Society How comes the US has such a high rate of teen pregnancies and divorces ?

Brooker said:
I don't know of any countries that don't allow teens to do those things. In America you are an adult at 18 and allowed to make your own decisions.

The age of sexual consent is usually between 14 and 18 years old, both in European countries and US states. That means that if someone has sex with an underaged person, they may be convicted. If both people are the same age or both under age, I guess it's no problem though.
Brooker said:
Don't be too quick to make broad generalizations based on a few random people you've met in ALABAMA!

And don't you be too quick to ASSUME that everyone that acts irresponsably is from ALABAMA...such a fine state to be from! :-)
kirei_na_me said:
I think a part of the teen pregnancy problem has to do with the the lack of a caring father. A lot of girls these days don't get a lot of attention(or none at all) from their fathers because of broken homes.
That seems to explain a cycle of two of the problems. High divorce rate and teen pregnancy.
I think parents are becoming too busy to spend time with their kids nowadays. I used to tell the parents about their children, and a lot of things were the news to them.

Another reason that I could think of for the high divorce rate is that women are financially and mentally independent, have high status in their work and capable of supporting themselves plus family. Also, a lot of them are utilizing the benefit they could receive from the government, which might be just enough for the basic needs but still a better choice over their ex-husbands' paychecks.
1. Horny fertile high schoolers who don't say no and don't use protection.
2. Selfish, confused, busy, anxious adults who couldn't spend time in a room alone with themselves, much less stay married to another neurotic adult for any length of time.
3. Lack of social stigma attached to either.
Doc said:
Rednecks, poverty, inbreding, and crystal meth. Do I need to say more?


i love rednecks

i agree to the rest and there are more, additional reasons, also combinations of these reasons.
I think that one reason there is a high divorce rate, has to be that many cases result in the wife recieving alimony payment from the husband. After divorce from my 1st marriage, I was put on the hook for alimony...even though my wife made more money than I did at the time. (talk about screwed up legal systems!)

As for the teen pregnancy? Too many single parent homes, and latch key kids! Too much free time for the kids, with them searching for ways to fill it. Kids are given way too much freedom now days (IMHO).

just my thoughts on the topic
CC1 said:
I think that one reason there is a high divorce rate, has to be that many cases result in the wife recieving alimony payment from the husband. After divorce from my 1st marriage, I was put on the hook for alimony...even though my wife made more money than I did at the time. (talk about screwed up legal systems!)

As for the teen pregnancy? Too many single parent homes, and latch key kids! Too much free time for the kids, with them searching for ways to fill it. Kids are given way too much freedom now days (IMHO).

just my thoughts on the topic

Actually there was an extensive study done just recently in one of the major scientific journals about the divorce rate in the United States, and the conclusion is that it's exactly the same as it was 100 years ago. How could this be possible you might ask? Simple, the reason why the rates were so high 100 years ago was because of the death rate was extremely high. Too many men died on the front lines in both great wars which contributed to the high rate.

Now you're probably thinking, "Okay that explains 100 years ago, but what about now?" Well the factor for divorce rates being so high today is because it's so easy to get a divorce. See 100 years ago people got married for survival. Today, people get married out of love. Well love is better than arranged marriage right? No it's not. Actually it's worse. You see both genders are finally independent from specific roles, and have a freedom to choose on what they want to do with their lives. However, because of that our values on marriage have changed. We marry for love, and in most cases it's for the wrong reasons. Americans don't look into the compatability issues very well causing spouses to drag each other down. Not only that, but marriage is viewed as a fantasy type tale to most people.

When something goes wrong and both partners need to work things out, one usually gives up because they have a general misconception of what a marriage really is. A marriage is hard work, not fun and games. People in today's society don't like see it that way. Plus there are more single people anyway because of the freedoms that we now have for both genders. Not only that, but sex seems to be the most important factor to a lot of couples anymore. Rather than work out the troubles in a sex life, couples just break up and screw around with other people to find the right spice. The problem with that is that HIV/AIDS is in an epidemic volume now. There are several reasons why divorce rates are high, but it's mostly due to independence and the general misconception of what a marriage should be like today, as opposed to a high death rate 100 years ago. Sad that it's still the same in the divorce rate, only the difference is that the reasons have changed. That's human nature for you.

Doc said:
Actually there was an extensive study done just recently in one of the major scientific journals about the divorce rate in the United States, and the conclusion is that it's exactly the same as it was 100 years ago. How could this be possible you might ask? Simple, the reason why the rates were so high 100 years ago was because of the death rate was extremely high. Too many men died on the front lines in both great wars which contributed to the high rate.

uh? Becoming a widow/widower and getting divorced are two different things! :?
CC1 said:
uh? Becoming a widow/widower and getting divorced are two different things! :?

True, but I forgot to add that the divorce rate was high because of the wars. A lot of women didn't want to live with the burden of being a widow so they basically got a divorce or cheated on their spouses during the wars. Plus because of the widow/widowers the rate of single people was about the same as it is today. Sure divorce was harder back then, but it could still be done espeically with the thought of your spouse not coming back alive. The main reason why it's so high today is because it's so easy to get a divorce. Like you said, most if not a lot of people do it for the money. Women don't have to marry to get ahead in life, but a lot still do just the rip off their ex-husbands. Go figure. :okashii: This is one reason why I never want to get married. :okashii:

I was pretty sure what you meant, but I don't think that you can compare the two instances. Becoming a widow/widower presents much added stress to deal with because it is usually an unseen event. Divorce usually builds to a climax over time, so it is not as traumatic on the family. Don't get me wrong, divorce is traumatic, especially on the kids, but not at all the same as losing a parent to death!
Well they compared it for some odd reason. There was another reason too to add to it, but it escapes me as of this moment. Well think the point of the research was to point out that the reason why there was so many single people in America 100 years ago was because of death, and that the reason why it's still the same today is because divorce is so damn easy to get. Personally I'm all for the tougher laws they want to enact on divorce. Prevent that cheating spouse from ripping you off more. What really pisses me off is that the spouse that cheats on their partner (sleep with somebody else), and also gets the damn alamony check in the divorce too. (usually the woman) Damn that pisses me off! I hate our f***ing system here!

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