Economy The USA looks like a developing country in many ways. Here is why.

The problem with your thread is that you forgot to mention that most of it is due to the fact that 14% of the US population is black.
If the US was a fully white country all of those stats would be much different.
The same is true in Western and Northern Europe where African and Middle Eastern immigrants make up 10 to 15% of the population.
Perhaps one day the USA will lead the world in this category!

Perhaps one day the USA will lead the world in this category!

There has been a new bedbugs epidemic in cities like Paris, London and Brussels in the last two years. Experts say it is linked to higher temperatures, especially in summer, as bedbugs proliferate faster in warmer climates. Another consequence of global warming that hardly anybody had foreseen.
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The problem with your thread is that you forgot to mention that most of it is due to the fact that 14% of the US population is black.
If the US was a fully white country all of those stats would be much different.
The issues relating to infrastructure and government policy affect Americans of all races, but many of the metrics discussed in this post do indeed show sharp differences between different racial groups. This may be most striking when looking at the homicide rates. In 2022, the USA had a homicide death rate of 5.9 per 100,000 persons according to the Centers for Disease Control, down from 6.3 in 2021. However, the rates showed significant racial differences:

Black or African American: 27.5
American Indian or Alaska Native: 9.3
White non-Hispanic: 2.0
Asian or Pacific Islander: 1.1

It has been reported that the UK outside London and the Southeast has a lower per capita GDP than any US state (even the poorest...Mississippi).
It has been reported that the UK outside London and the Southeast has a lower per capita GDP than any US state (even the poorest...Mississippi).
This is true. According to the World bank, the per capita GDP of the UK in 2022 was $45,850 (US$). The per capita GDP in Mississippi during the same year was $47,189 according to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis and the US Census Bureau.

There are the four American states with the lowest per capita GDP in 2022:

47) Alabama $54,750
48) Arkansas $54,248
49) West Virginia $53,848
50) Mississippi $47,189

For comparison, here are several European countries and their per capita GDP during the same year in US$:

Austria $52,131
Belgium $49,583
Denmark $66,983
France $40,964
Germany $48,432
Italy $34,158
Spain $29,350
Sweden $55,873
Switzerland $92,102
United Kingdom $45,850

Of course, as already pointed out, the US has a higher rate of income inequality than any European country, so the higher per capita GDP conceals a much higher poverty rate in the poorer American states. And these states also receive more from the federal government than they pay in taxes, so their wealth is partly inflated by being the recipient of tax money paid by inhabitants of other states. As this thread has noted, there are numerous factors by which the US comes out much lower than anywhere in Europe. But it is also true that even the poorest states in America are wealthier than much of Europe.
The United States is a garbage dumb for the world's problems, and the muscle for world elites; the 99.9% population that live in the US are merely interlopers in this operations. That is my impression of how our politicians treat us.

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