
View attachment 11480I like the new haplogroup feature...more than half of my samples are R1b, but my own haplogroup is in second place, with 15%. And I am a Visigoth.

I am also a Visigoth and forty other things.

Too many years or decades focused on the haplogroup of dad and mom and now it is seen in a tangible way that not everything started and ended there.
Many people now see that their haplogroup or haplogroups are just book covers or even the book has no covers.
I`m from:



I also have from here:

Basically you're from my all time favourite region the entire world. Loveliest people I know too.
To Nik
Thanks! Really!

Jackie Spartacus

In the hypothesis that Spartacus had taken refuge in Iberia and Jackie being her daughter this could be her ancestry:

Thracian-Ilirio // Iberian // Gallo-Roman
Pax is right about the distance to that particular sample, 11.62 is fairly large. Though I'm sure, as you said ,we will all have different results when the samples are utilized. This particular calculator will have that happen, since they continuously update with new samples available. However, in regards to those samples from that "Leaked PCA"; we will still need to verify their identities, and the time-frame. I think it is important that we wait and be patient before investing so much in expectations.

TBH, I think leaked material, that is not officially verified is bad for our discourse. It serves more to create confusion, and misinformation.

Since none of my distances are under 10, and according to many members all samples above the 10 are considered useless, I’ve decided to post future results again, when and if I’ll get distances under 10.


Since none of my distances are under 10, and according to many members all samples above the 10 are considered useless, I’ve decided to post future results again, when and if I’ll get distances under 10.

I'm sure once they get some samples from Puglia in the calculator, you will have a closer affinity. As will I, I'm sure. I have a feeling it will be something like:
Latin+Magna Grecia Greek
I don't even look Scandinavian/North Germanic but all my DNA results seemingly have been overwhelmingly northwards shifted. According to the new update, I'm now 1/4 Swedish? Even shows a lot of close cousin matches (2nd-3rd-4th cousins) with Swedes. Just super confused and making sense of these results. They seem to greatly differ in some regards as well. Maybe I need to approach this with a different mindset.
Your closest Ancient populations are: Vikings, Longobards and Oeselians




Viking + Longobard (6.975)
Oeselian + Longobard (8.454)
Viking (11.32)
Oeselian (13.98)
Longobard (15.01)

You have ancient relatives! (you share identified DNA segments)Info

Medieval Oeselian Saaremaa

1270 AD

[Upgrade for sample details]

mtDNA: [Upgrade to see]Y-DNA: [Upgrade to see]
Total cM=6.29
Largest segment=6.29 cM (1 shared. Sample quality: 39) - Your raw DNA is
% closer than other matching users

... Comprehensive:

... Razib Khan| re: Rome. paper out in 1 month.

the results looked like this to me:

1) no difference between Etruscans and Latins

2) massive shift toward ‘Eastern’ affinity during the Imperial Period

3) shift ‘back’ after the Late Antique Period

Basically, I think it is in line with work which suggests large fractions of non-natives in *cities*. When cities declined this genetic imprint diminished and Medieval cities were repopulated from rural areas ...
I had to check it out, what these two totally new groups for me, Longobards and Oeselians really are?

ps my summer cottage is "only" 350 km from Oesel, but I have never even heard the name of that island
I knew the name in Estonian language: Saaremaa and Finnish Saarenmaa ("Island´s land" or "The land of an island"

This information was really, really interesting. I am very happy that I found Eupedia, and got already so much interesting information


In the frozen north, a land of people clung to the ancient gods in a land whose earth would freeze over in winter and sun would hide away for months. The land bred harsh warriors with mastery of metals to fight away the greedy ****** and thieving dwarves. Sailors would brave the sea in dangerous waters fighting the storms of Thor the god of thunder. The seafaring culture started raiding further and further outside their homeland in Scandinavia. Small villages were raided at first, but once slaves and money started flowing in the Vikings became ever ambitious. The Vikings were ruthless and fearless with bloodlust only rivaled by their desire for fame. Ragnar Lodbrok was one such Viking who raided England and Paris. Eventually Vikings settled the 'Danelaw' in England, Scotland and Ireland and the Danish King Knut unified the whole of England.


