Here is some problems generated by US democracy:
1. Migrants, assimilation of Arabs, Africans, Asian
2. Budget bubbles
3. LGBT rights, lost of morality
4. Unemployment
1. Because of their history, Americans don't understand this thing. In fact, all real Americans (natives) are almost extinct. The proper term would be United-statians. They are formed as a nation from the groups of emigrants from different countries and cultures that went West for different reasons. They are used to a thought of someone becoming an American just by getting a U.S. citizenship. It just doesn't work that way here in the old world. I could get a German citizenship, but I would never fell like a German. Off course I expect to be treated well and have all the civil right as Germans do, but I can never relate to their history or art the way they do. Farther away you go from your own place the custom/tradition discrepancies get harder on you. What would one expect a Pakistani guy to think of Luxembourg Palace, and what would French feel about his need to do salah in the streets when the clock strikes noon? It would be weird for both of them.
Americans don't have a respect for this, and they think can regulate this with strict laws. Their laws define what is acceptable and what is not, and if some ethnic behavior is out of the borders it will be banned and if some is acceptable it will be allowed anytime and anywhere while no one can say anything about it. That way some of the manners/rites/behavior that is related to ethnicity get lost, and after couple of generations, we have U.S. as a big melting pot of nations, where none is really what he is, and everybody is a little of everything. That is the way U.S. is trying to delete the differences among their citizens, and they want to apply the same pattern on Europe. One thing they are missing is that we ARE different and that differences are good. If everything was the same, if the food was the same all over the globe, if all the girls were brown skinned, eyed and haired, the world would be boring. I like to go Italy to see the Pizza tower, and don't want to see it in Istanbul or Tokyo. I like to go Egypt to see pyramids, and I like to hear about their culture and history. I like to see Frenchman talking proudly of the Louvre because he should be. I like to come back from Paris delighted with what I've seen because it can't be seen nowhere else.
Unated-statians think they are doing good, but in fact they are trying to annihilate everything that we worked hard for 5.000 years. Governed by the idea of material gain they want to dissolve our differences, erase borders and thus have an easier approach and better control over the consuments and markets. That's why there is a hard resistance for their ways here on The Old Continent.
I personally think that immigrant policy should be more strict. Local cultures always have difficulties integrating immigrants, but when they come in a high numbers such as they do now days, they even show a lack of will to accept the behavior that is considered normal in the new environment. Also, we don't let in old people, sick, illiterate, convicts, etc. Immigrants are usually people with substantial health, money, or education. When they come to work or live into "developed" part of the world, they leave their own country lacking one of the productive members, which leads to further degradation of their own society. Of course, they send some money they earn here to their families over there, thus raising GNI, but that's not a permanent solution.
2. It seems that U.S. Federal Reserve Bank was taken over by some individuals about 100 years ago, which are using it to gain more wealth. Everything that happens with the budget could very likely be their fault.
3. It was considered as an undesirable sexual deviation for like hundreds of years in the modern societies, and now someone says it's the opposite and slip-slides it into same category as all basic human rights. It is even punishable to questions this. Well, I have an issue about this one, because I don't think there should be anything that is not allowed to be questioned.
Anyway, LGBT are just used for weakening conservatives which are the main obstacle for penetration of Unated-statian culture and their way of life into European societies. We already speak English, drink Coca-Cola, eat at McDonald's, wear jeans, listen to their music and watch their movies. That's what we have in common. More things we have in common the easier will be to erase the borders among us. Once the borders are down, they won't have to bother with locals because EU legislature will let them do what they want, wherever they want.
LGBT are used to provoke the reaction on the Conservative side and make it easier to pinpoint and eliminate their leaders and promoters. Once headless and forceless, the conservatives will no longer be a threat with their anti-globalistic ideas. So, in the end, the battle against LGBT has nothing to do with human rights or sex, but against the slavery. Poor LGBT are just being used as marines, and they are taking all the bullets.
4. Well, the planet is finite, and so is the number of countries. We can't all have a positive economic surplus, it's not mathematically possible. While some are in great plus, other are in subzero region, and are in serious problems:
" The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that nearly 870 million people, or one in eight people in the world, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-2012... Children are the most visible victims of undernutrition. Children who are poorly nourished suffer up to 160 days of illness each year. "
There is much more to say about this, but if we were not unappeasable, world could be much better place. Main problem is that spiritually unfulfilled persons are trying to fill that void with money. I'm sorry to say, but almost everything LeBrok stated as a benefits of civilization are in fact sideways. Yes, we have all that, but we are still unsatisfied, and will be even with more because we have a problem with ourselves. Once we find what we are looking for, we will no longer care for those things. There were days when people were happy even without a car, without a cellphone, or mp3-player. It suddenly became impossible to live without all that and call yourself a human?