How did Haplogroup N reach Anatolia?


I'm Romanian and got confirmed N Haplogroup so Balkanian route could be considered. At least My granparents populated an area in the SE of Romania, very close to Bulgary and in the Danube vecinity..

Furthermore these guys here need to update their N haplogroup distribution for Romania since there are few N Y haplogroups as well. At the moment they stated "0".

May I ask you how do u look Boranidas? Have u a tipycal turkish look?

Physical features has nothing to do with Y chromosome only, that's the contribution of all of your ancestors, including females. You'll look as your country mates unless you are recent migrant or from very isolated community.

What company have you done your test? If FTDNA, I'd recommend to order SNP L1034. There were a few breakthroughs over a couple years. Looks like Turkish and European N1c1 took different ways - Turkish via Central Asia and Iran and European via what is now Russia and Hungary, both groups from Siberia. I belong to L1034 branch as well as 1 Nenets, 1 Bashkir, 5 Hunagarians (2 of them from Transilvania), 1 Greek. So, I wouldn't surprised if Romanian turns out N1c1-L1034.

I'm Romanian and got confirmed N Haplogroup so Balkanian route could be considered. At least My granparents populated an area in the SE of Romania, very close to Bulgary and in the Danube vecinity..

Furthermore these guys here need to update their N haplogroup distribution for Romania since there are few N Y haplogroups as well. At the moment they stated "0".

May I ask you how do u look Boranidas? Have u a tipycal turkish look?


Bosnian Serbs have 6% of N1 (LLY22g), some of the 6% is P-189.2
N Haplogroup might had arrived to Anatolia with Oghuzes as said in Turkey or Oghurs as said up in North now Russia among Oguric-Uralic tribes; however, both are referring to the same group of people speaking Turkic languages may be the source of the N Haplogroup.
Physical features has nothing to do with Y chromosome only, that's the contribution of all of your ancestors, including females. You'll look as your country mates unless you are recent migrant or from very isolated community.

What company have you done your test? If FTDNA, I'd recommend to order SNP L1034. There were a few breakthroughs over a couple years. Looks like Turkish and European N1c1 took different ways - Turkish via Central Asia and Iran and European via what is now Russia and Hungary, both groups from Siberia. I belong to L1034 branch as well as 1 Nenets, 1 Bashkir, 5 Hunagarians (2 of them from Transilvania), 1 Greek. So, I wouldn't surprised if Romanian turns out N1c1-L1034.

It was and the results pointed out N1c1d (L550+). So far I came no deeper than this. People from abroad tend to ask me if I am Polish or Russian. By Alleles means the closest match seems to be related to balts (lithuanians) so going back to what people ask me one can easily make fragile connections.. Otherwise perfectly agree with your statement. Not sure at the moment if I belong to Neuri or Varangians or to other N1c1 D (L550+) subgroups - work in progress.
Probably North or Central Asian origin. Me too belong to N1c1.
There is much less N in the Balkans than in Turkey.

Yes, and for Bosnian Serbs (about 6%) it's coincidence, it's a small sample. In Serbia is less 2%, in Upper Macedonia is about 0,5-1%, in Croatia is similar, etc. Balkans is no area where N carriers could be find in a significant number.
I've read somewhere that some Hunnic warriors settled round Bosnia during their invasions.
Historically Migration Waves to Anatolia:
First of all, Kypchaks migrating from east to west caused some Oghuz tribes to move south (Khwarezm and Transoxiana) whereas Pechenegs moved westward (Europe). Oghuz tribes encountered with Ghaznavids and had war called "Battle of Dandanaqan" and they seized Khorasan. After expanding to the westward, they encountered with Byzantium, and had battle with them in Anatolia. After attacking Anatolia, some of the local settlers moved to the west of Anatolia or Greece whereas Turkic people massively started to conquer and settle in Anatolia. Chronologically you can see the migration waves.
1. Battle of Dandanaqan (1040); Oghuz Turks started to move to Azerbaijan and Iran.
2. Battle of Manzikert (1071): Oghuz Turks started to settle in Anatolia.
3. Battle of Qatwan (1141) caused new migration waves to Azerbaijan and Iran. Incoming Oghuz tribes terminated Seljuks in Iran, but the wing of Seljuks in Turkey continued.
4. The armies of Genghis Khan (1222-1227) caused the biggest migration wave to Anatolia. Ottoman tribe also came to Anatolia as a result of Mongol invasion.
5. The armies of Timur (1402) did not cause much migration to Anatolia, but they reduced the number of Armenians.
6. The Conquer of Constantinople (1453): The Ottoman sultans started to make some Turkish tribes settle in Balkans to provide security of the west.

