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  1. Dan B

    Things that make the US different from other developed countries

    This is an interesting thread. I have a couple of thoughts: I don't know why people should automatically have contempt for the police. If a specific policeman is known to be abusive or something, he should be brought up on charges and, if found guilty, fired and/or imprisoned. But otherwise...
  2. Dan B

    What's your favorite rock/punk/alternative band

    Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. Back in high school, though, I was a huge fan of Minor Threat. Great stuff! Dan
  3. Dan B

    France Accuses America Over HIV Drugs

    Maciamo and Bossel, Thanks for the replies! That's very interesting. But I didn't claim that the U.S. gave more money per capita (nor when compared to GDP) than did France or any other particular nation. I merely pointed out that a rather large chunk (about 1/4 to 1/3) of the money going to...
  4. Dan B

    France Accuses America Over HIV Drugs

    Bossel, Thanks for the links! The data from the two different sources are different, so I presume that they're referring to funds given to different organizations. The U.S. has given over 22% of all funds to date, according to the UN AIDS organization (your first link). The Global Fund...
  5. Dan B

    France Accuses America Over HIV Drugs

    Maciamo, Thanks for the links! I read both the articles, and looked up two more: It would seem that you're correct, it's not an issue of patents. The New...
  6. Dan B

    France Accuses America Over HIV Drugs

    I've quoted some of Bossel's comments about the Sony Walkman case because they may be germaine here. I don't know the particulars of the HIV drug issue, but I wonder: is this just a question of personal profit? In other words, is this about nothing more than lining the pockets of men of power...
  7. Dan B

    Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    Glenn, Agreed. Of course, this could lead to other philosophical arguments about the relative import of any given element of this singular life. Then again, I would tend towards categorically rejecting an implication that any given element is "worth less" than any other (as a rough extension...
  8. Dan B

    Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    Glenn, It occurs to me that an interesting implication of this view might be that we are all part of a single life. If a human egg, even as a haploid cell, is alive (as we might consider every other cell in a human body, though they are certainly not necessarily individually independent of the...
  9. Dan B

    Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    Elizabeth, :-) I appreciate your advice and, in fact, that's exactly what I typically do. Nonetheless, in my estimate, the point I sought to make could be expressed without directing my comments at particular individuals. Thus, the lack of specificity in my post. As a newbie to the JRef...
  10. Dan B

    Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    Elizabeth, It seems that our wires have gotten crossed. To clarify, I only referred to Jack and Jill in an effort to answer someone's question about the relevance of the name "Jill." My other remarks were an independent and intentionally vague allusion to some earlier comments which would...
  11. Dan B

    Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water..." "Jill" in this sense is an oblique reference to a nursery rhyme in which, we might generalize, boys are referred to as "Jack" and girls are referred to as "Jill." Regardless, I'm quite new to this board and I therefore hesitate to...
  12. Dan B

    Is McDonald's evil?

    :blush: I was just thinking the same thing... I often get a bit carried away. Sorry! LOL! Dan
  13. Dan B

    Is McDonald's evil?

    I tend to agree, Glenn. I'm generally a Libertarian at heart. We reap what we sow, ね? Dan
  14. Dan B

    Is McDonald's evil?

    Apparently マクドナルド is planning to stop offering its super-sized fries and drinks. I heard something about it on the news, maybe on C-SPAN, so I looked it up on the web and found the following link: Regards, Dan