Thanks for the link ! Very interesting ! So, most people say "soda" in New England, Illinois/Missouri and the South-West, but "coke" in the Deep South and "pep" in the North. :souka: Interestingly, Alaska is a mix of the three.
Ethnicities in the USA
Back to the ethnicity map, I found it fascinating to study where people came from originally in each region.
New England (North-East)
New England is completely dominated by the Irish (10 to 30%, depending on the county), Italians (19 to 38% around NYC itslef), French and Canadian French (especially Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire).
The Mid-North
Germanic people are "concentrated" in the Mid-North of the country (one of the least densely populated region of the USA). The region is almost only Germanic, with some Finns, Poles and Russians.
The Germans make up 1/4 to 3/4 of the population from Wisconsin to Montana, and down as far as Kansas. The Norwegians are found in a similar area, and in highest concentration from West Wisconsin to East Montana (11 to 65%). The highest number of Swedes is in Minesota (5 to 89%). The Danes are a bit further South in West Iowa and East Nebraska, but also in very high numbers in Utah and South Idaho. The Finns are is highest concentration in North Michigan and Minesota (3 to 38% around the Lakes).
The Dutch are spread out over the whole North, but with a very strong concentration around the border of Iowa, Minesota and South Dakota.
The Poles are also in that region, but more around the Great Lakes, in Minesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pensilvania and New York, as well as a small concentration in central Nebraska (all ranging from 2.5 to 33%).
The Russians are almost only in North Dakota.
Surprisingly, people of French descent are very widespread, especially in the North, with the highest concentration in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont as well as Southern Louisian (these are not surprising historically).
The Deep South (South and South-East)
The African American are obviously in the Deep South, from Washington DC to Louisiana, but especially along the Mississippi River and in Alabama. This is also the Bible Belt, dominated by the Baptists (and Republicans).
The whites in this region are mostly from British descent and prefer to call themselves "American", as they are descended from the first settlers.
The West Coast and Mexican border
Most of the Asians are in the West Coast, especially the San Francisco and Seattle areas. The Hispanics are logically numerous at the Mexican border. The rest is mostly of a mix of British, Irish, French and German descent.