As a result of all these migration waves, Central Asian Turkic tribes brought J2, R1a, R1b, C3, N, G and Q between 11th-15th centuries. The local people of Anatolia might also have similar haplogroups, but to be sure, you should test your SNPs and determine haplotype/subclade because the subclades of incomers are different from the indigeneous though they might have the same haplogroups.

Anyway, you N might have been brought from Central Asia by Turkic tribes if it is similar to the ones in Central Asian subclades. If not, maybe from the north of Europe, Siberia or Northeast of Asia through the Balkans. In fact, N is not typical to Central Asia, but it is more typical to north of Siberia and America.
Re: YHgN: there is a study , follow the link please , it has a lot information :
[h=1]Genetic Evidence of an East Asian Origin and Paleolithic Northward Migration of Y-chromosome Haplogroup N[/h][h=2]The Y-chromosome haplogroup N-M231 (Hg N) is distributed widely in eastern and central Asia, Siberia, as well as in eastern and northern Europe. Previous studies suggested a counterclockwise prehistoric migration of Hg N from eastern Asia to eastern and northern Europe. However, the root of this Y chromosome lineage and its detailed dispersal pattern across eastern Asia are still unclear. We analyzed haplogroup profiles and phylogeographic patterns of 1,570 Hg N individuals from 20,826 males in 359 populations across Eurasia. We first genotyped 6,371 males from 169 populations in China and Cambodia, and generated data of 360 Hg N individuals, and then combined published data on 1,210 Hg N individuals from Japanese, Southeast Asian, Siberian, European and Central Asian populations. The results showed that the sub-haplogroups of Hg N have a distinct geographical distribution. The highest Y-STR diversity of the ancestral Hg N sub-haplogroups was observed in the southern part of mainland East Asia, and further phylogeographic analyses supports an origin of Hg N in southern China. Combined with previous data, we propose that the early northward dispersal of Hg N started from southern China about 21 thousand years ago (kya), expanding into northern China 12–18 kya, and reaching further north to Siberia about 12–14 kya before a population expansion and westward migration into Central Asia and eastern/northern Europe around 8.0–10.0 kya. This northward migration of Hg N likewise coincides with retreating ice sheets after the Last Glacial Maximum (22–18 kya) in mainland East Asia.[/h]
Kökleri Batı ve Güney Sibirya Tayga Kuşağı Bölgesine Dayanan Yay Geren Bodunlar

Baskın olan Y.DNA Haplogrupları; N ve Q

Y. DNA N-m231, N-m178, N1a1(N1c1), N-m46, N-l708, N1a-TAT Haplogrubu; İtil(Volga)-Ural(Riphean), Hyperborea


Tingling(Doğu İskit)

Tiele(Töles, Tegrek)


En Yakın Akrabaları/Tiele: Kurıkan(Saha), Tuva/Duha/Uranhay, Samoyed, Sabir, Şor, Soyot, Hakas, Uygur(Dokuz Oğuzlardan)

Ogur Grubu: Avrupa Hun, Erken Avar(Kutrigur), Tabgaç, Ön Bulgar, Çuvaş, Hazar

Tarihi süreçte almış oldukları adlar;


Altunoba Kutrigur

Erken Avarlar(558-630)

Burçoba Kumanları

Mihallı Akıncıları

Tarih Öncesi;

1.) Ordos Platosu- Şanşi M.Ö 34.800

Bir kısmı Güney Mançurya'ya Liao Nehri havzasına göç (M.Ö 6200) etti.

2.) Kuzeydoğu İç Moğolistan M.Ö 28.000

Bir kısmı Kuzey Amerika kıtasına göç (M.Ö 21.000) ederek bir Yenisey-Sayan diyalekti olan Na-Dene dili konuşan Atabask(Apache, Navajo) toplumunu oluşturmuştur. Bu toplumda paylaşımcı üretim ve tüketim kültürü olan Potlaç Kültürü hakimdir.

