New autosomal analysis of Iberia

What they call contribution from France is surely linked to ancient Celtic ancestry, and perhaps even Proto-Celtic.

The Italian contribution is very likely from the Romans, and in fact the 5-17% (or even up to 20%) corresponds to the levels of Italian admixture reported by Living DNA for individuals from Belgium, Switzerland or Austria, regions that had about the same amount of Roman colonies as Iberia. I expect to find higher Italian ancestry in parts of Iberia with higher R1b-U152 (and esp. Z56) like the Mediterranean coast (esp. Catalonia), Andalusia, central-south Portugal, and perhaps also Galicia, but much lower in the Basque country.

Closest genetic modern populations:
1. Portuguese (5.830)
2. Spanish_Extremadura (6.192)
3. Spanish_Galicia (6.935)4. Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon (7.000)5. Spanish_Murcia (7.599)6. Spanish_Cataluna (7.626)7. Spanish_Cantabria (8.161)8. Spanish_Andalucia (8.192)

My results on MyTrueAncestry are:
- Gallo-Roman + Illyrian (4.78)
- Thracian + Illyrian (6.094)- Etruscan + Illyrian (6.293)
- Gallo-Roman + Etruscan (6.765)
- Gallo-Roman (7.393)
- Gallo-Roman + Thracian (7.424)
- Illyrian (7.465)

These are the results from MyHeritage:
Europe (total 89.0%)
- Iberian 60.6%
- Balkan 12.0%
- Scandinavian 9.6%
- Italian 6.8%

Africa (total 11.0%)- North African 11.0%

I'm from center Portugal.
Based in my results what is your conclusions about my autosomal?
If the admixsure event ocurred between 860-1120 in Galicia and Northern Portugal, It could be caused by northafrican christians escaping of muslims. It is documentated that, for example, city of Lugo was reocupied in 740 by Odoario and his people, who were northafricans. I believe it's extremely rare the E-M81 in Galicia comes from muslims because they stayed there no more than 25 years. But It could come from Christian refugees of northafrica, that's only an idea.
My take on why E-M81 exists in Castillians, Galicians, North Portuguese considering that the north was barely occupied, if occupied at all. It's more likely that the high incidence of E-M81 in the west areas of Iberia is less modern than moorish conquest. Most likely roman era, and Carthaginian era related. Romans used berber slaves on the mines for the extraction of rich minerals, gold, silver, tin, that was in abundance from Galicia to the deep south of Portugal! It is pretty clear that there was a natural ethnogenesis occurred with slaves integrating into the local population. It is a narrow-minded idea that all this admixture and differences is due to moorish conquest alone. As we know repopulation from the northern christian kingdoms completely diminished the north african component to great extents. This happened in every stretch of the peninsula. Now we also need to understand that Southern Portuguese were replaced by Castillians, Galicians, and North/center Portuguese as well. In theory my genetic profile should be much more distinguished from North Portuguese, Galicians, and Castillians, yet I am very close to these populations, hence repopulation makes sense. This is a large difference we see between Northern Italians vs southern italians. Yet, the differences between my family (deep southern algarvio Portuguese) and Galicians, Castillians, even Asturians is extremely minimal in comparison to a Ligurian vs Calabrian. The gap in research is why these northern christian kingdoms had berber dna to begin with at modern capacities? Because they had it from a combination of predominantly Roman era and Carthaginian era going into the moorish era. And my argument is that at least 80% of this berber admixture comes from pre-moorish era. Such would explain why differences in regions in the peninsula are on such a minimal scale. I can provide models to show just how close modern Southern andalusians, southern algarvios are to their far north neighbors to further explain this theory.


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To truly understand how minimal north vs south is in iberian regions lets compare a southern italian to a central-north italian.

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not super far. But def. there is a larger difference. This is like comparing a Portuguese to a Catalonian roughly speaking - in terms of distance.


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If the admixsure event ocurred between 860-1120 in Galicia and Northern Portugal, It could be caused by northafrican christians escaping of muslims. It is documentated that, for example, city of Lugo was reocupied in 740 by Odoario and his people, who were northafricans. I believe it's extremely rare the E-M81 in Galicia comes from muslims because they stayed there no more than 25 years. But It could come from Christian refugees of northafrica, that's only an idea.
They might not be North African Christians, they could be Iberian Christians of North African origin, who had already lived on the peninsula for centuries.

Luso is right in referring to the Roman or Carthaginian period, in the study “The genomic history of the Iberian Peninsula over the past 8000 years“ Olalde says about the genomic data of 45 individuals from southeast Iberia dated between the 3rd and 16th centuries CE :
These results demonstrate that by the Roman period, southern Iberia had experienced a major influx of North African ancestry, probably related to the well-known mobility patterns during the Roman Empire or to the earlier Phoenician-Punic presence; the latter is also supported by the observation of the Phoenician-associated Ychromosome J2.”

Over time, this North African ancestry spread from South to North.

It should be viewed with more scrutiny that a "scientist researcher" is able to publish a
paper with such nonsense as "J2(30.000 years old stuff)as a phoenician(1.000 BC folk)-associeted Y -DNA". The field of archeogentics is really still the trashbin of natural sciences.

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