Finger length 'key to aggression'
Interesting, isn't it. Well, they'll have to explain how my ring and index fingers are the same length, although I was probably exposed to quite a lot of testosterone in the womb, given my hairiness and very "male" way of thinking (rational, analytical...)
It has been known for some time that there is a direct correlation between finger lengths and the amount of the male sex hormone testosterone that a baby is exposed to in the womb.
In women, the two fingers are usually almost equal in length, as measured from the crease nearest the palm to the fingertip. In men, the ring finger tends to be much longer than the index.
Other studies looking at finger length ratio have suggested that, in men, a long ring finger and symmetrical hands are an indication of fertility, and that women are more likely to be fertile if they have a longer index finger.
Men with the shortest index fingers scored higher on measures of physical aggression than those with longer index fingers, but the study's findings did not apply to women.
He said: "Finger length can tell you a little bit about where personality comes from.
"A large part of our personalities and our traits are determined while we are still in the womb."
Interesting, isn't it. Well, they'll have to explain how my ring and index fingers are the same length, although I was probably exposed to quite a lot of testosterone in the womb, given my hairiness and very "male" way of thinking (rational, analytical...)