Rammstein go group, the only song in Spanish is "I love you *****" why?
One consoles himself by considering, that unfortunately there are prostitutes everywhere.
[CITA = Johane Derite; 535819] " Algunos de los santos mencionados anteriormente son principalmente recordados por sus intr?pidos actos de destrucci?n de ?dolos"
ENLACE: https://iconreader.wordpress.com/2012/08/19/saints-who-destroyed- im?genes religiosas /
San Jorge derrota a los ?dolos...
Being intolerant or tolerant is independent of religious or political beliefs, I already have a certain age and in this politics I believe that in any party you find everything and the same happens with atheism or not atheism.
I personally believe in a nation called Spain, but of course I...
Christianity shows us what is good and this is perfectly understood, then the human being does and undoes as he pleases.
But hey, it is not bad to have a north, although later on you do the opposite.
I do not understand the question well, but I understand that there is a dialectic between what the human being is (which is basically selfish) and the Gospels that we can summarize as love for others, in this dialectic sometimes triumphs the pure and hard egoism of the human being and other...
Not only the Catalans, the entire Turdetana_Iberica area adopted Latin very easily.
It could be that in the Iberico_tartesica zone some of the Indo-European languages of the peninsula were spoken at the popular level, being the Iberian a cult and Mediterranean language of the elites, that...
The other day in the forum before the question are the Russians of Europeans? Someone said among other characterists that they were Orthodox Christians.
Religions are also a sign of identity, the Christian church, despite some mistakes, has been and is a sign of European identity, which would...
Of course there are a large number of economic emigrants who went from Murcia and other areas of the south to Catalonia, my grandmother and my aunt lived and died in Catalonia and I still have many familiares in Catalonia, that because the industries and the work are in Catalonia and not in...
In this aspect as I feel Spanish and I believe in the Spanish nation, I am aware of its history is something particular, but in modern Spain of the autonomies we can all be with our singularities in this country.I am from Murcia and the perspective I see from the south of the south in this...
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