
  1. Maciamo

    Religion Iranian women could face death penalty for defying new morality laws

    This is horrifying. 😧 Iranian women could face death penalty for defying new morality laws "Women in Iran could face the death sentence or up to 15 years in prison if they defy new compulsory morality laws due to come into effect this week. New laws promoting the “culture of chastity and...
  2. Maciamo

    Religion Religiously active Americans more likely to vote at elections

    With the looming US presidential election, I thought it would be interesting to post about an important trend in US politics, namely that religiously active people are considerably more likely to vote than the the inactive and unaffiliated. This trend was identified by Pew Research in 2019. In...
  3. Maciamo

    Religion Harvard study finds that brain damage is linked to religious fundamentalism

    A new study suggests a link between brain damage and increased religious fundamentalism. The study involved analyzing brain lesions in two groups: veterans and rural Iowa patients with brain injuries. The research found an overlap in brain areas associated with religious fundamentalism...
  4. Maciamo

    Religion Recent percentages of non-religious people in Europe by country

    Statistics about religious beliefs evolve surprisingly quickly. In the USA the number of non-religious people has been increasing steadily by about 1% per year in the last 20 years. The same trend can be seen in Europe, although religiosity has fallen much faster in some countries than others...
  5. Maciamo

    Religion Does Christian confession incite crime?

    I have much to reproach to Christianity. Apart from being nonsensical, irrational belief system built on fairy tales and contradictory rules, and apart from all the excesses of the Church committed over the centuries, there is a more pernicious element to being a Christian that has, IMHO, had a...
  6. Maciamo

    Religion Why are there still Christians?

    I felt the need to open a thread to rent about Christianity and religion in general. There were some really good quotes on Twitter.