Sex & Gender Are men and woman equal

Are men and woman equal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 34 50.0%
  • unsure

    Votes: 6 8.8%

  • Total voters
i dont think thats the case, it may derived into that in Islam today, but original intention was probably to protect women from horny men.

Men sexuality is visual, we get turned on by female bodies, and in more archaic stage of civilization, where chopping of limbs and heads was commonplace you see on the streets, men were probably not expected to suppress their urges as are today, hell even today men are incapable of doing so, especially during puberty

rubbish...........there will always be rape, there is rape in islamic states , hindu states and buddist states as well as christians ............its the lunacy of men ..............

You think women do not have "puberty" urges either! ...................its natures way to populate
I got to say some of these comments are very funny, particularly those by people like Garrick. Saying that women should have "equal rights" yet can't compete against males, should only compete against females, etc. Talk about a hypocritical mindset - I guess women only have "rights" as long as those rights are convenient otherwise forget it.

I mean this really made me laugh

Really? I guess you don't know that some tribes have female hunters. The African Aka tribe for example - guys sit looking pretty babysitting while the wives go hunting. And that's just one tribe.

So what are they, aliens?

As for strategic thinking being a male only "skill" I call BS. I've seen plenty of men who are lucky they can think their way out of a wet paper bag without directions.

But then I am a woman, former military, and I have worked in VERY male dominated fields. This includes working security to help pay for my education at a mall infested with drug activity - drug dealers, gang members, and druggies - so bad that the police mostly turned a blind eye and would not step foot on the property unless someone was getting the sh&t kicked out of them or already dead. Or only when my male "strategic thinking" fellow security guards were threatened by guns after going up to two vehicles parked in the back, middle of nowhere, and banging on the passenger window - anyone with two eyes would know that that was a drug deal going down at 5000 paces.

Because I was always thinking, on the ball split second decisions, I never once had an issue at this mall for the 2 years I worked there. In fact, because I learnt swiftly the "lay of the land" I even ended up having the drug dealers - and a 6'4" tattooed like a road map patched Hellsangel member - actually going out of their way to tell me who among their "clients" were going to be an issue for the day or week.

It always makes me laugh, thinking back to that neighborhood and another mall I ended up working at, when two male security guards could not get a 18 year old boy [scrawny lanky runt] to go home and were actually thinking of charging him - as in tackling, etc. - despite how it was recorded three times this kid had been violent and oftentimes carried a weapon on him - he stabbed his step father with a broken wine bottle in broad daylight - and yet stepping out of my vehicle for shift change all I had to do was say his name and tell him to go home. He left shouting at the other "strategically thinking" male guards that I do 150% work for my job and these two were jokers.

I later went on to work in a mental health facility for the criminally insane. So by no means little wimps flexing muscle thinking themselves tough [we had cannibals, serial rapists, killers, psychopaths and sociopaths, etc.] I never had a run in because I was always thinking, again.

But if you equate strategic thinking with rush head first into situations - bull-headed, act first, think later - behavior then yes... males take that cake. Intelligent women are as strategically thinking if not more so because a) we're smaller and oftentimes physically weaker so it'd be hard to go one on one with some nut [you have to think on your feet how to handle a situation as a woman while men mostly rely on their strength].

Ultimately though, no women are not equal. Intelligence wise, yes certainly - my neighborhood here is plagued by "cool" guys who drive up and down a residential street well beyond the speed limit despite multiple signs saying school zone, school crossing, autistic & deaf children. Skill wise, certainly - or we wouldn't have a number of luxuries that men & women use to pamper their arses on a daily basis [a number of inventions are due to women].

Employment wise - hahah. Joke. My cousin graduated early in her engineering class, top of the class, her "job" is little more than a receptionist for some all boys' club company.

And I will say that. I believe in women's rights, equality, etc. However, within reason.

Don't scream "unfair" because you don't get your way... such modern-day attitude of so-called "feminist" probably makes the original feminists [who did voting, etc] roll in their graves. Even I get fed up with women screaming unfair - there was some "doctor" in the UK a couple months, a year maybe, who bitched she wasn't been taken seriously by her patients - she dressed in tight clothes, wore too much makeup, and dyed her hair blonde. I'd not have taken her seriously either.

