Things that stick out of your mind about America


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Well... I guess it's just all of the downer threads that got me wating to post a thread like this. :-)

So here is the question:
What things suprised you about American when you first visited, or anyother subsequent visits? DId anything strike you as strange, or odd? Or was it just kinda cool, with nothing really remarkable?

I hope to get a lot of info...please? :bluush:

EDIT: I misspelled the title...
Let see.....

1) Americans are more confident (Canadians are more preserved).
2) Americans talk louder (Canadian tend to keep a low profile).
3) Network of freeway (most Canadian cities does not have a hugh highway system).
4) Roads are wider (Canadian city is a fusion of European and American city)
5) Americans don't give a #$@% about the Queen (This is totally understandable).

United states is a big country so it also depends on where you are in the states. Overall, I find American and American things aren't as "refined" as Canadians'.
Let`s see...

It is the land of gluttony. As soon as I touch down in an airport and walking around in the terminal, just about EVERYONE is FAT.

Would like to think that all those fat people in the airport are a result from other countries' people being there, too. But, a trip to the mall or even Walmart confirms that the airport fat people I saw were most probably americans.

America is an ocean of FAT people. Even many of the poor people we saw on the news being interviewed after Katrina were fat. Our poor people are FAT.
Yes, there are many obese people. And the roads are quite wide, even the regular ones! The roadsigns struck me as being way too small in comparison. (Here I am speaking of the highway identifier signs.)

There is a LOT of open space. Granted, it's not a large city, but I was shocked at how wide and open Milwaukee was last time I visited. I wonder what my thoughts on St. Louis will be...
strongvoicesforward said:
Let`s see...
It is the land of gluttony. As soon as I touch down in an airport and walking around in the terminal, just about EVERYONE is FAT.
Would like to think that all those fat people in the airport are a result from other countries' people being there, too. But, a trip to the mall or even Walmart confirms that the airport fat people I saw were most probably americans.
America is an ocean of FAT people. Even many of the poor people we saw on the news being interviewed after Katrina were fat. Our poor people are FAT.

I understand that this stuck out in your mind, but please limit youself to things that stuck out of your mind, not give reasons therein...
d3jake said:
I understand that this stuck out in your mind, but please limit youself to things that stuck out of your mind,...

What is the difference? You asked in the OP what one found surprising about America.

...not give reasons therein...

I'm one of the fat americans losing weight. You know whats funny? Most people get the idea that its okay to eat more, and exercise less. You have to admit it's true. The majority of people go get some Mcdonalds, and sit on their asses afterwards. I'm 6'3, and I'm about 250 lbs. I'm supposed to be 230 lbs. It's not that bad compared to other people, but still. I don't need that much food. I cut back on it a bit, and I exercise more often.
Mmm, and americans have no tolerance for things that are different. Xenophobic to the max..
I?m not quite sure if I am allowed to post something as I am neither american nor have I stayed in america for an extensive period of time ,the only thing I know about america ,which I dont like is what I experienced during a 2 week stay in Chicago.
Just a reminder, this may turn into a America bashing thread. At least that's what I think. :bluush:

Okay, here is something I found out while being a student. My foriegn friends tell me that in their country, it's not okay to disagree with the professor. But here, it's okay. It's even okay to argue.
moffeltoff said:
I?m not quite sure if I am allowed to post something as I am neither american nor have I stayed in america for an extensive period of time ,the only thing I know about america ,which I dont like is what I experienced during a 2 week stay in Chicago.

Feel free to post anything that stuck out of your mind about the US.

(Disclaimer: If you want to go bashing America, feel free to create another thread and go for it. I do not want a thread that I wanted to be positive become a haven for those who disagree with things in America, and the 'conversation that can\will ensue.)
SVF said:
Let`s see...
It is the land of gluttony. As soon as I touch down in an airport and walking around in the terminal, just about EVERYONE is FAT.
Would like to think that all those fat people in the airport are a result from other countries' people being there, too. But, a trip to the mall or even Walmart confirms that the airport fat people I saw were most probably americans.
America is an ocean of FAT people. Even many of the poor people we saw on the news being interviewed after Katrina were fat. Our poor people are FAT.

