Some would list y hg H as "Elamite", hg I as (presumably the "aristocratic" or militaristic, founding and oftentimes "chastising" element of) "Assyrian" (now seen in the Kurds), J as "Chaldean" (including the "Pelasgian" J2 and other J "civil" elements which had been absorbed into the Assyrian Empire), F as "Lydian" and G as "Syrian"--and ALL those as "Semitic". They might also list as "European (we might say "Eurasian", to include the geographical Asia)": hg MP as "Cimmerian", L as "Median", O as "Sino-Caucasian (with the Caucasian element presumably now extinct)", T as "Greek", and N as "Cappadocian", among potentially others within K. Hgs A through E would be seen as African (with D now only seen in geographical Asia and C in Asia and Australia).