As for IQ (which was mentioned in this thread before) - Jewish IQ has a very curious, uneven pattern, different than among Non-Jewish Caucasians. Compared to Non-Jewish Caucasians, they have very high verbal, but below-average visuo-spatial.
"Brown (1944) found several sub-test differences compatible with the hypothesis that Jewish children are higher on verbal abilities, while Scandinavian children are higher on visuo-spatial abilities. Lesser, Fifer, and Clark (1965) found large differences favoring Jewish children over Chinese-American children on verbal ability, but differences in favor of Chinese-American children on visuo-spatial abilities. And
Backman (1972) found that Jewish subjects were significantly higher than non-Jewish Caucasians on a measure of verbal knowledge but were significantly lower on visuo-spatial reasoning. (...) Whereas in the general population there was a correlation of 0.77 between Verbal and Performance IQs, among Jewish children it was only 0.31.
Levinson (1960b) found that a sample of Jewish boys (age 10-13) with an average Verbal IQ of 117 had a below-average Performance IQ of 98, while Irish and Italian samples matched for Full Scale IQ had Verbal/Performance differences of only approximately 5 points (approximately 110-105). Levinson (1959) provides evidence that the Verbal/Performance difference for Jewish children increases from pre-school to young adulthood. When children were matched on the basis of full-scale Wechsler IQ, pre-school children showed a small (3-point) difference between Performance and Verbal IQ, while elementary school-age and
college student subjects showed a difference of approximately 20 points."
Richard Lynn noticed this too, and Feliks Koneczny in his book "The Jewish Civilization". Low performance IQ of Jews might explain why they never built powerful empires, and why they thrive the most when they have a host population. Koneczny's book, English edition:
"Introductory remark
The ‘Jewish question’ among nations is neither racial, nor confessional – it is a question of a wholly distinct civilization, i.e. a distinct mode of communal life. Jews have their own civilization and it is in this that the extensiveness of the issue consists. (...)"
And Richard Lynn said the following:
"(...) A curious feature of the IQ of the Jews is that
they are particularly strong on the verbal and reasoning abilities, and not nearly so strong on the visual and spatial abilities. (...) This profile of the Jews expresses itself in the areas of attainment in which Jews excell. Jews are very prominent in occupations requiring verbal and reasoning abilities, such as law, science, literature (...) but not so strong on occupations requiring visual and spatial abilities, such as engineering and architecture. There are not many prominent Jews in the fields of engineering and architecture. It is hard to name eminent Jews in these occupations. (...)"
More about it here:
U.S. Jewish spatial IQ 93
Storfer notes that on reasoning with spatial forms, “…Jewish students scored significantly less well on this test (
half a standard deviation lower than the non-Jewish sample)” This implies an average spatial IQ of about 93.
U.S. Jewish memory IQ 96
Storfer notes that Jews “also performed poorly on a measure of short-term recall of sequences of nonword letter strings (scoring
0.3 standard deviations below the non-Jewish sample).” This implies a memory IQ of 96.
More about it, it also explains why Jews do better when they have a host population than when they are left alone:
"(...) In this regard, it is worth mentioning that economic historians have noticed that Jewish economic activity has tended not to be characterized by technological innovation related to mechanical abilities tapped by tests of visuo-spatial abilities (i.e., Performance IQ).
Thus, Mosse (1987, 166) suggests that the distinguishing features of Jewish economic activity in 19th-century Germany are to be found "less in outright innovation or invention than in a special aptitude for economic 'mediation' in the forms of the export of German goods, of 'secondary innovation', technology transfer through the introduction into Germany of processes and methods observed abroad, and new techniques for the stimulation of demand."
Modern Israel has two "host populations" - its Non-Jewish people (Palestinian Arabs etc.) and its American supporters.