A bit harsh that.
The one thing I have noticed that stuck out for me when I last visited
America were the immaculately mowed lawns. The people in American Suburbia really take pride in their lawns, surrounding them with white picket fences and creating that 1950s "ideal" look.
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I lived almost two years near New York, so I often visited New York. I found it a great town, you walk from Italian-town into China-town, my hairdresser was a German in what I call German-town. I found a real Dutch mill in Brooklyn Americans are extremely proud of their country, history,their flag a.s.o.
What shocked me a little in the States, was that most of the Americans know just a little about the history, way of living, food of other countries.
I quite often went to different restaurants, like a Korean restaurant, a French
restaurants and others.
I found the Americans ( generaly speaking) not really interested in other countries, other peoples. I found this a little
strange because every single American (except the red Indians) come originaly from other countries from all over the world.
On the other hand this is also very good, you emigrate and after a few years you become a 100 percent American.
godppgo said:
5) Americans don't give a #$@% about the Queen (This is totally understandable).
Here is something I do know... there are a lot more fast food restaraunts (kfc, macdonalds, etc), in the Inchion, & Narita airports than there are in the ones I've been to lately in the states...
Ok I only went to the U.S. once. I did go to many states within the country because I went on a tour inside the states.

One of my first impressions of the Americans are they are very fond of their flag. :stan:

When I was visiting, their flags were everywhere; where as when I visited other countries I didn?ft see their flags that often.

I also noticed the average Americans dressed very casually, very different to what they are shown on American television where their clothes and hairs have often been very flamboyant.:souka:

I also noticed that every gas station we stopped by had one or more fast-food restaurants nearby, which wasn?ft the case in other countries I visited.

I also noticed their China towns, Korean towns, Japanese towns, Vietnamese towns...etc were bigger than anywhere I have seen.

There were lots more products as well as diet products on their supermarkets?f shelves.

If I think of more I will let you know?c:p
Ma Cherie said:
Just a reminder, this may turn into a America bashing thread. At least that's what I think. :bluush:
Okay, here is something I found out while being a student. My foriegn friends tell me that in their country, it's not okay to disagree with the professor. But here, it's okay. It's even okay to argue.
Sounds like a bit of crap right there....
I think the US can be best described as the country of dualisms....
universal freedom vs slavery....
the falsehoods and truths of the american dream....
isolitianism vs interventionism...
republican vs democrat...
conservatives vs liberals....
federalists vs anti-federalists....
industrial america vs rural america....
gay marriage vs christian right....
equality vs racial profiling
east coast vs west coast ( 2pac vs biggy ) :blush:
matt damon's quality movies vs ben affleck's crap
jay-z vs nas
Britney vs Christina
and finally a the country where your president can be bill clinton but also George W Bush
Duo said:
Sounds like a bit of crap right there....
I think the US can be best described as the country of dualisms....
universal freedom vs slavery....
the falsehoods and truths of the american dream....
isolitianism vs interventionism...
republican vs democrat...
conservatives vs liberals....
federalists vs anti-federalists....
industrial america vs rural america....
gay marriage vs christian right....
equality vs racial profiling
east coast vs west coast ( 2pac vs biggy ) :blush:
matt damon's quality movies vs ben affleck's crap
jay-z vs nas
Britney vs Christina
and finally a the country where your president can be bill clinton but also George W Bush

Are you being sarcastic? :souka: Help me here, because I don't know if you mean that the comment I made about how in the US, it's almost normal for a student and a professor to argue?
Ma Cherie said:
Are you being sarcastic? :souka: Help me here, because I don't know if you mean that the comment I made about how in the US, it's almost normal for a student and a professor to argue?

no... i just meant to say that what your foreign counterparts told you seems somewhat not so credible...
Yeah...well. Nobody said that America would make sense...
I'm not eactly sure, but from what I gather, if it has nothing to do with the famous people in the music or film industry, people dont care about it.
Me personally, I like learning about the past, and the history of America. I don't know who said "Those who do not learn of history are doomed to repeat it"(probably not actual quote, but it's the best I can remember..) At the rate Americas might as well start diggin your bomb shelter I'm sad to admit.
Duo said:
no... i just meant to say that what your foreign counterparts told you seems somewhat not so credible...
Oh well. Since you mentioned dulality you should read Nathaniel Hawthorne. He talks alot about that. :blush: :relief:

Anyways, I still think the reason why American society doesn't seem to care about history or the outside world is that it could have something to do with the fact that there is extreme anti-intellectualism. Or it could be that Americans don't make the effort to learn. I kind of resent that "Oh Americans just don't care about other countries" notion. It could be our media, everything seems to be focused on the lives of celeberties. I don't say this to make an excuse not to learn, I just think that Americans don't take the time or the effort to learn about other countries. And I also think it's a huge generalization to say that.