The Albanians as Fighters and Soldiers


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French diplomat describes Albanians as the best fighters in the Balkans. I took some parts out.

Félix de Beaujour:
The Albanians as Fighters and Soldiers

Albania is divided into two great pashaliks: that of Berat and that of Scoudari [Shkodra]. The former stretches from the Aoüs [Vjosa] River to the Genesus [Shkumbin] River. The latter stretches from the Genesus to Montenegro, but most of the inhabitants who live in these pashaliks, and who have various customs and religions, only obey the Turkish pashas when they are forced to do so. These different peoples have found in their mountains a refuge from oppression and they enjoy a sort of independence in European Turkey similar to that enjoyed by the Kurds and the Turkmen in Asian Turkey.

They never mixed, and this is the cause of their, as yet imperfect state of civilisation. But this type of civilisation, that hindered their progress in the arts, promoted their warlike proclivities. As such, the Albanians are nowadays the best soldiers in European Turkey. They have the highest degree of force, agility and ardour, and all the other qualities needed by warriors. If they had the same training and discipline, they would be equal and perhaps superior to the best European troops.

But since they live in an uncivilised country, they do not know how to make war with skill. They do so simply using their instinct, and can only fight small-scale battles well. No shooter is better at finding his target; no troop is better at choosing a defensive site, and defends it with such vigour. These advantages are compounded by the speed of their attacks on the enemy, and by their constant capacity to deceive their foes. Scattered, when they are on the retreat, they lay in ambush behind boulders or bushes, and when the terrain offers no suitable shelter, they dig holes in the ground in which they nestle. But when they attack, they all run forth together, and no troops can resist their élan.

The Albanians do not like sedentary work. They prefer the profession of warrior over all others. When they are not making war among themselves, they do so elsewhere, and hire themselves out to pashas in Turkey, as the Swiss hire themselves out to the princes of Europe. Foot soldiers are usually paid one sequin a month, and horsemen two sequin, both being allowed to loot and pillage the enemy. These soldiers are as valuable and as faithful as the Swiss, but do not subordinate themselves as well. They are the scourge of the towns and countryside. If you remember the bands of brigands, called Malandrins, that ravaged France at the time of Charles V, you will have an idea of what these Albanian soldiers are like. Their forces will one day conquer Turkey and cut it into pieces. It will perhaps be an Albanian soldier who overthrows the Ottoman throne.

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