If you had to pick a haplogroup that is both plausible for the person's place of origin (10% in Austria) and simultaneously tries to show some sort of deep rooted "hypocrisy", haplogroup E1b1b in any form would be the #1 choice by leaps and bounds.
I'm not saying he's not haplogroup E1b1b. If he were, it still wouldn't make him necessarily a Jew and/or an African but I implore people to take a more skeptical approach to the traditional history narrative the Allied powers constructed after WW2 which lead to an unjustified demonization of Germany.
Furthermore, the German remaining high command burnt his body. The Russians couldn't find it... until 1970... then we test a "skull fragment" of a completely burnt body that was reinterred at least once and somehow get reliable Y chromosomal DNA from it? I call BS on that one.
The Soviets fabricated tons of things to demonize the Germans and justify their occupation of East Europe including but not limited to inventing the Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka death camps to rectify the absolutely wild discrepancy in the number of "liquidated Jews". Even Auschwitz itself once had a sign that said "3 million Jews died here" then 1.5 million then some vague number and mention of gypsies yet the number "6 million Jews" remains unchanged. We have ZERO record of the 3 above mentioned "death camps" existing. Facts were heavily distorted by the Soviets so their claim to have found remains of Hitler range from extremely dubious to moderately laughable and their claims of "6 million Jews killed in ovens/gas-vans/zyklon-b/mining-carts-leading-to-giant-ovens-(holocoaster)" are the biggest outright lies of the 20th century and possibly all of human history.
If it's illegal to even question the "Holocaust" in 14 countries while no other historical event is illegal to question, it makes you wonder. If that alone doesn't convince you, I strongly recommend spending 6.5 hours watching this documentary and then 24-48 hours fact checking.
This was the most life changing piece of information I've ever been exposed to and I have worked in the private military sector and intelligence my entire working life.