One of the things I've heard the most times from the mouths of Americans about their country is that they live in the freest country in the world. That may have been true when the US became independent in 1776, but that is no longer the case. For example the Freedom in the World Index for 2024 ranks the United States in 62nd position, behind such countries as Mongolia or Barbados. For freedom of press the United States ranks 56th worldwide — lagging behind even Moldova, Mauritania, Ghana and Ivory Coast. Even the Index of Economic Freedom, created in the US itself, ranks America in 25th position.
But in this thread I would like to review more specific freedoms and rights which are found in other developed countries but are lacking in the United States.
I will start with this excellent video made by an American woman living in Germany. She has a PhD in architecture and geography and is also an incredible storyteller. It concerns the right to roam freely in nature.
But in this thread I would like to review more specific freedoms and rights which are found in other developed countries but are lacking in the United States.
I will start with this excellent video made by an American woman living in Germany. She has a PhD in architecture and geography and is also an incredible storyteller. It concerns the right to roam freely in nature.
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