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  1. C

    Genetic study The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans

    I-L699 is included in the I-L703 Haplogroup. I2a-M223 > P222 > CTS616 > CTS10057 > L702 > S22311 > L703/L699 > PF6902 > L704 > FT384999 (I12471 - Swat Valley, Katelai and I12149 - Swat Valley, Katelai)
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    Genetic study The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans

    The two I2a-FT384999 samples in question are not Burz3 or Burz7, but I12471 - Swat Valley, Katelai and I12149 - Swat Valley, Katelai, both c.850 BCE. They arrived before 850 BCE and are positive for I2a-L702 & L703, the oldest ancient samples of which have been found in Ukraine (upper-Dnieper...
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    Genetic study The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans

    Not just R1a-Z93, but also I2a-L702: Bug–Dniester culture 6300–5000 bce; Dnieper-Donets 5000-4200 bce; Sredny Stog 4500-3500 bce; Yamnaya 3300-2600 bce; Sintashta 2200-1900 bce; Andronovo 2000-1150 bce I2a-M223 > P222 > CTS616 > CTS10057 > L702 > S22311 > L703 > PF6902 > L704 > FT384999 L702...
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    Steppe Ancestry in western Eurasia and the spread of the Germanic Languages

    I was not responding directly to you. You are the one who cast the slur at the authors of the study, basically calling them "Nordicist" racists. How does that contribute to an open and fair discussion of the merits (and demerits) of the study? It doesn't, but is an attempt to poison and torpedo...
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    Steppe Ancestry in western Eurasia and the spread of the Germanic Languages

    I'm assuming no one else is objecting (I hear "crickets") to the casting of this slur (tantamount to being called a Aryanist, Fascist, Nazi, White Nationalist, etc.), because they don't want it to be cast at them. I can only assume that his intention is to poison any open discussion of the...
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    Philosophy Was Nietzsche German or Polish?

    Other than his father, at least four generations of his paternal (Nietzsche) line were born in Burkau, Saxony, in what had been the Mark of Lausitz (March of Lusatia): "The March or Margraviate of Lusatia (German: Mark(grafschaft) Lausitz) was an eastern border march of the Holy Roman Empire in...
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    I2a2b/L38 in Italy?

    You share a common ancestor with testers who trace their ancestors back to the British Isles. Where he lived, other than somewhere north of the Alps, is anyone's guess. You could, for instance, be related to the Latins > Urnfield > Unitice (which also spawned the Celts) or back through the...
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    Philosophy Was Nietzsche German or Polish?

    "There was a legend in the Nietzsche family, to which Friedrich was happy to subscribe, to the effect that they were descended from members of the Polish nobility by the name of “Nietzky,” who had left their homeland to avoid persecution because of their Protestant faith. This gave the family a...
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    Possible Habsburg Y-DNA haplogroup

    "Let's also note that the House of Habsburg-Lorraine is not the same Y-DNA line as the Habsburg. They descend from the Dukes of Lorraine, who themselves descend from the Counts of Metz in the 11th century." - Maciamo.
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    Question Why do so many Atheists like Star Trek and Science Fiction?

    Because there is no God, only the Force. Lucas described himself as being a "Buddhist Methodist". The Buddha, of course, was not a divine being, but a human exemplar.
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    Genetic study The genetic history of Scandinavia from the Roman Iron Age to the present

    I have a YFull SNP Match with an Ola Johnson Viktil, b. 1749 Trondelag, Norway, likely through a common ancestor who lived in Northern Ireland (The Ulaid) c. 650 CE (give or take a couple hundred years). He shares a common ancestor with two Byrnes c. 750 CE. His "Irish" ancestor could have been...
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    When did cooking begin?

    "Critics note that the bones could have also been thrown in the fire to dispose of them, however."
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    The Picts

    Qruithin (Q-Celtic) = Pritane (P-Celtic) = Britania (Latin)
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    Religion Judaism and the Kabbala

    See the "Kabbalah" article in the Encyclopedia Judaica:,%20v.%2011%20(Ja-Kas).pdf -- pp. 585 - 692. The Tree of Life and its Ten Sephiroth map onto the oriental scheme of the Seven Chakras. The Persian/Iranian influence...
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    Ancient Balkans Y-DNA lineages

    Note the Kurdistan "warm" spot.
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    Religion Why is cannibalism glorified by Christianity?

    Buñuel on Transubstantiation (The Milky Way): In other words, an absurd theatre for the masses (the Mass) intended to stimulate irrational belief (faith, or swallowing whole) itself becomes...
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    Maciamo calls U2 "rare" and "ancient", with low numbers spread thinly across Europe, with ancient samples dating back to the Cro-Magnons, etc. U2e is "found in most of Europe and Central Asia / found in Mesolithic Germany and Russia, in Chalcolithic Russia, in the Andronovo culture, among the...
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    Maciamo's I2a2/I2a1b (P214) YDNA Map - How Up-to-Date Is It?

    I got strong pushback on the I-M223 Project's Activity Feed at FTDNA when I referred to Maciamo's I2a2a/i2a1b (P214) YDNA Map: Note that Maciamo states that M223 is 90% of P214. In FTDNA's own Haplotree, M223 makes up 88% of P214's branches, so it looks to scale fairly well, at least in that...
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    The Picts

    If they became geographically isolated from the more southern Brythonic groups, the speech of both would have diverged. If *w- was a retention, could it have been from an earlier stage of Brythonic (Proto-Brythonic?). Brythonic (P-Celtic) and Old Irish (Q-Celtic) would have diverged from each...