Searching for famous I2 carriers

Stephen Austin, who led the first Anglo-American settlements in what was then the Mexican province of Texas (for which he is known as the "Father of Texas") and the namesake of the city of Austin, Texas, belonged to haplogroup I2. He was descended from Richard Austin, who settled in Massachusetts in 1638. Several descendants of Richard have been tested on the Austin-Austen DNA Project at FTDNA.
From serbian dna site (actor john malkovich )
Not 100% sure but possible given his balkan paternal heritage
181. Маљковић, Јовањдан, Маовице, Врлика
Припада хаплогрупи I2>CTS10228>Y3120>S17250.;-)
Маљковићи су стара породица у Маовицама, присутни још у 18. веку.
Хаплотип тестираног је прилично модалан. Издавајају се једино повишена вредност DYS390 = 25, а потом и ниска DYS481 = 27 и повишена DYS635 = 24. Да није ове ниске вредности на DYS481, хаплотип би се некако могао подвести под род Родића, овако тешко. Чини ми се да нема релевантних ближих поклапања.
Међу формално најближим поклапањима свакако јесу неки из рода шекуларских Ћетковића, као и неки од Родића. За све ове породице знамо да су S17250+, а исто претпостављамо и за Маљковића захваљујући резултатима са 23andme. Наиме, ако се не варам, Маљковиће S17250+ имамо из околине Бриња и из Ливањаког поља и Б. Грахова. Сви славе Јовањдан.
Све ово узевши у обзир, ово би требало да буде и хаплогрупа америчког глумца српског порекла, Џона Малковича.


Чини ми се да сам пропустио то да објавим, али на 23andMe постоји John Malkovich I2a-Dinaric. Од осталих података су ту: Malkovich, Hammond", "Sacramento, Roseville".

It seems to me that I missed publishing it, but on 23andMe there is John Malkovich I2a-Dinaric. Other data include: "Malkovich, Hammond", "Sacramento, Roseville".

basically this serbian dna forum assume the serbian family name malikovich who turned I2 in 23 and me
are related to the actor they forget that his paternal line is croatian
not serbian and they just happen to have similar surnames
but now given that 40% of modern day croats are in haplogroup I-M170 it is not that far fetched if john malkovich actor
is indeed belong to haplogroup I2
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This most likely is the haplogroup of John Malkovich, given that his paternal grandfather, Michael (on Serbian: Manojlo/Emanuil "Mane" Maljković) descends from Serbs Maljković from Brinje in Lika-Senj county in today's Croatia, which belong to haplogroup I2-Y3120>S17250. The information which has been circulating about his ancestry for decades, that he descends from Croat Malkovići from Ozalj, is incorrect, which is odd given how easy it is to check on familysearch where do paternal grandparents of John Malkovich descend from. However, John is probably partly Croatian descended, by his paternal grandmother, probably from surname Staniša from Hruševac which is some 19 kilometers north from Croatian capital of Zagreb (but they are more probably from Metlika in today's Slovenia according to the data from familysearch).

Also, according to data from Serbian DNA project the famous Mihailo Pupin belonged to I2-Y3120 haplogroup.
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This most likely is the haplogroup of John Malkovich, given that his paternal grandfather, Michael (on Serbian: Manojlo/Emanuil "Mane" Maljković) descends from Serbs Maljković from Brinje in Lika-Senj county in today's Croatia, which belong to haplogroup I2-Y3120>S17250. The information which has been circulating about his ancestry for decades, that he descends from Croat Malkovići from Ozalj, is incorrect, which is odd given how easy it is to check on familysearch where do paternal grandparents of John Malkovich descend from. However, John is probably partly Croatian descended, by his paternal grandmother, probably from surname Staniša from Hruševac which is some 19 kilometers north from Croatian capital of Zagreb.

Also, according to data from Serbian DNA project the famous Mihailo Pupin belonged to I2-Y3120 haplogroup.

thanks :good_job:
i hope maciamo will add him in the famous people by y haplogroup
he is great actor ;-)
Someone pointed me to this Ysearch profile, who could be a descendant of Martin Luther. The haplogroup isn't mentioned but it looks like I2a.

I checked the Luther Surname DNA Project and this haplotype is listed as an unknown Luther line from Germany.

About half of all the Luthers in the project belong to I2a.

