The speed of computer chips has been undergoing an exponential growth for several decades, commonly known as Moore's Law. In fact, all digital technologies are exponential, be it microprocessors, RAM memory, DNA sequencing, magnetic storage, the number of Internet hosts, Internet traffic, the...
Here is an article I wrote recently about uploading one's mind into a computer to achieve immortality, like Johhny Depp in the new film Transcendence.
Mind uploading won't lead to immortality
Feel free to comment.
I haven't been very active on Eupedia in the last few weeks. The reason is that I have been reading a lot about future technologies and started a new website called Life 2.0. Feel free to join the Facebook page.
Here is my first article:
Your life is going to change faster than ever before...
OK, exactly one year after I had the idea of transcendental-DNA I rewrote it, with a new name, in the form of a challenge to Google’s Singularity. Any inputs would be appreciated.
I am working on a new article summarising the incredible amount of technological innovation that the world is experiencing at the moment. I am reviewing advances in AI, robotics, bioengineering, genetics and 3-D printing. We are heading toward the singularity, the moment in history when...
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