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  1. S

    Y-DNA haplogroups of ancient civilizations OFFTOPIC about British I2

    I'm not I2a. From Dr. Ken Nordtvedt "This is the extremely old, upstream haplogroup in I It is M253-, P37.2-, M223-, and S33-. The last SNP tagging means I2* is NOT the haplogroup with 10 at DYS455, 12 at DYS454, and 19-19 at YCAIIa,b. It is S33+ and if tested for the new P214 would be found...
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    Y-DNA haplogroups of ancient civilizations OFFTOPIC about British I2

    Also. You mentioned (correctly) that the British Isles has roughly 1-2% of the total population as I2. From what I've been able to piece together we don't even fall into that statistic as the I2 cited in the percentage is a much younger subclade (associated with Danelaw-types). I believe...
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    Y-DNA haplogroups of ancient civilizations OFFTOPIC about British I2

    Ancient I2 I guess where I'm having a problem with your argument is that you are saying there are haplogroups unique to Spain. Is that a fact? I think there may be subclades that are more prevalent than some but no single one truly defining an ethnicity or culture really anywhere in Europe...
  4. S

    How adventurers, outcasts and remainers shape the evolution of society

    Not sure I agree with the conclusions but it is interesting. The US was settled by the outcasts of Europe- people with nothing going for them. If these people already possessed the agressive gene then why had their family descended to this level in Europe? People came to the US because of...
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    How much of a Neanderthal are you ?

    Neandy-traits Well, I've got freckles galore, red-blond hair, flat finger tips...but that's it.
  6. S

    Irish-looking Tribes in Western China?

    Irish-Spanish connection Well, we can look either ancient or modern. The Irish that I know (namely my wife) believe the term "Black Irish" refers to the survivors of the Spanish Armada, who after being thumped by the British in 1588 limped around Scotland and landed in the first Catholic...
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    Y-DNA haplogroups of ancient civilizations OFFTOPIC about British I2

    I love this info. I know this info comes from ISSOG and not you- but to say that the current population living in an area once inhabited by an ancient one still reflects that ancient one may be a stretch. Probably accurate to a degree but it can稚 be trusted in my opinion unless we are talking...