Always use high temperatures for washing


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I was raised by a germaphobe, so I knew this. Only person I ever knew who actually mixed ammonia and bleach to REALLY disinfect things. :)

Seriously, this change to "energy saving" washing machines and dishwashers is a very bad idea. Use of one spread a superbug all through a German maternity hospital.

Of course, dark colors will fade a bit, so I'll sometimes cheat with my clothes, but my son's clothes always went in "HOT" water, especially once he was in his own apartment. Young men are usually not the most hygienic in my experience. Yes, I still wash his clothes occasionally.

It's also one of the reasons I really can't do without a dishwasher, no matter what my Italian family says, especially when they see me practically wash my dishes before I put them in the dishwasher. No germ ridden sponges in my house either. Jetted water gets rid of most things, and if not I use a Scot towel. I know, I know, but those sponges and cloths are a germ factory.
☡ ... Caution... never mix Bleach and Ammonia:

... The combination of ammonia and bleach produces dangerous chlorine gas, which in small doses can cause irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. In large doses, it can kill. Chlorine gas, also known as mustard gas, was actually used in WWI & WWII ...
☡ ... Caution... never mix Bleach and Ammonia:

... The combination of ammonia and bleach produces dangerous chlorine gas, which in small doses can cause irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. In large doses, it can kill. Chlorine gas, also known as mustard gas, was actually used in WWI & WWII ...

Trying it once was enough, even for my mother...the clean fanatic. (I'm not much better if I'm honest.)

It was a constant battle for her with my father, who habitually would forget to take off his shoes, wipe his hands on his pants while out in the garden, left his clothes where he took them off, never hung up the towels, left dirty dishes to crust in the sink, might not wash his hands the instant he came in, put drinks glasses on the mahogany furniture without a coaster, and on and on.

Some of her sage words of advice: don't marry a man who drinks, which he didn't, (she didn't really think about drugs), and marry someone who's clean and tidy. I obeyed. I don't think I could have lasted with a messy, dirty person, and nor could he. Hell, his shirts are sorted and hung by color when they come home from the Chinese laundry (on hangers, wrapped in plastic, light starch on the neck and cuffs), and the plastic can't touch or they might wrinkle! Fine with me. Had too much to do with house, kids and work to go starching shirts, although the first "household" job my mother ever taught me was how to iron my father's shirts. I'm a master if I say so myself. :)

I'd add don't marry anyone who only likes "bland" food. People who don't like this, don't like that, drive me mad. Once they've revealed their terrible palates they go on the never invite to a party list. :) You know, people who won't eat anything "green", or think fruit tastes weird, or would never eat lamb, or think "BRIE", for god's sakes, is too strong tasting, and parmigiano is "funky", or whatever. It's NOT cute.

Sometimes it's the little things which can defeat you.
My apartment doesn't have a dishwasher but I use paper plates and order out so germs aren't as much of an issue.

And I could never understand people who enjoy bland food. I could never understand the hype surrounding "white meat" which to me tastes like nothing and unless you have bear teeth you will chew it for a while. What a chore! I'm no fan of potatoes and meat that isn't tender enough so you don't need grizzly fangs.

"Brie" cheese is one of the most amazing things that has ever touched my mouth PERIOD! It has flavor which to me is an absolute requirement for food to have. Btw I prefer salt/pepper and condiments over sugar. I have a salt tooth but not much of a sweet tooth