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this is a silly statement ! no, since you quoted that very precise subject several time, i will change my wording "silly" for a more appropriate one : stupid ! it is a stupid statement.Maciamo said:5) Power and image of the police. While in many European countries , police officers are usually treated with contempt (saying things to the kids like "if you don't go to school, you'll become a garbage collector or a cop"). ... The only EU country I can think of where cops have a (quite) good reputation is the UK (for their courtesy and politness when you ask them for directions). In Japan, the police's reputation is ok, without making too muc fuss about it. It is actually more like in the UK.
i think you lost touch with reality and should go back to europe from time to time and travel around. the only difference between uk police and other european ones is that the uk do not carry a gun. as for politness and readyness to help, there is no difference between uk, denmark, sweden, switzerland, italy, french, belgium, spanish, portugal or greek police, or other for that matter, because i can add most of all other european police forces (excepted that i dont know so much about the "new" ones from the east). the story about "saying to the kids... etc" is an old "out of date" story dating from the 50's - 60's at the very most. Go and tell that to a kid today, he would mostly agree to become a cop (probably not a garbage collector (which, by the way is a very honourable profession, if might remind you...).
2 things : i'm NOT pro american, i could even say on the contrary since bush came in the white house. but i agree with you mdchachi, maciamo is slightly off course on that particular post, even though it is "bloody interresting" as an uk cop would say...mdchachi said:> I used to have more respect for your opinions and analysis but you've totally abandoned reason and logic.
yep, but there i have to agree a little. for the past months (in fact ever since the irak war started) the us citizen were extremely discreet and quiet in europe, which was a great relief to most of us. because otherwise they are mostly what maciamo said. and working in "public" and being close ( or parallel to...) tourist trade, i had the opportunity to be close to us travellers.mdchachi said:> This was my first and the only one time, when I met Americans face to face, and I never in my life saw people so full in themselves and so arrogant.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you meet some nicer ones next time.
you forgot how kids are now brainwashed by publicity... coca cola and mcdonald are some of the greatest providers of $$$ for education ! good bye healthy kids, good morning 35% overweight going on 50...Maciamo said:2) US education brainwashes American children the following way:....
kids in germany used to do the same in the 30's...Maciamo said:b) they must sing the national anthem in front of the national flag so as to make good patriots of them (to support US war on Iraq and Afghanistan for example).
sorry, but i have to agree with that particular statement !!! LOLmad pierrot said:Man, this thread is just full of great stuff!
LOL !! dont believe that. it might have been like that 15 / 20 years ago but not anymore, mate. come out of your woods and go see the world. u.s. is no longer "the in place".Golgo_13 said:Ask anyone in a poor, undeveloped country if they had the chance to emigrate to another country where would they like to go, France, Germany, Italy, anywhere else in Europe, or the U.S.?I think many would say "the U.S."
the question is : what did he "drink" before starting each tour... we'll know the answer in a few years, no doubt about that. but it will look ridiculous to take him out of theGolgo_13 said:Man, I have to deal with Japan bashing AND America bashing.
BTW, those Germans spat on Lance Armstrong instead of respecting him for overcoming cancer and winning his 6th Tour de France.
But nothing hurts like the truth, as the saying goes.
honour list of the tour de france. the first to blame are the french's organisers for letting such things happening.
as for overcomming cancer, thousands did it, before him and will over the years to come.
who was talking about arrogance ?
yep, agree with you. can you say that again, looking at yourself in a mirror and go out smiling for a day's work ??Golgo_13 said:I But nothing hurts like the truth, as the saying goes.
oh yessssss, me toochiquiliquis said:@All.. Be nice :blush: , I am enjoying this thread.
i'm sur it wont... or maybe it will just look there....Golgo_13 said:Ain't never gonna happen in the U.S.
discount for drunks ? no mate. several countries in europe allready have (for MANY years) FREE fare for the drunks. it's called "nez rouge" in france & switzerland and "red noses" in some other countrie's own languages (or maybe something else, whatever). that's how european keep a low death toll due to alcoholism. at least it's a good sensed solution !. the "future drunk" go out with his own car and enjoy himself. when it's time to go home, he calls the association who will send a driver to bring him home in his own car (so he can throw up all he wants...LOL!!!). the (sober) driver will be followed by another car driven by another member of the association.Golgo_13 said:Discount fares for drunks? Get real!
you see, go out and learn the world...
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