3.) Güney İrkutsk, Zabaykalsky M.Ö 19.900

Bir kısmı Yenisey, Lena nehirleri havzalarına ve Karelya'ya göç etti. Lena havzasına göç (M.Ö 1500) edenler Saha, Karelya'ya göç (M.Ö 2000) edenler Lapon(Saami) toplumlarını oluşturmuştur. İrkutlar ve Soyotlar, Saha ve Laponlar ile akraba toplumlardır.

Altay Krayı, Sibirka- Srostki/Biysk (Katun- Çarış- Biya nehirleri)

Neolitik Dönem;

ERKEN OGUR; Doğu İskit-Ogur/Batı Tingling/Tiele/Töles/Tegrek;

4.) Güney Krasnoyarsk Oblastı M.Ö 12.300

5.) Omsk-Tobolsk-Tümen-Kurgan Oblastları, Kuzey Kazakistan (Botai-Tersek Kültür bölgesi), Perm-Kazan M.Ö 10.000

Krasnyi Yar, Vasilkovka

N Haplogrubu taşıyıcısı hanedanlar: Erken Avar(Kutrigur), Rurik, Gediminid, Selçuklu, Atabask, Hazar, 16 Cossack(Kozak) Atamanı(Hetman)

Y. DNA ''N'' Haplogrubu İle İlgili Kültür Katmanları; Ogur

Mahandzhar Kültürü

Atbasar Kültürü

Botai-Tersek Kültürü

Shivashovka(Sevastopol) Horizon

Theodosia(Kefe)- Olbia(Yuzhne)

Bir kısım Ogur boyu Seyhun ve Çu nehirleri arasına, Betpak Dala'ya, Çungarya, Kara İrtiş Nehri ve Tarbagatay Dağları arasındaki bölgeye göç etmiştir. Muhtemelen bu boylar Onogurları(Yueban?!) oluşturuyordu. Balkaş Gölü'nün güneyinde Yedisu bölgesindeki Türgişlerin Nuşibi(Onok) ve Dulo(Tuğluk Uruğu) klanlarını bunlar oluşturuyordu.


6.) M.Ö 6000-5000 Chelyabinsk Uyelgi-Başkurtistan/Levedia(Karanaevo, Chiyalikulevo, Gornovo, Kushnarenkovo), Orenburg, Samara

(Bir kısmı Botai-Tersek Kültür bölgesine göç etti. M.Ö 3700-M.Ö 3500)

7.) M.Ö 4900-3500 Samara, Sızran(Arbuga), Saratov(Hvalinsk, Saltovo), Volgograd, Astrahan

8.) M.Ö 4500-4200 Etelköz; Dnipropetrovsk. (Dinyeper-Oril-Samara-Vorskla-Vovcha/Kurt nehirleri)

9.) M.Ö 4000 Güney Odessa(Budjak/Bugeac) ve Dobruca (Dinyester-Siret-Prut-Tuna nehirleri)

10.) Decea, Mureşului, Karos, Csongrad, Bekes(Oroshaza, Szabadkigyos)

Kutrigur Liderleri; Grod, Mugel, Khinialon, Sinnion, Kazarig(Kotzarig), Zabergan(Sabir Han)

Tarih Öncesi;

1.) Doğu Ordos Platosu, Şanşi

2.) Kuzeydoğu İç Moğolistan, Kerulen

Erken Ogur, Ogur;

3.) Doğu İrkutsk, Zabaykalsky

4.) Güney Krasnoyarsk

5.) Altay Krayı

6.) Tümen ve Kurgan Oblastları

7.) Chelyabinsk

8. Başkurtistan


9.) Saratov, Volgograd, Astrahan

10.) Dnipropetrovsk

11.) Güney Odessa, Bugeac, Dobruca

Kutrigur- Erken Avar;

12.) Csongrad, Makö, Bekescsaba, Kunagota, Szabadkigyos, Banat-Timiş, Arad, Felnac, Vilagos

Burçoba Kuman;

13.) Oltenia

( 12, 13 - Batıda Tisa, doğuda Olt, kuzeyde Körös, güneyde Tuna nehirleri arasındaki bölge)

Mihallı Akıncı;

14.) Lovech Bölgesi

(Doğuda Yantra-Rositsa, batıda İskar-Vit ve Osam, kuzeyde Tuna ve Barata nehirleri, güneyde Balkan Dağları)