The Longobards (Winnili) were a pre-Viking era Scandinavian tribe who migrated south towards Germania. Upon reaching Germania, the Winnili ran into conflict with the powerful Germanic Vandals. Both sides appealed to their chief god Odin for victory. To achieve victory against the more numerous Vandals, the godess Freia told the Winnili women to tie their hair to look like beards. Odin saw them standing in the field and asked who are these long beard warriors? After their victory the Winnili were called the Longbeards which in time renamed to Longobards/Lombards. Not finding adequate food resources, they ventured into Pannonia in modern day Hungary. There the Longobards allied with the Avars to defeat the Gepids, but all the spoils went to the Avars. As a result, the Longobards under King Alboin left the region and relocated into northern Italy where the land was ripe and by then the Longobards had a fierce reputation. The Byzantine Empire had spent vast amounts of money defeating the Ostrogoths and now had the Longobards to deal with. Eventually the Longobard Kingdom of Italy was split between two rulers, one at Milan and the other at Pavia. Weakened by internal fighting, Charlemagne of the Franks seized the lands of the Longobards and absorbed it into the kingdom of the Franks. However, some territories survived under Lombard dukes.


The Old Norse Sagas mention the Finnic Vikings from Estonia (Vikingr fra Esthland). The largest island of Estonia called Oesel (or Saaremaa) was home to the Oeselians, fierce warriors who sailed ships called piraticas which dragon or snakehead prows and quadranguar sails. One saga mentions a fierce battle off the coast of Saaremaa between Oeselians and Icelandic Vikings in 972 AD. The Livonian Chronicle mentions how they were surrounded by the sea and never fear strong armies as their strength is in their ships. In summers they oppressed surrounding lands by raiding both Christians and pagans. A fleet of Oeselians ravaged southern Sweden and forced Danish King Valdemar I to mobilize his entire fleet to stop them. Oeselians most famous raid was an attack on the former Swedish capital and Viking city of Sigtuna. The head god of the Oeselians was Tharapita (associated to Thor) who was born on a forested mountain in Estonia and flew to Saaremaa. This co-incided with a major meteor disaster in 660 BC that formed a huge crater on the island.
Does anybody know, do they have at MyTrueAncestry often campaigns? If I choose Caesar level now, are there sometimes upgades cheaper than difference as the list price 100 USD?

I tried first to download my FTDNA Big Y 700, but I did´t succeed with it. Autosomal went through easy. Did I something wrong, or isn´t it possible to load Y 700 on level zero?
Does anybody know, do they have at MyTrueAncestry often campaigns? If I choose Caesar level now, are there sometimes upgades cheaper than difference as the list price 100 USD?

I tried first to download my FTDNA Big Y 700, but I did´t succeed with it. Autosomal went through easy. Did I something wrong, or isn´t it possible to load Y 700 on level zero?

Hi Ivar of Rasa.

MTA works only with the autosomal DNA. Big Y has only the Y chromosome SNPs, which trace the origin of your direct paternal ancestry, but not your ethnicity. Ethnicity is determined by autosomal DNA. The matches did by MTA with ancient samples are autosomal (SNPs present on chromosomes 1 to 22). Y DNA (paternal) and mitochondrial DNA (maternal) SNPs are not used by MTA, which is why the raw data of the FASTA file from your Big Y was not uploaded, as it contains, as has been said before, only the SNPs of your Y chromosome that are useful only to determine your paternal haplogroup. As for promotions, there was one in September offering the Zeus level for USD 25.00 to all those who were Caesar level. I had enjoyed this promotion. Now we can only wait for other promotions. Cheers.

Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk
... Comprehensive:

... Razib Khan| re: Rome. paper out in 1 month.

the results looked like this to me:

1) no difference between Etruscans and Latins

2) massive shift toward ‘Eastern’ affinity during the Imperial Period

3) shift ‘back’ after the Late Antique Period

Basically, I think it is in line with work which suggests large fractions of non-natives in *cities*. When cities declined this genetic imprint diminished and Medieval cities were repopulated from rural areas ...

If R. K. is right, These could easily be the results of an Ancient Roman.

