Good things about the USA


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Hello all, I pose a question for those who may not agree with somethings going on in the USA. What are some good things that are in the US? (No sarcasm please.)
For example, after the hurricane hit Lousiana a group of people sent a number of house frames on barges to Lousiana. OR
No matter how small you can start your very own religon.

I would like to stay on topic if we could, and not stray to taking pop sots at the US.

THank you. :bow:
Muscle cars, dozens of different ethnic foods within a mile, and the electric guitar.
Point in case, that is what I would like.
The way we respond in a crisis is great. The Tsunamis and hurricanes- people did come together.

I like the fact that school from k-12 is free. And anyone with talent that works really hard can get into the best colleges.

I like that after the Rose Bowl- 100,000 people who disagreed with each other left the stadium without any fighting and only a few dozen arrests (for drinkning too much.)

I also liked that even when it was raining and windy, half a million people still turned out for the Rose Parade.
An illustrative anecdote:

Once when driving my Japanese wife through rural West Tennessee, where I was born and raised, on a long straight stretch on road I encountered another car coming from the opposite direction. I raised a hand in recognition, as did the other driver.

"Do you know that man?"
"No. I've never seen him before in my life."
"Then why did you wave to him?"
"That's what we do around here."

Contrast that with the Japanese phenomenon of thinking that sitting inside a vehicle activates some sort of cloaking device around you.
It seems easier to get into a lot of universities nowadays.:cool:

Nope, this isn't sarcasm. :blush:
- Cultural diversity
- Equal employment opportunity (for the most part)
- Equal education opportunity (for the most part)
- The acceptance of other people's and their respective cultures (for the most part)
- The acceptance that once you have become an American citizen, you are considered an American no matter what (for the most part)
- We have the highest ratio of students in universities and colleges
- Universities are much easier to get into
- Are Constitution is still considered the most modern political document ever written, and has more covered in less than ten articles than most countries do over that amount
- And various other political, social, economic, cultural, etc aspects

Doc :wave:
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How about economic mobility- A Michigan study of income showed Americans tend to have a high degree of mostly upward income mobility.
Guns & Ammo !!

I like being able to buy any gun I want and bring it home the same day. Being able to go out and target shoot when I want is nice. Getting a concealed weapons permit is cheap and easy. Having the right to self defence and protection of property is nice.


Sometimes you worry me Frank.:souka:
When I was there I liked the fact you could drive for miles and not see soul. Difficult thing to do in the UK
Cheap petrol, diner breakfasts the size of a small nation, Steve Martin (in his earlier years and films) and I don't have to learn a different language to communicate with people, although sometimes......:giggle:
If you want to have good weather, just drive south, without leaving your own country.
d3jake said:
Hello all, I pose a question for those who may not agree with somethings going on in the USA. What are some good things that are in the US? (No sarcasm please.)

Have you seen the thread Greatest contributions of the USA to the world ?

For example, after the hurricane hit Lousiana a group of people sent a number of house frames on barges to Lousiana.

:clueless: In what way does that make you want to go there ?

No matter how small you can start your very own religon.

I believe it is the same in Europe and Japan.
The US is geographically absolutely fascinating country.

There are enormous mountains that are over 10,000 feet in the West, rocky coasts of the Northeast, sunny and sandy beach in the South, hot and dry desert of the Midwest etc.
I love the fact that there are so many national parks that are strictly protected by park rangers and federal agencies from being harmed and trashed.

Even only in NY state, landscape is so colorful that you would be surprised how different one city looks from another.
Yeah, national parks and the diversity of the landscape is certainly one of the most compelling touristic attraction of the USA. Big cities with tall and shiny skyscrapers are another.
I like the fact that I can stand on Collage Ave. on the first Sat. of every month, and protest the unjust war in Iraq (not to say that the ability is a luxury only enjoyed in the US...).
Gaijinian said:
I like the fact that I can stand on Collage Ave. on the first Sat. of every month, and protest the unjust war in Iraq (not to say that the ability is a luxury only enjoyed in the US...).

There are protests about anything from dockyard reforms to cuts in beetroot subsidies in front of he EU Parliament in Brussels quite frequently. We have no unjust war to complain about, but sometimes protests are held in honour to G.W. Bush's visit. :-)
Let's, see, most people don't know that there can culture in the US (i.e. the appreiciation of art) and other things. Sometimes I think too much of America's shallowness is shown to the world. So I'm going to point out some stuff that doesn't make America look like the buffoonish culture that it appears. :blush: I said buffoonish *giggles*

I think I said this, but how about the literature.

Ralph Waldo Emerson was one of the best philosophers, I like alot of his quotes, especially his essay on self-reliance. I haven't had the oppertunity to read it, but I have read several other essays that were based off his.

There's other stuff, but I'll have to post it later. :bluush:
Gaijinian said:
I like the fact that I can stand on Collage Ave. on the first Sat. of every month, and protest the unjust war in Iraq (not to say that the ability is a luxury only enjoyed in the US...).

I'm with you on that one.. Though those freedoms are beginning to fade with the Patriot Act and warrantless wire-tapping and all.

Becasue of this, I would say that many of us that have the spirit of voicing your opinion and the pride in open-minded and peaceful ideas is a good aspect of America. What the government might be trying to take out will always be there in her society. It's our peoples' general stubbornness for the "American way" that makes this country what it is. For example, I went to D.C. last year for a vacation and visited the archives. Just outside the hall where the constitution is kept, there was a journal for visitors to write what they though t of the display. The page it was turned to, someone wrote something to the effect of "our forefathers would role over in thier graves if they knew how things are today.. Our administration needs to read these documents...etc." It's that spirit and drive in the American people that will always remain.
It's people
I guess what make America a alright country would be different ethnic people, ethnic food, beaches, large parks and I guess that is all I can think off right now.