dangerous, but particularly in the field of the sciences. It is, indeed, anti-scientific.

The media, peopled by graduates of "WOKE" indoctrination, attempt to "take out" scientists whose work might present doubts about the dogma. They tried to do it to Peterson; he almost lost his job even though he is a tenured professor. The conflict at his university, however, is probably what drove him onto the road with his lectures, etc. The paradoxical effect is that his ideas spread more widely.

They even did a hit piece on David Reich; we'll have to see how that turns out.

Here he is at the Oxford Union with people who actually have the intellect and educational background to conduct a debate with him.

Off topic but I love his Albertan accent: a mix of regular Canadian, Scots, it seems to me, and what almost sounds like Upper Midwest American which owes a lot to Scandinavian people.

From potato figures tot pizza gate all insane stuff...derailed 'cultural ware'...absurd.
I forgot one of the most fundamental examples for how most of this does indeed stem from Marxism, made manifest in the Soviet Union. History was to be wiped out. Explicitly, as part of the dogma, human beings were (and are) perceived to be infinitely malleable, so, the administrators would mold people, starting as children, into "new" human beings, presaging the coming of a future perfect world order.

The problem was and is that human beings are not infinitely malleable by societal forces. There are quite significant biological constraints. People, for example, have an aversion to seeing everyone get the same rewards even if they do the minimal amount of work possible. The list goes on and on. Biology, particularly evolutionary biology, makes many of these things clear. So, what did the Russians do? They stopped allowing the study of evolutionary biology.

That is what is being tried here by social media, not only against evolutionary biologists, who are banned from twitter, but also against geneticists. That's what the opening salvo against Reich was all about; aided by that blind turn coat Mathiesen. The idiot doesn't understand they'll come for him eventually too, as they get more powerful.

I recently read how far the WOKE social media giants are ready to go. Twitter and Google are both working on algorithms to be run by Artificial Intelligence which will scan each and every upload and decide whether it will ever appear on those platforms at all. This would allow for complete control of what people can ever see. It is censorship on a complete scale.

There is not only a societal cost to this; there is a personal cost. Scientists are being routinely banned, not just politicians or political scientists or random people. Then organized campaigns harass the institutions where they work. That costs them their jobs. Some are being partially supported by Go Fund Me's.

Honestly, if you're not frightened by all of this, imo you just are in willful denial.
I forgot one of the most fundamental examples for how most of this does indeed stem from Marxism, made manifest in the Soviet Union. History was to be wiped out. Explicitly, as part of the dogma, human beings were (and are) perceived to be infinitely malleable, so, the administrators would mold people, starting as children, into "new" human beings, presaging the coming of a future perfect world order.

The problem was and is that human beings are not infinitely malleable by societal forces. There are quite significant biological constraints. People, for example, have an aversion to seeing everyone get the same rewards even if they do the minimal amount of work possible. The list goes on and on. Biology, particularly evolutionary biology, makes many of these things clear. So, what did the Russians do? They stopped allowing the study of evolutionary biology.

That is what is being tried here by social media, not only against evolutionary biologists, who are banned from twitter, but also against geneticists. That's what the opening salvo against Reich was all about; aided by that blind turn coat Mathiesen. The idiot doesn't understand they'll come for him eventually too, as they get more powerful.

I recently read how far the WOKE social media giants are ready to go. Twitter and Google are both working on algorithms to be run by Artificial Intelligence which will scan each and every upload and decide whether it will ever appear on those platforms at all. This would allow for complete control of what people can ever see. It is censorship on a complete scale.

There is not only a societal cost to this; there is a personal cost. Scientists are being routinely banned, not just politicians or political scientists or random people. Then organized campaigns harass the institutions where they work. That costs them their jobs. Some are being partially supported by Go Fund Me's.

Honestly, if you're not frightened by all of this, imo you just are in willful denial.

What frightens me the most that q-anon, conspiracy thinkers, woke and the whole circus have created a cauldron, totally nuts!
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