LUKOMORİE KUMANLARI (Avrupa Hun, Avrupa Erken Avar/Kutrigur, Gepid, Anta, Aorsi/Utrigur/Uar/Udin karışımı): Burçoba(Borcsol), Ulaşoba, Jetioba/İtoba, Urusoba

Burçoba(Börioba, Kurtoba) Kumanları: Dnipropetrovsk Oblastı

Jetioba/İtoba Kumanları: Vinnytsia Oblastı

Ulaşoba Kumanları: Kirovohrad Oblastı

Urusoba Kumanları: Zaporizhzhia Oblastı

Burçoba Liderleri:

Bonyak, Taz, Bortz(Begubars), İonas, Keyran, Uçhugan, Vancsuk, Sytzigan, Osuluk, Boluş, Baybars

Burçoba Yurtları:

1.) Dinyeper(Özi, Var, Buriçay, Borysthenes), Oril, Samara ve Vovcha(Kurt) nehirleri arası (Ukrayna/ Dnipro)

2.) Bistrita, Buzau, Milcov, Siret nehirleri arası (Romanya/ Vrancea)

3.) Timiş, Bega ve Mureş nehirleri arası (Romanya/ Timiş, Caraş Severin)

4.) Mureş,Timiş, Jiu ve Olt nehirleri arası (Romanya/ Mehedinti, Dolj, Olt)

5.) İskar, Vit, Barata, Osam, Rositsa, Yantra nehirleri arası (Bulgaristan/Lovech)

1241 yılında Asen II dünürü İznik İmparatoru İoannis Vatatzes ile anlaşarak Macaristan’dan kaçan ve kendisine sığınan Terteroba Kıpçaklarını sınır muhafızı(Akritai) olarak kullanılmak üzere Büyük Menderes vadisi ve Bithynia-Galatia bölgelerine göndermiştir.

Selçuklu yönetici hanedanı Y. DNA N haplogrubudur. Selçuklu yönetici hanedanı Kınık boyuna mensuptur. Selçukluların tarih sahnesine çıktıkları bölge Kıpçakların güneyinde, Harezm bölgesinin kuzeyinde ve batısında Hazar(Caspian) Denizi ile Aral Gölü’nün arasındaki bölgedir.

Alaeddin Keykubad I, 1211-1213 yılları arasında Ankara’da sürgün hayatı yaşamıştır.

Kınık boyunun yerleşim bölgeleri: Ankara(Kalecik, Kazan, Kızılcahamam), Afyon(Dinar, Sandıklı, Sinanpaşa), Antalya(Kaş) ve Bilecik(Pazaryeri)

Macaristan’da Csongrad(Szeged, Mako) ve Bekes(Kovacs, Szabadkigyos, Kunagota), Balkanlarda Pannonia bölgesinde Voyvodina/Batı Banat(Novi Sad, Sirem/Sremska Mitrovica/Sirmium), Doğu Banat(Timişoara/Temeşvar, Nagyzentmiklos, Variaş, Bulgaruş, Colonia Bulgara) bölgelerinde Y.DNA N haplogrubuna rastlanır.

Doğu Avrupa’da Y. DNA N haplogrubuna Kazan Bulgarlarında(% 28), Çuvaşlarda(% 28), Tümen Tatarlarında (% 24), Litvanya Tatarlarında(%5,5) oranında rastlanır. Türkiye’de N ve Q haplogruplarının toplamı % 6 dır. Türkiye’de N haplogrubu Kınık(muhtemelen Kimek?!), Bayındır(Payandur), Avşar ve Salur(muhtemelen Sarogur?!) boylarında görülür.


Tayga Kuşağı




Ob, İrtiş, İşim, Tobol , Qashliq(İsker, Sibir)




İtil(Volga), Kama(Çulman)


Sızran, Samara, Hvalinsk, Saltovo


Dinyeper/Özi/Buriçay/Borysthenes, Donets/Don(Ten)


Hazar-Karadeniz Bozkırı


Dinyester, Siret, Prut, Kopchak, Tuna nehirleri Boğdan(Bukovina, Besarabya, Bucak), Dobruca, Odessa, Tatarbunary, Bolhrad, Kongaz, Karbuna


Silesia, Alföld, Pannonia
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Y. DNA N Haplogrubunun göç yolları


Y. DNA N Haplogrubunun tarih içinde yerleşim yerleri


Pannonia Avarları


Pannonia Avarlarının Y. DNA Haplogrupları
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