You = Ancient Roman :


Salento :) above and below:

I had to check it out, what these two totally new groups for me, Longobards and Oeselians really are?

ps my summer cottage is "only" 350 km from Oesel, but I have never even heard the name of that island
I knew the name in Estonian language: Saaremaa and Finnish Saarenmaa ("Island´s land" or "The land of an island"

This information was really, really interesting. I am very happy that I found Eupedia, and got already so much interesting information


In the frozen north, a land of people clung to the ancient gods in a land whose earth would freeze over in winter and sun would hide away for months. The land bred harsh warriors with mastery of metals to fight away the greedy ****** and thieving dwarves. Sailors would brave the sea in dangerous waters fighting the storms of Thor the god of thunder. The seafaring culture started raiding further and further outside their homeland in Scandinavia. Small villages were raided at first, but once slaves and money started flowing in the Vikings became ever ambitious. The Vikings were ruthless and fearless with bloodlust only rivaled by their desire for fame. Ragnar Lodbrok was one such Viking who raided England and Paris. Eventually Vikings settled the 'Danelaw' in England, Scotland and Ireland and the Danish King Knut unified the whole of England.


The Longobards (Winnili) were a pre-Viking era Scandinavian tribe who migrated south towards Germania. Upon reaching Germania, the Winnili ran into conflict with the powerful Germanic Vandals. Both sides appealed to their chief god Odin for victory. To achieve victory against the more numerous Vandals, the godess Freia told the Winnili women to tie their hair to look like beards. Odin saw them standing in the field and asked who are these long beard warriors? After their victory the Winnili were called the Longbeards which in time renamed to Longobards/Lombards. Not finding adequate food resources, they ventured into Pannonia in modern day Hungary. There the Longobards allied with the Avars to defeat the Gepids, but all the spoils went to the Avars. As a result, the Longobards under King Alboin left the region and relocated into northern Italy where the land was ripe and by then the Longobards had a fierce reputation. The Byzantine Empire had spent vast amounts of money defeating the Ostrogoths and now had the Longobards to deal with. Eventually the Longobard Kingdom of Italy was split between two rulers, one at Milan and the other at Pavia. Weakened by internal fighting, Charlemagne of the Franks seized the lands of the Longobards and absorbed it into the kingdom of the Franks. However, some territories survived under Lombard dukes.


The Old Norse Sagas mention the Finnic Vikings from Estonia (Vikingr fra Esthland). The largest island of Estonia called Oesel (or Saaremaa) was home to the Oeselians, fierce warriors who sailed ships called piraticas which dragon or snakehead prows and quadranguar sails. One saga mentions a fierce battle off the coast of Saaremaa between Oeselians and Icelandic Vikings in 972 AD. The Livonian Chronicle mentions how they were surrounded by the sea and never fear strong armies as their strength is in their ships. In summers they oppressed surrounding lands by raiding both Christians and pagans. A fleet of Oeselians ravaged southern Sweden and forced Danish King Valdemar I to mobilize his entire fleet to stop them. Oeselians most famous raid was an attack on the former Swedish capital and Viking city of Sigtuna. The head god of the Oeselians was Tharapita (associated to Thor) who was born on a forested mountain in Estonia and flew to Saaremaa. This co-incided with a major meteor disaster in 660 BC that formed a huge crater on the island.

Thanks for sharing Ivar, nice to see new civilizations like Oesel.
@Torzio you match my CL36 and SZ37, besides my exact Haplogroup.
What of your CL23, how far down your list....... for me when my true ancestry started it was in third it sits in twelfth spot at 11.5
I want members to comment and to opine.

After all, that’s why we post results and other stuff.

... and if we are just a little bit more open minded, and interested in listening (LOL), we might learn a thing or two from each other :)

I only look at the 10
and wish I could filter out the others, including the red spots on the map sections
i thought you were spartacus
I’m Messapicus, because:

“About 470 BC ... great victory of the Messapi ... The greatest massacre of Greeks we've ever known ... (Herodotus)”

The Greek colonists in Salento were Spartans, but they didn't control the entire area, the Messapi kept them at bay, until one day the Spartans got wiped out ... (read above).

To find Spartacus you must go to Taranto.

... verso il 470 a.C., con una grande vittoria dei Messapi, causa della “più grande strage di Greci di cui si abbia conoscenza”, come la definì Erodoto (VII 170) ...

This satirical video mentions the massacre of the Ancient Greeks in Salento.

I only look at the 10
and wish I could filter out the others, including the red spots on the map sections
I don’t get anything below distance 10.
Either way, they're still the closest to me.



What of your CL23, how far down your list....... for me when my true ancestry started it was in third it sits in twelfth spot at 11.5

CL23 is way down my list.