just a question,You can see a slightly larger version by right-clicking over the map and choosing 'View Image'.
Plus it's interesting to see how widespread hg I is in Russia, even if it's only a light smattering. Very cool maps.
I think it corresponds to Kurdish population.
Nice work Maciamo. Really helps pull everything together.
It looks like the Vandal's campaign into North Africa is now visible as well as the Norman's travel to Sicily. Plus it's interesting to see how widespread hg I is in Russia, even if it's only a light smattering. Very cool maps.
You say so silly things.
There were no vikings in Russia coz there's no haplos in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe with typical clades for Scandinavia.
You say There were no vikings in Russia coz there's no haplos in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe with typical clades for Scandinavia.
I beg to differ... I've found haplogroup I1 Z58+ Z140+ all the way DEEP into Siberia. There's also plenty of Ultra Norse (using K.N.'s terminology) in Russia. Please watch the BBC's three part special on Vikings-- this series talks in depth about the slave trade which is what pulled the Swedish Vikings (and probably some Danish too) Eastward.
**EDIT** Three part series I mentioned is called "Vikings" and was hosted by Neil Oliver (Scottish archelogist) in 2012.
I'm glad I keep you entertained, I aim to please!
Now regarding the rest of your comment; if you read my comment carefully--I mentioned the Vandals' campaign in North Africa and the Normans' travel to Sicily. These are well documented facts. But you are correct in questioning my assertions that North Africa hg I can be directly linked to the Vandals-- it may very well be much, much older than that. I'd say most of North African hg I has an 80% chance of coming from Vandals. In Sicily, I'd put increased levels of hg I at 100% due to Norman influence though.
I never said in my earlier comment that Russia had it's hg I due to Viking influence. The majority of Russian I is probably much older than Viking Age actually, BUT there were definitely Vikings pillaging Russian villages back in the day just like they did to the British Isles. If you don't think the Vikings made it into Russia, I'm sorry but I'm not even going to send links proving they did--this is basic history.
You have to be kidding...