Animals Grey squirrel cull

The tragic story of the near extinction of the Buffaloes was not an ATTEMPT OF EXTERMINATION OF THE TOTAL POPULATION OF THAT SPECIES. It was a case of barbaric excesses of hunting by the Indians and the European settlers.

It is two aspects of the mass-murder of gray squirrels in Great Britain that hit me especially hard: That the murderers take their animosity against some people (the Americans) on the tiny, innocent squirrels – “it’s the AMERICAN invasion!” The murderers CANNOT HELP but let show that animosity in their murder arguments against the gray squirrels. It is explicit or implicit.

The second aspect is that the mass-murder is GOVERNMENT SPONSORED, including by that royal parasite prince Charles. He dared even try to score some ethicality points by this disgraceful occasion, by having proclaimed that he killed the gray squirrels at his estate HUMANELY!

All you've got is opinions based on emotion:

1. The Indians never over-hunted. Never. Of all peoples in the Americas, they had the most elevated sense of harmony with nature.

2. Grey squirrels in the UK are legally classified as vermin based on their ecological damage. Not because they are 'American'. There are many enlightened, kind, educated and logical Americans. Learn from them.

3. The Royal family form no part of British government. The Queen is the constitutional head of state - a ceremonial role in all but name.

4. There are ample records that show that the US government, military, cattle barons and railroad companies wiped out entire areas of buffalo as a means of subjugating and "eliminating the red man". We call it ethnic cleansing these days. Just Google the subject to find the sources. There are many of them.

As I say, all you've got is opinions. It's useful to have facts. Unless of course, you're content coming across as an emotional, ignorant and irrational person.
All you've got is opinions based on emotion:
1. The Indians never over-hunted. Never. Of all peoples in the Americas, they had the most elevated sense of harmony with nature.

2. Grey squirrels in the UK are legally classified as vermin based on their ecological damage. Not because they are 'American'. There are many enlightened, kind, educated and logical Americans. Learn from them.

3. The Royal family form no part of British government. The Queen is the constitutional head of state - a ceremonial role in all but name.

4. There are ample records that show that the US government, military, cattle barons and railroad companies wiped out entire areas of buffalo as a means of subjugating and "eliminating the red man". We call it ethnic cleansing these days. Just Google the subject to find the sources. There are many of them.

As I say, all you've got is opinions. It's useful to have facts. Unless of course, you're content coming across as an emotional, ignorant and irrational person.

You are falsifying records of history. The American Indians behaved routinely like barbarians because they WERE barbarians. From the aforementioned website on the story of the American buffalo:

“Many European observers were struck by gourmandizing as well as by what struck them as subsequent "profligacy" or "indolence." At times, Indians used everything. But on occasions they did not, and the observers remarked upon "putrified carcasses," animals left untouched, or Indians who took only "the best parts of the meat." Sometimes Indians were said to kill "whole herds" only for the fat-filled tongues”

You are not succeeding with your trying to justify the British wanton mass-murder of the gray squirrels by diverting the attention to other atrocities against various animals committed throughout the ages by people all over the world.

My comment on the British treatment of, and approach to the gray squirrels did not refer to how they are CLASSIFIED LEGALLY. It referred to the British ATTITUDE to, and the REAL reasons of their hostility, hatred of the gray squirrels. Yes, while talking about the “problem” of the gray squirrels, the British people cannot help but give away hints that the actual reason for their hostility and hatred against the innocent gray squirrels is their considering those squirrels the AMERICAN INVASION!

Regarding the “ecological damage” being done by the gray squirrels: The pathological haters of the gray squirrels routinely exaggerate by multiple factors the damage gray squirrels do to their habitats. For instance, they claim that squirrels destroy woodlands by barking trees. The fact of reality is that such occasional barking DOE’S NOT cause the whole areas of trees to die off. Another proof of how irrational and evil the arguments of the enemies of the gray squirrels are: They “forget” opportunely that all, or maybe almost all, wild animals cause some environmental damage!

Talking about facts: While from what I could surmise it is the majority of the people of Great Britain who have been depraved enough to go along with the mass-murder of the gray squirrels, there are some exceptions among them. One such is Professor Acorn ( - Professor Acorn's We're as native as you!). His facts are well researched; he himself comes across as credible, sincere, honest, objective and morally-healthy. I recommend getting acquainted with his work to you and all other demagogues living the lie.

Here is the message I sent yesterday to that American para-cannibalism site “”:

“You accursed, despicable, depraved barbarians! You obviously are too immoral to realize that squirrels were NOT created for hunting, let alone eating. Just because you are primitive, backward and stupid is no excuse to continue your caveman tradition.

Don’t dare touch ever again any of the adorable squirrels!”

It is because of the gigantic scope and the unmatched (in the civilized world) immorality in treatment of animals that I have been focusing lately the bulk of my wrath on the BRITISH murderers of the squirrels. I don’t spare other, such murderers, though, including the American ones. Read my (I am “Flankersquirrels” there) comments on YouTube’s Squirrel Hunting, to see how I attack the American primitive, despicable, depraved squirrel-murdering barbarians!
You are falsifying records of history. The American Indians behaved routinely like barbarians because they WERE barbarians. From the aforementioned website on the story of the American buffalo:

“Many European observers were struck by gourmandizing as well as by what struck them as subsequent "profligacy" or "indolence." At times, Indians used everything. But on occasions they did not, and the observers remarked upon "putrified carcasses," animals left untouched, or Indians who took only "the best parts of the meat." Sometimes Indians were said to kill "whole herds" only for the fat-filled tongues”

Call that evidence? You're still only ranting. Have a nice time with it.
Thank you British people for having shown your national character even more bluntly. What you have perpetrated is a TOTALLY UNJUSTIFIABLE MASS-MURDER OF THE INNOCENT, ADORABLE, VALUABLE GRAY SQUIRRELS!

You have been producing a plentiful of fake reasons to eradicate the gray squirrels, when in reality there is only one real reason of the same: YOU HAVE UNLOADED YOUR ANTI-AMERICAN SENTIMENTS ON THE POOR, WONDERFUL GRAY SQUIRRELS BECAUSE YOU SEE THEM AS THE AMERICAN INVASION!!!

The majority of you British people, who have been supporting the mass-murder of the beautiful gray squirrels, proved to be DESPICABLE, DEPRAVED, IMMORAL, EVIL, CYNICAL, POOR-IN-THE-SPIRIT BARBARIANS!

Too bad the Nazis didn’t annihilate your accursed nation. There would have been a huge chance that the special gray squirrels would be still alive today, considering that Adolf Hitler loved animals.

You country should be invaded NOW by civilized people to punish all the contemptible murderers of the human-friendly gray squirrels!
This is totally ridiculous. I hardly think that the Brits have it in for the grey squirrel because it is native to America. I know the U.S and its people very well. I live in the country half the year and received all of my higher education there. In my opinion, the U.S. has harmed wildlife much more than the British. Perhaps almost as much as the Chinese, who essentially have little or no respect for nature.

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