I'm finding it extremely interesting that the countries where I-M253 is more prevalent (Scandinavia), they are also less religious, lack a belief in a god especially in Denmark, the location of M253s origin. For an unknown reason, the Czech Republic has virtually no religion or belief in a god. I am M253 and atheist.
By burial practices, decoration and spiritual objects, we can guess that Neanderthals were less religious people than Home Sapience in general. It could be interesting to see if Scandinavians have more Neanderthal DNA left in their genome than other populations. If indeed it is the case we might suppose that low spirituality of Neanderthals was genetically transferred to Modern Scandinavians.
I was adopted at 2 weeks after birth but grew up with siblings that were "blood siblings" with the same mother and father. We were close in age. I was 8 months older than one and 2 years older than the other. Nurturing was exactly the same. We did everything together until near adulthood. I am quite the opposite of them politically, socially, and in the spiritual which is nonsense to me. I found out my genetic heritage in mid-2013. That's just over 40 years of non-belief. I tried to become religious for a girl :grin: but it just seemed silly. I did feel a longing or connection and wished I was Scandinavian in origin as far back as age 10. This may seem "spiritual" to many but that's what I had hoped.
Thanks for sharing. This is a great example how strong genetics is when it comes to traits of character, inclination to certain pleasures or fears, how logic works, etc.
My 3 kids were born almost at same time, and spent most of their life in exactly same environment, like home, school, friends, food, air, etc. From the moment they were born they behaved in different ways, so I tossed the clean slate hypothesis away. I had to convince my psychiatric doctor friend that clean slate was bulshit (obviously some profesors were teaching this still in 90s). Now she has her own kids, and understands better how things work. What blind moron invented this hypothesis anyway, gees. It is easy to believe in it when having a lonely child (nothing to compare against), or parents have very similar personalities and likewise kids.
Anyway my kids have (now at 20s) pretty much same characters and personalities they were born with. They are not as different like people in general, but more like a spectrum between my wife and I. Whatever one would construct mixing our DNA. Similar to parents but different in their own ways from birth.
Believing in a god is emotional weakness in that one is accepting that they are incapable of making decisions and therefore hand rough things off to a deity. Or accomplishments are the work of a deity and one could not have done it on their own. That a deity saved a person or person's from an accident yet spared others (grace). Then there's the fear of death and a rather greedy attempt to keep living even though one has no physical body. Islam is worse in that one gets a crapload of virgins to play with.
Spirituality, especially when proved genetic, is so ancient and so widespread that, by evolutionary standards, it has to exist for a very good reason. Believing in supernatural may seem silly and not needed in modern age, but it exists because it was very beneficial for our ancestors.
For example if somebody was atheist in the past, and had seen wife die during birthing, most kids dead too, suffering for nothing, life full of fleas, lice and worms eating you from inside, and hungry all the time too. Why would you suffer for nothing, with no help from gods to pray to, no reward after life for these painful sacrifices? The only logical option is to jump from the tall rock and finish your misery.
Spiritual people had much better chance to get through misery, hoping and imagining a better future with help of ancestral spirits, believing in their special status, lucky star, and survive.
I do not fear death one bit. I'll be pissed when I think it's coming but only because I want to see rapid progress in all things and I'll miss advancing technology and social change.
I'm the same, any type of progress (for the better) is very exciting. Stagnation and no change is depressing. I can live 1,000 years just to see and experience progress.
I am certain (I don't use believe) that this "god gene" will be found to be absent in M253 or a large percentage of M253 at least as well as other Y-chromosomes. I am confident that genetics will trump nurture in the degree of how humans behave.
I would be surprised if "god gene" could be found on any of sex chromosomes. There might be a geographical correlation between God Gene and M253, but no causation.