Cannot paste screenshots


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Not sure if it's a temporary bug but for some reason I cannot post images or screen shots. I attempted to CTRL-V or right click "Paste" and nothing happens. I haven't tested in other threads yet.

Edit: Just tried to post a screenshot of admixture data and it worked. Went back to the thread where I had the problem and still couldn't copy a photo and paste it.
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Not sure if it's a temporary bug but for some reason I cannot post images or screen shots. I attempted to CTRL-V or right click "Paste" and nothing happens. I haven't tested in other threads yet.

Edit: Just tried to post a screenshot of admixture data and it worked. Went back to the thread where I had the problem and still couldn't copy a photo and paste it.
Try refreshing the page in your browser before pasting the screenshot.
Try refreshing the page in your browser before pasting the screenshot.
still won't let me copy/paste or screenshot photos that a forum member posted. In order for it to work I had to right click and select "copy image link". How the photos posted or uploaded affect the ability to copy/paste such as jpeg? And I encountered another strange bug after trying to view photos I posted even after refreshing the page:
In which subforum do you have this problem?
Oh well that's normal then. I was fed up of posts about looks and pigmentation so I closed that subforum and to make sure that people didn't post similar threads in Anthropology and Ethnography I disabled images in that subforum.

As the description says this subforum is intended to discuss human variations, evolution, adaptability, neuropsychology, ethnic and cultural studies. I intended it as a place for anthropologists to discuss serious studies, not for a place for random people to ask others what they look like.
Oh well that's normal then. I was fed up of posts about looks and pigmentation so I closed that subforum and to make sure that people didn't post similar threads in Anthropology and Ethnography I disabled images in that subforum.

As the description says this subforum is intended to discuss human variations, evolution, adaptability, neuropsychology, ethnic and cultural studies. I intended it as a place for anthropologists to discuss serious studies, not for a place for random people to ask others what they look like.
Ok that explains what I was experiencing. Are you going to create a "Guess the Ethnicity" category all to itself so discussions like that can continue? I enjoyed the discussions. I thought it was simply fun.