Personality Is your brain more Western or more Eastern? - part 2

Which object should object A be grouped together with?

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Which object does object A fit together better with - B or C:


One of these answers is more typical for people of the Occident and one for people of the Orient.


Link to part 1 -
Ok, it's interesting, but I'm skeptical, so how do I know if I'm more Western or Eastern?
I choose the wooden cuboid makes sense there both made of wood, how can that determine if my brain is more Eastern or Western?
A & C. Wood goes with wood.
Well if I were to look at it logically I'd put C, but my gut was telling me B. Not sure why, but I went with B because of that.
I went for A and B because the form is the same.
Well i dont really think that there is a doubt. If you try to extrapolate:
What would you associate painting of van gogh - with a copy or with another masterpiece
A and C. But I understand why some people could choose A and B.

If I had to build a table (or any other object) with these pieces, it is more likely a different shape (but the same material) would be needed, rather than the same shape with another material (a table with differently-colored legs is possible, but not common; instead, a parallelepiped could be used somewhere else more "normally").
B. Wood may go with wood, however, a cylinder will never balance properly on a cube. The two cylinders will be proportionate & balance properly.

An interesting test. Sort of shows why East/Asians have taken to building structures that bend & sway in earthquakes and Westerners keep building the same failed structures over & over. Apparently the Western mind [the poll being 2 Bs & 8 Cs as of this post] is handicapped regarding architectural soundness.
Which object does object A fit together better with - B or C:


One of these answers is more typical for people of the Occident and one for people of the Orient.


Link to part 1 -
I definitely pick B. Intuitively mostly, but it make sense to look at the common fit. Not so much the visual. Let me guess: This makes me more eastern?
So I am 50/50 Whatever that means. Chose group A for the first and A&B for the second.

Because they are both wood. The wood cylinder (smaller diameter base) can be nailed/glued/screwed into the wood block to make a structure. Sure, you can make a structure of uniform shape using the plastic cylinder. But my brain wants to build something.

Just ask yourself. What looks better? A table of all wood or one that has parts of plastic? And from a structural standpoint, wood can be nailed/glued/screwed to wood but not plastic. Well, I suppose you can bond plastic to wood somehow but even if you can it looks like hell.
A and B because they are both more clindrical

If you put a rectangular item on top of a cylindrical item it wouldnt look like a match. The rectangular item would stick out on the cylindrical item

Two clindrical items on top of another fit together more naturally.
I choose the wooden cuboid makes sense there both made of wood, how can that determine if my brain is more Eastern or Western?
It doesn't, its just a correlation.
I think every person is different and there's some coincidence. That's not how it works
Wood + wood :heart:

Plastic is not natural, and it is ugly in comparison with wood :laughing:

ps. I am from West (I-M253) and rougly from South (U5) :satisfied:
I don't believe in the reasoning, but I think it's interesting to see how the results are perceived.

I chose A & C because if I had to put A next to either B or C, I'd rather it be with C than B. Wood looks better next to wood than a bright blue cylinder.