Members' Pictures Thread (Photos about yourself)


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For all members, who are enough brave to undertake themselves, and who don't want to be faceless users.

Born: 1976

Height 194cm weight: 86kg











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at first (bad?) sight you could be a Russian (but not "typical" or rather a Balt, more Lithuanian than Latvian, a guess), but you could be too, with less probaility, from Swede or Finland or Estonia, even from Germany or farther around - something 'nordic' but not only -
if I've time I 'll try to "break down your basic types components", knowing that the farthest we go into details the nearest we are to the ridicule (because at some point, some details we put on the account of recent crossings are in fact older stages before the raciation selection of these types (genetic is a slow dynamic but a dynamic: there is NO spontaneous generation): it occurred in Asia beofore separation towards 'europoide' and 'mongoloid' types, as in some Uralic populations -
at first (bad?) sight you could be a Russian (but not "typical" or rather a Balt, more Lithuanian than Latvian, a guess), but you could be too, with less probaility, from Swede or Finland or Estonia, even from Germany or farther around - something 'nordic' but not only -
if I've time I 'll try to "break down your basic types components", knowing that the farthest we go into details the nearest we are to the ridicule (because at some point, some details we put on the account of recent crossings are in fact older stages before the raciation selection of these types (genetic is a slow dynamic but a dynamic: there is NO spontaneous generation): it occurred in Asia beofore separation towards 'europoide' and 'mongoloid' types, as in some Uralic populations -

Do you consider most french people genetically real europeans? Forexample French phenoypes in many parts of France look rather midle-eastern than European. Culturally speaking, some part of France look western European (Normandy Brittany), but Southern France resembles me to Spain or Italy. As far as I know , only 50% of the poplation of France could speak french as mother tongue in the 1840s. What do you think about that?
at first (bad?) sight you could be a Russian (but not "typical" or rather a Balt, more Lithuanian than Latvian, a guess), but you could be too, with less probaility, from Swede or Finland or Estonia, even from Germany or farther around - something 'nordic' but not only -
if I've time I 'll try to "break down your basic types components", knowing that the farthest we go into details the nearest we are to the ridicule (because at some point, some details we put on the account of recent crossings are in fact older stages before the raciation selection of these types (genetic is a slow dynamic but a dynamic: there is NO spontaneous generation): it occurred in Asia beofore separation towards 'europoide' and 'mongoloid' types, as in some Uralic populations -

I think average eastern slavic people have wide round head, and wide fleshy nose with featureless mouth shape. I've so called elegant nose: thin and long like the money guys. Watch the page of money guys (the world's most payed models of the world)

Watch the face form aose and mouth of the caucasian money guys:
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You have given us so many pictures of yourself, we are spoiled for choice. However you have not given one which would be useful for accurate classifying.
You look like a fair-haired young Christopher Lee (British actor who played Dracula, Lord of the Rings).

Of course without the fangs. :petrified:

Mr. Lee is 6'4" while you are 6'5"
I am sorry you feel this way. I think Christopher Lee is a descendant of Charlemagne and has aristocratic blood. He is very handsome but strangely he never appeared as a leading man. Maybe he was too tall and not beefy enough like Rock Hudson. Being aristocratic may give also give a stand-offish demeanor so the he does not come off as someone you could be friends with. He is very talented. He is a trained opera singer.

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The Man of La Mancha:

your head (or what I can see of it)
subdolichocephalic, broad enough forehead, long slim enough face but lacking the height of pure 'nordic'
a bit too broad cheebones compared to lower jaw bigonials: can show some kind of modern evolved 'mediterranean' imput over 'nordic' but too, an ancient gracilized taste of 'brünnoid' or 'capelloid' (as in old 'eurafrican' proto-mediterranean type - the nose "bridge" or "root" is high enough, a bit too much for a classical 'nordic' type - the mouth is little, with the lower lip a thicker than the upperone (as a rule a vaguely 'mediterranean' trait) - as a whole the upper face is a bit important compared to the lower face (chin), as among all 'mediterraneans' except the 'atlanto-med' type (not too homogenous) and the 'indo-afghan' type - but my IMPRESSION is still some kind of crossing between 'nordic' and 'mediterranean' even if the flesh weems more 'nordiclike' -
the hair colour seems middle-brown or light brown on the ash side (not golden), an eastern trait - the air form is straight, not too informative to me for North and South even if East show more straight hairs - population in Europe show a wide spectrum from harsh straight to curly - the eye colour seem a greyhish blue or a grey-green-blue hue I would classify as very-light-mixed, but I take caution here concerning hues because colour photos are very often mistaking according to light and picture technic- the skin seems fair enough -

conclusion (my bet): first choice: Balt (more Lithuanian than Latvian); but could be German, or North Balkans (but Macedonians are very variated): so Slovenian, then Croatian, then Serbian - spite your remark concerning broad faced Russians, it is not a rule even if frequent: in some regions (Russia is large) Russians show the two extremes for this trait (I can post pictures) - the apparent "quality" of pigmentation more than "quantity" put me to prefer an eastern European to a Western one - maybe too simple featured for face for Southern Balkans or Poland/Central Europe?
all that is a game, mistakes are easy to do on individuals

good evening
a pretty look, I don't speak about mental -