I like your style..., especially writing. Good life stories, you should try to make a book out of it. ;)
My suggestion is both men and women are equal, Now a days the women employees are higher than men, because every woman wants to achieve something in her life. She plays multiple roles and she has a strength to tolerate and face most difficult issues in life. She need to sacrifice her wish for other happiness, so women should have equal right with men.
Equal in what?
not even even in rights and obligations,

Both have different rights and obligations according their nature,

for example, can a working man have the rights of pregnacy and mother?
NO, then what equal?

the only common-eaqual is that both must have the basical human rights,
the right of personal will, personal choice, work, walk and transport, without facing terror or racism,
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The main question is not formulated right. Equal denotes rights, law and social order, not human abilities or physical body. To denote physical differences we shouldn't use term equal but rather "the same". Are we the same? Of course not. We are all different.
On top of it, the poll is not precise enough to distinguish if questions refer to current social standings or to philosophical/ideological realm.
Should man and woman be equal? versus Do you think women and men are treated equal in today's Western World?

This poll should be redone.
Both men and women have advantages which makes them better functioning in certain subjects. It's documented that women are better at focusing on multi tasks at the same time, while they have less of a capacity to navigate or drive a car, men were built on survive and hunting required good skills of navigation.
What's the reason over 95%+ of scientists, inventors are men? It's because our brain capacity were built on skills that were associated with male roles and it took us further in a direction to become interested in those subjects.
When it comes to psychological aspect the most successful Men often wouldn't be nowhere without their wife, it's been quoted many times how men are thankful for a women who gave them a purpose on their lives and make a career in political field for example.
When I first came to Japan I was a ambitious male pushing and explaining women's rights to my students.

I was always upset that my female students never picked on this issue and become ... anything ... moved or slightly flustered.

Today, 10 years later, I know much more and realize that these female students already knew the truth.

Men are allowed to act as such because the women let them.

Sure, women don't lead lives as career excutives in Japan and spend time pouring tea for the men. They even put up with the lazy husbands who lay on the floor while watching TV. They even let their husbands indulge in a tilly tally with a cuty from the office, as long as the husband denies that the lipstick mark on his collar is not the cutey's but blames it on the crowded rush hour train obasan! Women will also pour their husband's beer!

At what price does this come at? sounds like a male heaven ?

lol and behold - the human male species has been swindeled.

My situation might be extreme but I'm married to Japanese lady.

Women in Japan have it made! NO balding due to stress.
With the advent of automated salary deposits to the bank account men have lost their last stonghold of power. Japanese men (including me) live on allowance that barely covers a beer after work. Wives have full financial control of the household. Wives take care of the children's up-bringing. They are the ones who let their husbands behave like children.
Sure, they have low status in the work enviornment but this pays off since work is normally an area to find a well salaried husband who will be able to cover the woman's living expenses. Sure, child rearing can be a 24 hour job in the begingin but once schooling starts the women are left to lounge around the house, go shopping, have affairs, enjoy life to return slightly before the husband and return home to make dinner. Men aren't allowed to complain about the $1,000 Louis Viotton bags but a new set of golf clubs require negotiations with the wife (err computer for me). Women will divorce their husbands after the retirement check comes. Men are supposed to listen and accept their wives complaining in a manly fashion (even if it contiues hours and hours).

Having been married 4 years I have come to understand why more women in Japan don't want to push for the ERA that their American counter parts want. Japanese women don't need rights that would actually limit their powers. (ie, the American President is so strong because his position is the only one that doesn't have oodles and oodles of laws controlling what a President can and can not do).

Ever wonder why you hear all these stories of Japanese men working until all hours of the night in Japan ... why the working day is actually hours and hours of over-time ... I see colleauges working till 9pm where I work. why? Possibly because work = freedom for men in Japan.

I want equal rights!!!

Back to resonableness. Like I mentioned above, when I first came to Japan I pushed and talked alot about equality but ... not knowing the social situation and acting like an American ... lead some of the people around me to look at me strangely. Understanding the situation and then preceding is very important.

Although, I was being sarcastic in parts above ....

I still think that round the world there are many women being taken advantaged of and something should be done to correct those problems.

so ... yes Debs I agree with you.

hmmm ... I wonder in reality who is more equal ??? but then ... it proably depends on how and where this is viewed from ...



The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.

There are a few corollaries I would add:

1. Past benefit provided by the male does not provide for continued or future association.

2. Any agreement where the male provides a current benefit in return for a promise of future association is null and void as soon as the male has provided the benefit (see corollary 1)

3. A promise of future benefit has limited influence on current/future association, with the influence inversely proportionate to the length of time until the benefit will be given and directly proportionate to the degree to which the female trusts the male.

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