Of course the title doesn't mean an exact origin of hpH3 in the last millenium BC in Europe.
It's rather an orientative date of when H3 EXPANDED, since looking for all the ages available for ancient samples in mtreefull.
Virtually all give dates ~800-100 BC.
Even though the first recorded appearances in Europe are at the beginning of the Bronze Age.
In England, France, Serbia and Poland.
The four of them is at the coming of the modern Europeans.
It's rather an orientative date of when H3 EXPANDED, since looking for all the ages available for ancient samples in mtreefull.
Virtually all give dates ~800-100 BC.
Even though the first recorded appearances in Europe are at the beginning of the Bronze Age.
In England, France, Serbia and Poland.
The four of them is at the coming of the modern Europeans.