Haplogroup, where originated?


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Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
According to Living DNA, the percentage distribution of haplogroup U5b1b1 is, Saami 40%, Finland 7%, Mordovia 3%, Bashkir, Lithuania, Slovenia, Norway 2% each, Russia, Chuvashia, Sweden and Bosnia Herzegovia 1% each. Other countries not noted less than 1%.

My current and ancient dna matches at YFull for U5b1b1-b (U5b1b1-T16192C!) include the following. No country recorded 31, Finland 31, Poland 6, Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Slovakia, Belarus, Sweden, Norway 2 each, Various central Europe countries 1 each. U5b1b1-b and U5b1b1a represented in my matches.

Does this indicate Finland and Saami areas of Scandinavia as being strong 'contenders' for the origin of my haplogroup. U5b1b1 is often stated as being widespread in Europe. It exists in central areas at low percentages, and has far stronger representation in the NW. In UK it's seems it's quite rare.
An alternative hypothesis would be that the high numbers in Finland and Sweden reflect the high proportion of HG ancestry in these populations. In any case, this is an ancient European haplotype.

FTDNA shows 40+ people from the British Isles having the haplotype, compared to 400+ from Finland.
The oldest ancient U5b1b1 discovered thus far is from Central Europe (Czechia, Poland) 7000 ybp.
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Thanks for the comments traveller. I didn't know about that 7000 ybp discovery. So far, I'm the only one tested with mutation G228A at FTDNA and YFull. Anyway, I appreciate your replies.
Your haplogroup was the most common until the Neolithic in Europe.
U, in general, is believed to be the oldest mt-DNA Haplogroup native to Europe. Having its origin after the first migration into Eurasia.

If you search for the U5 page in this site, you'll find exactly where it was originated.
But I tell you that during those thousands of years since 50,000 YBP, until like 8,000. A lot of glaciatons happened, so over time, the Haplogroup have to migrate from different refuges once the ice melts.

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