Reading Drac can give you a headache. ROFL
The IrisPlex system was designed only for Europeans. You can see that in the original study. There is no point in arguing against that.
The rest of your arguments have already been debunked many times in last pages.
For the rest Italians as whole have a much higher percentage of the 3 most important light skin alleles found among West Eurasians, than the Iberians. They are also much lighter eyed, as proved by the Iris Plex system.
And reading your posts is no picnic either.
That did not seem to stop the authors who try to make eye pigmentation "predictions" from employing it with non-Europeans, didn't it.
You must still be under the amusing delusion that your unproven accusations against authors of other studies that don't fit your agenda (Candille et al. Jablonski & Chaplin, basically all pigmentation surveys conducted by physical anthropologists) as well as the diatribes directed at anyone who is not buying your seemingly never-ending assortment of excuses and not very convincing "explanations" constitute a "debunking". Keep on trying, though, by all means. The more you keep trying to defend these "predictions" based on a few SNPs the more dubious and unreliable the whole thing is shown to be. So far thanks to your imaginary "debunkings" (actually more like self-debunkings) we have learnt that these "prediction" papers that you like so much are even more dubious since:
1- Their authors apparently don't shy away from using samples that they are even fully aware are not wholly native
2- They also liberally employ such methods with populations they were not designed for
3- Some other researchers have put such methods to the test and they have not performed as neatly as advertised
You are a very amusing guy, Joey. Let's see what other inconvenient facts about these already dubious "prediction" papers will come to the surface if you continue trying to defend them.
You mean like one of those important light skin alleles that Swedes scored lower than a bunch of other Europeans, including Italians and Spaniards? And so did the Swiss, and the Germans too, BTW. Yes, I am really impressed about how much this correlates with observable facts. Keep on blindly believing in such "predictions". This whole "prediction" based on SNPs thingy is recent, hardly infallible, and still in need of further research & development (as implied by Candille et al.) to reach the point of reliability that you wish it had. Maybe at some time in the future it will, but right now, forget it. This stuff is still in its infancy.