New map of mtDNA haplogroup J

There's no way that a y-DNA J-M67 and an mtdna J is considered Celto-Germanic; I don't know what your other haplogroups are but you fit better in turkey or Iraq than as a German or Polish man.
Well he might be autosomally quite normal for the British isles but have unusual direct lineages.
Well anyways; his direct paternal and maternal lineages are curiously of more recent middle eastern origin than most of his countries R1b and minda H, U compatriots; J finds it's origins and highest frequencies in the Middle East (literally both lineages lol) He is J-M67 (particular subclade found in like, what? 1% of British males?) which clearly has frequency peaks in the Caucasus region of turkey,Georgia,Armenia and Chechnya etc.) and mtdna J which as well originated with agriculturalists in the Middle East is quite rare in Europe as well.
What do europe's oldest haplogroup samples come up positive for?
What do europe's oldest haplogroup samples come up positive for?
I think U5, U4 and apparently some H in Iberia as well.
Good answer but I meant y-dna; what is this story of the first samples being F, G; what exactly where euro's male haplogroups; I've always said I and R1b but let's here what really smart guys like Maciamo have to say
This group of individuals also descended from a woman in the R branch of the mtdna tree. The divergent genetic lineage that constitutes haplogroup J indicates that she lived sometime around 40,000 years ago. Haplogroup J has a very wide distribution, and is present as Far East as the Indus Valley bordering India and Pakistan, and as far south as the Arabian peninsula. It is also common in eastern and Northern Europe. Although this haplogroup was present during the early and middle Upper Paleolithic, J is largely considered one of the main female genetic signatures of the agriculturalist Neolithic expansions. While groups of hunter-gatherers and subsistence fishermen had been occupying much of Eurasia for tens of thousands of years, around 10,000 years ago a group of modern humans living in the Fertile Crescent (present day eastern turkey and northern Syria) began domesticating the plants, nuts and seeds they had been collecting. What resulted were the world's first agriculturalists, and this new cultural era is typically referred to as the Neolithic. Groups of individuals able to support larger populations with this reliable food source began migrating out of the Middle East, bringing their new technology with them. By then, humans had already settled much of the surrounding areas, but this new agricultural technology proved to be too successful to ignore, and the surrounding groups quickly copied these new immigrants agriculture was quickly and widely adopted, but the lineages carried by these Neolithic expansions are found today at low frequencies. Haplogroup J, of course, has greater diversity in the Middle East than in Europe, indicating a homeland for J's most recent common ancestor somewhere near the Levant. It reaches it's highest frequency in Arabia, comprising about 25% of Bedouin and Yemeni female lineages. But genetic evidence indicates that the higher incidence is more reflective of low population sizes or the occurrence of a founder event, rather than this region being the actual geographic origin point of J.
hi adamo

just to let you know that I have no intention of changing my settings - ydna and mtdna are very thin slices of ones ancestoral tree - I don't look middle eastern and my indirect ancestors are scots English and irish - yes jm67 is rare but mtdna J actually isn't that rare in relation to all groups outside of H - thanks for the advice though-- no known jewish ancetors in my family tree either side - fair haired tall and blue eyed and turn red just seeing the sun , anyhow very interesting information . thanks forgot to say . my dads english .. i reckon his m67 ancestors were romanised etruscans ... my mum scots from the west .. j* .. could anyone shed some light on why mtdna j is cold resistant ? this confuses me as it spent the ice age in the mid east . thanks again all . :-)
Is there any map about subclades of haplogroup J (mtdna) ?

or any chart about it? For example it here ""

You can see nearly 10 subclades of haplogroup U (u1-u2...) but all Js are under one name.
I've just been looking at my mtDNA J1c2 matches, and I see that I have an HVR1 8 out of 10 match and an HVR2 14 out of 14 match with a descendant of Charles Martel, founder of the Carolingian Empire and grandfather of Charlemagne. Maybe it should be me and not Prime Minister David Cameron going over to Europe to boss the Europeans about and tell them what to do. Mind you, there must be millions of people out there who are as close or closer genetically to Charles Martel than me.
I have a fairly close match with King Richard III too.

Harry (1st post)
well put!!!!!!!
I cant seem to find much about J1c, other than it was pre Neolithic.

In the case of J1c, it is mentioned in the text that a sublineage J1c2d, defined by a transition in site 16366, is common among Basques and that this particular lineage has also been found in some other populations, specifically the Irish (McEvoy et al. 2004).

Besides these two, the most common mtDNA lineages among Basques are H1, H3 and V. Among these, this paper finds that sublineages H1j1 and V10 are notably common in the country.

Overall and based in an array of older papers, the authors feel that they must support the post-LGM recolonization theory, which would have originated from a Franco-Cantabrian refuge. However they argue that U5b1b, which has been claimed to be of similar origin for being found in remote populations such as the Berbers or Saami (Achilli et al. 2005) has not been found in their survey of (a fraction) of the Franco-Cantabrian refuge. Here I must say that while the datum is surely valid, the argument is somewhat weak however because they have not sampled all the Franco-Cantabrian refuge but just a small fraction: 2/3 of what is now France remain largely unresearched.
Im J1c8. All I know is that it came came England or Scotland from the Currier family.
I’m new. My maternal side is J1c7, my paternal side is J-M67. Where oh where did I originate from? I’m mostly British, Irish, French, German
'What Sykes calls a Sea Jasmine'...I like that...I am a Sea maternal line comes from County Waterford in Ireland. I also prefer the cold to the heat, I don't know if it is tolerance. But the highest recorded temperature in south Ireland was 87, so heat tolerance was not selected for!