According to his genealogy, Martin Luther descends from Wiegand von Luder (c.1396 - c.1456) from Thuringia.

yes he was
he is a descendnet in the direct paternal line of this man :smile:

[TABLE="class: GridMaster"]
[TR="class: AspNet-GridView-Alternate, bgcolor: #E6E6E6"]
[TD="class: LeftAlign"]179156[/TD]
[TD="class: LeftAlign"]Wiegand Von Luder b 1260[/TD]
[TD="class: LeftAlign"]Germany[/TD]
[TD="class: LeftAlign"]I-FT80992[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]13[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]24[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]16[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]11[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]14-15[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]11[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]13[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]13[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]13[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]11[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]31[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]17[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]8-10[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]11[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]11[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]25[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]15[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]20[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]32[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]12-14-15-15[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]10[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]10[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]21-21[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]14[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]12[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]19[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]17[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]33-34[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]11[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]10[/TD]

''House of Black Monk (Azerbaijani: قارا کئشیش نس*لی / Qara keşiş nəsli) was the ruling dynasty of Shaki Khanate. It was first reported by Karim agha Shakikhanov, a scion of dynasty. In his Brief History of Shaki Khans (Azerbaijani: Şəki xanlarının müxtəsər tarixi) written in Azerbaijani, included in Bernhard Dorn's "Excerpts from Muhammedan writers" in 1858.[1] However he mistakenly attributed the book to some certain Haji Abdullatif Afandi, while Azerbaijani poet Salman Mumtaz concluded that in fact it was Karim Shakikhanov's work.[2] It was republished in 1958, this time under the name of Karim agha. According to Azerbaijani historian Adalat Tahirzada, book might be commissioned by Ivan Paskevich - Russian general in Caucasus.[3]''

According to Azerbaijan-Turkic DNA project, Khans of Shaki (Whose descent from House of Black Monk) have I-Z26403 Y-DNA.

[FONT=&quot]Yadınızdadırsa uzun müddət öncə Şəkixanovlar sülaləsindən ata əcdadların mənşəyini təyini testi (Y-DNT) üçün bir şəxs axtarırdıq. Sonda birbaşa xan nəslinin yaşayan nümayəndələrindən birini test edə bildik. Uzun müddət gedən analizdən sonra testin nəticəsi artıq bilinir:

[FONT=&quot]Y-DNT Haploqrup : I2
Subklad / Alt-qol : I-Z26403

Haplogroup I2-M223 famous person: Lawrence Gilman Roberts

Lawrence Gilman Roberts 1937-2018

His son and a cousin tested with Family Tree DNA and discovered their Y-DNA Haplotree to be:

... I-P222
...... I-CTS616
......... I-FGC15071
............ I-BY1003
............... I-L1229
.................. I-Z2069
..................... I-Z2059
........................ I-Z2068
........................... I-Z2054
.............................. I-Y3675
................................. I-Y4746
.................................... I-FGC15109
....................................... I-FGC15105
.......................................... I-BY18
............................................. I-Y4725
................................................ I-Y4715
................................................... I-Y4714
...................................................... I-BY37529
......................................................... I-FGC15127 (Roberts line from Ulster, Ireland)
............................................................ I-BY68535 (Roberts line of George M. Roberts 1814 VA - 1880 OH USA)

George M. Roberts 1814-1880 was the Great Great Grandfather of Lawrence Gilman Roberts.

Lawrence Gilman Roberts

"In late 1966, a 29-year-old computer scientist drew a series of abstract figures on tracing paper and a quadrille pad. Some resembled a game of cat’s cradle; others looked like heavenly constellations; still others like dress patterns.
Those curious drawings were the earliest topological maps of what we now know as the internet. As a manager at the Pentagon’s Advanced Research Projects Agency, or ARPA, Dr. Roberts designed much of the Arpanet — the internet’s precursor — and oversaw its implementation in 1969."

See New York Times 30th December 2018 Obituaries.
See Wikipedia-wiki for Lawrence Roberts (scientist)
I mean no Ibrahimović with I2a in their project. The picture I provided is from the website you posted. They have two unrelated Ibrahimović from Kosovo - Prizren (R1a-YP417*) and Leposavić (R1b-FT140430). They have another one from Novi Pazar with E-BY165837. So far, none of them is from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
I mean no Ibrahimović with I2a in their project. The picture I provided is from the website you posted. They have two unrelated Ibrahimović from Kosovo - Prizren (R1a-YP417*) and Leposavić (R1b-FT140430). They have another one from Novi Pazar with E-BY165837. So far, none of them is from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Did you even visit the link? There is an ibrahimovic and ibrahimbegovic under i2a-dinaric. If it's no longer in the database they may requested to take it off for private reasons
Did you even visit the link? There is an ibrahimovic and ibrahimbegovic under i2a-dinaric. If it's no longer in the database they may requested to take it off for private reasons
I did, but its a bit uncomfortable to navigate the map from smartphone, so I did not check all tags.
19th century American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of The Scarlett Letter, was another I2 carrier. He was descended from Thomas Hawthorne (1490-1557), who belonged to Haplogroup I2 based on the testing of three descendants at the Hawthorne DNA Project at FTDNA.