Society The US is a rotting husk

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MeAndroo said:
Religion is one thing. Those who run the religion are something else. How many wars have been caused by those preaching about spreading peace? I find nothing wrong with the religion part of "organized religion." It's the "organized" part that troubles me.

That said, the root of societal problems runs far deeper than religion. Is poverty a result of the current society, or is it a cause? Is it both? Chicken or the egg? What about violence? Hate? Are drugs really as big of a problem as poverty? Are kids buying clothing a pressing concern?

All the things you see in society that you might not agree with exist because somewhere, someone wanted them. Drugs are still prevalent because people want them. Expensive clothes exist because people want them. The same can be said for poverty: the rich keep the poor poor so they can control them. I don't want to get too into this because I'm less and less of a capitalist every day, but I will say this. The situation in the US is a far sight better than in a majority of the globe. Having "problems" like spoiled ignorant children is a lot better than having real domestic problems. The only problem comes when those children don't grow up despite aging.

Its just a result of our consumer culture, wealth and power can corrupt anyone- don't be seduced by worldly values, materialism does not foster the growth of morals, compassion and humility, so how can we expect such a materialistic culture to grow them?
Thoughts shape events, all things originate in the mind, things and events depend heavily on motivation. The root of all problems= anger, attachment, jealousy, hatred...These are the real enemy.
Reiku said:
Nah, she's in denial--that mostly precludes thinking for oneself. :D

No sweetheart, I am not in denial. You're in no position to tell me I'm in denial. I was just simply pointing out the problems that happens in the world overall. And I am fully aware of the problems that happen here in the US. So you may want to slow your role. :okashii:

It's rather insulting to have someone (who doesn't even know me) to say that I'm truning blind eye to the problems that are happening here. When I can see it happening. I hate the shallowness of American society and I hate how these corporations have this strong grasp over government.
I'm afraid that what our young friend has found is not reality, but cynicism. We are all too absorbed in ourselves to understand reality; we are in a sense, asleep. That goes for you, me, the guy cheating on his wife, and the kid selling pot after school. That's not to say that consciousness is outside of our grasp, but anyone who claims to understand the true nature of reality is almost always assured to completely miss the point.

Which is why I had a hard time digesting the OP's post. It's marked with sweeping generalizations about society, with nothing in the concrete.

And I think Ma Cherie does has something to go on. When I was 17 and in high school I saw the world one way that is vastly different than now. But in moving beyond my self-enclosed bubble, I saw that one really has to know the complexities of society and what's being done, first and foremost. I in no way see her as saying we ought to ignore the problems here. But I think we do need to be more concrete about them.

Also that's why I respect Ma Cherie's involvement in the associations/organizations she has mentioned in other posts. At least something's being done.

So let's be civil. Belligerence only speaks to one's own immaturity. Add to that a quickness to judge someone with absolutely no knowledge of her. Seems we learned very little about labeling, Reiku.
Thanks for saying that lastmagi. :-) :bluush: Being in an organization is only the beginning.
Anyways, just because it may seem like I don't pay attention to what's happening here in the US doesn't mean I believe we should ignore them. That would be foolish, because what happens here has an impact on us weather it's direct or indirect.
All rules of religions are the product of rational thinking processes about things ,that concerned the everydaylife of most of the population in the area of the specific religion ,did you really think that there was any deeper sense to not eating pork :D
so just make your own one it would be just as good xD

Btw Kafka 4tw :D
If you show up to my church on Sunday, you will find that it is not actually "organized."

I also think there is a problem with the perspective that we are in a constant and irreparable spiral of decline. I don't think the data supports this. I believe there are some consequences to every change. That for everything you gain, you lose something...and that for everything you lose you gain something... that advances in technology causes change in society...and that we can't actually keep up and maintain and deal with every issue that happens. It may appear like a downward spiral, but it is probably more of an agitation like in a washing machine.
Ma Cherie said:
No sweetheart, I am not in denial. You're in no position to tell me I'm in denial. I was just simply pointing out the problems that happens in the world overall. And I am fully aware of the problems that happen here in the US. So you may want to slow your role. :okashii:
It's rather insulting to have someone (who doesn't even know me) to say that I'm truning blind eye to the problems that are happening here. When I can see it happening. I hate the shallowness of American society and I hate how these corporations have this strong grasp over government.

"Slow my role?" O_o

Don't be talkin no jive to me, sister. :D

Seriously though, I was making a joke. Of course I have no way to know whether you are in denial or not--I don't even have any way to tell that you actually mean anything you say here, so really I know nothing about you at all.

However, I find it rather insulting to have a kid's honest questions and concerns answered with the age old putoff: "It's just a phase, you'll grow out of it--besides, you could be living in Uganda."

Granted that isn't what you said, but that's what it amounts to--telling the kid his feelings aren't valid and that he should be greatful for what he has instead of questioning the way things are. You may argue that that wasn't your intention, but nevertheless that's the message you put across.

Granted, my "blow **** up, start over" philosophy probably isn't any more helpful to him, but hey--it's the best solution I've been able to come up with after a lifetime of trying, and at least it's not a brush off.

When someone says "I see this, it is wrong, and it bothers me" and you respond with "Kids just worry about these things, it coud be worse", how can you not say that that is turning a blind eye to the situation?

You won't even look it in the face long enough to talk about it.

I guess it just really ticked me off because I feel like this is the reason so many kids crack or burn out these days: The few that actually try to ask the important questions and look for answers just get the runaround from us, and eventually they just stop trying.

I don't have any happy endings or simple answers, the only way I can see out of this mess it to scrap everything and start over--but at least I can show them that I respect their maturity and their concerns instead of treating them like a silly child in order to avoid discussing an uncomfortable subject.
The thread sounded like teenage angusih, I'm sorry, but that's how it sounded to me. Whenever teenagers ask questions about what's happening around them, it does show that they're aware which is good.

You say I won't look at it from face value? Don't make assumptions about what I won't talk about either. You say it wasn't my intentions to make sound like a "you're going through a phase" argumenet, but the way Thor presented this thread sounded like teenage anguish to me, even though that wasn't his intention, but that's the message I recieved. If you want to further accuse me of being disrespectful of his feelings then that's fine.

I'm not going argue with you because it's a waste of breath.
Could you please be a little more mature? Comments like "I'm not going argue with you because it's a waste of breath" are a bit childish, and will only cause more trouble. Yes, you were marking this thread off as teenage anguish. I don't appeciate that. I was trying to make it as simple as I possibly could. I will also be sure to hide my age the next time I register on a forum. Now could we please get back on track with this thread.
I'm closing this thread until some people cool down and talk like adults.
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