the 'long-barrow' type (Coon's naming) was dolicho/hyperdolichocephalic, with a very long and low linear skull ridge, a not very receding forehead, a very small face, proportionally broad and low (short), with protuding lower jaw angles, quadrangular orbits higher in the external sides (like a lot of Paleo-Mesolithic people close to 'croma' forms), a rather narrow nose hole which lacks the sort of gap under the glabella that had paelo/Mesolithic people of West s a whole. Middle to high stature for the period (1m67/68).
Kind of stable mix between a 'croma'like form and some kind of 'mediter', surely not of the 'danubian' type so common among first farmer. Some eastern 'mediter' came by sea at some stage of history??? some "familial" group of Cardial people?
Concerning your eyes, I'm surprised! Even if pics are not too reliable (more or less light in eyes) I should have bet they were not so dark as you say. And your skin?